This general was stunned by the current look in Kirito's eyes, and then he felt in his heart that Kirito in front of him was strange. If he was careless, he would most likely die here!

When thinking of this, the general also shouted directly at Kirito in front of him: "Go to hell!"

Then the general also held the black long sword in his hand and attacked Kirito constantly!

When Kirito saw that the general was going to attack him again, he sneered, and then dodged again!

But when Kirito dodged just now, he found that the damn general in front of him had attacked him again, and he had forcibly interrupted the previous attack!

However, even if it was like this, Kirito still didn't take it to heart, because he knew that as long as he kept observing this damn general, he would definitely discover more things he didn't know before, and if he could keep discovering, then The better his chances of defeating this damn general!

Therefore, Kirito directly dodged again, but after Kirito dodged, he found that the general in front of him seemed to be crazy and kept attacking him!

Moreover, what made Kirito the most irritating was that the general in front of him was still forcibly interrupting his last attack to attack him!

This made Kirito feel very uncomfortable, because now the general in front of him doesn't even care about his own consumption in order to attack him!

Because Kirito has been observing the general in front of him, he can naturally see the concentration of black energy wrapped in the general in front of him. He found that when the general attacks normally, it does not consume much concentration at all!

However, if the general forcibly interrupts his attack, the black energy on his surface will drop significantly. Although the drop is not much, compared to the little energy consumed by his attack, it is already a lot!

And when Kirito was constantly attacked by this general, he suddenly thought of something!

That is, he was discovered by the general when he was attacking the general just now. If he wants to see what the general is about to find out, then he should try again!

If he didn't try it once, how could the general use that move again? !

When thinking of this, Kirito also quietly condensed a small spiritual power group in his palm!

Afterwards, when he saw the general attacking him again, Kirito also changed his way of dodging. Instead, he did a backflip and flipped over the general's head again. After confirming that it was the general When he was in the blind spot of vision, Kirito also threw the spiritual power group in his hand directly!

Chapter [-] The truth is revealed

And just when the small spiritual force thrown by Kirito was about to hit the general's vital point, the general also reacted instantly, forcibly canceling his just attack, and then directly slashing, killing this general. The small spiritual power group is directly chopped up!

And when Kirito threw his spiritual power group directly, he was also observing the general in front of him. He wanted to see what method the general did to find a blind spot in his body. Something attacked him? !

However, from the time when Kirito threw his spiritual power group to the time when his spiritual power group was directly chopped up, he did not find the general in front of him. Little psychic group? !

And just when the general smashed the spiritual power group that Kirito threw out, he also broke out his momentum again, and then he planned to repeat the same trick, and planned to give Kirito to Zhenfei again. And then make Kirito's body completely unable to move!

However, this time, Kirito was fully prepared. After seeing his small spiritual power group being directly smashed, Kirito also secretly said that it was not good, and then he directly felt the next action of the general. !

When Kirito knew that the general was going to attack him next, Kirito directly opened his spiritual protection shield to the maximum, and then directly resisted the general's imposing attack!

And this general felt bad when he saw that Kirito actually resisted his imposing attack in such a short time. He now feels that the Kirito he is fighting now is even better than the Kirito he fought before. Be smarter!

Although he has always fought against a Kirito, but in his heart, there is a feeling that although Kirito has always been a Kirito, in the past, the feeling of Kirito to him is completely different. different!

When he thought of this, this general also knew the current Kirito, and he was very likely to kill him with confidence!

Therefore, when thinking of this, the general also rushed directly to Kirito again, holding the black long sword in his hand, and then directly slashed at Kirito again!

Kirito frowned when he saw the thin general in front of him slashing towards him, but Kirito frowned not because of the thin general's attack at this moment!

At this time, this skinny general's attack is really nothing in Kirito's eyes. What really counts is what Kirito has been thinking about, which is why this skinny general can know at once. What's behind him? !

Why did this skinny general know that he was going to attack him, and he was able to react so quickly, slashing his black long sword directly and accurately? !

Kirito, who was thinking about these things, also felt very distressed!

At this time, the thin general's attack also came directly in front of him, and Kirito directly avoided the general's attack without any effort!

But this time, the general has mastered a new attack method. This time, when the general attacked Kirito, it was a shock wave. Behind Kirito!

When he noticed the change of the general in front of him, Kirito also frowned. Although he was still able to dodge these attacks, if he wanted to dodge, he could not continue to observe the general in front of him!

However, just when Kirito felt very powerless, he thought of one thing. Although he needs to dodge the attack of the general in front of him with all his heart, his current mental strength is still relatively blank. Yes, he can release his mental power to continue to observe this general!

Moreover, the most important thing is that the spiritual power that Kirito is releasing now does not consume the spiritual power in his own body. That is to say, the spiritual power that Kirito has released now is only for his battle. There will be good, not bad!

Thinking of Kirito here, without any hesitation, he directly released his mental power, and then directly observed the general in front of him!

And Kirito also found that when he activated his spiritual power, it became easier and easier for him to dodge the attack of the general in front of him!

After Kirito activated his mental power, the general felt that something was wrong after attacking several times, because although Kirito was able to dodge his attacks before, Kirito is not dodging like he is now. So simple!

When he thought of this, the general also felt that something was wrong, because the Kirito in front of him, now he felt that Kirito was constantly getting stronger, but he was constantly getting weaker!

Although this general knows that his power is constantly passing, but this general knows that he has this illusion now, not because of the energy that is constantly passing in his body, but because the Kirito in front of him is constantly getting stronger. !

While Kirito keeps getting stronger, the gap with himself is also shrinking. Even this general has a hunch now. If things go on like this, Kirito is likely to be even stronger after fighting with him. he!

Thinking of this general here, I also feel very flustered!

However, when General Yu attacked Kirito dozens of times, he felt that there must be something wrong with the Kirito in front of him, and then he also directly released his own mental power and released his own mental power. After coming out, he felt the existence of another spiritual force!

And the source of another spiritual power is nothing else, it is Kirito who has been fighting with him. He clearly feels that the Kirito in front of him is actually releasing his spiritual power!

This made the general's worry all the time, directly explained, why Kirito suddenly dodged his own attack so easily, why Kirito suddenly became so sensitive, it seems that everything has the answer!

After the general opened his own mental power, Kirito also discovered the general's external mental power for the first time. After feeling the general's external mental power, Kirito also suddenly realized that he was almost abrupt. Forehead shot!

"It turns out that this cunning thing has released its own mental power!"

Chapter [-] Beheading

At this time, Kirito also directly felt his previous stupidity. He finally knew why he had been observing before, but could not observe why this damn general would directly detect his attack, and then he could still strike so accurately!

He actually released his spiritual power!

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