In addition, as Hinata returned to Konoha unharmed, the A-level mission issued by the arsenal system on Kirito also came to a successful conclusion.

Raging Yun Ren, Yeyue Suo, the Fourth Eye Raikage, the Eight-Tailed Man Zhuli, and the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli, they fought with four shadow-level powerhouses, plus Darui, the quasi-shadow, and there are thousands of the lowest. Yun Ninja, who is also at the Chunin level, engages in large-scale battles and is only judged as an A-level mission by the system.This A-level mission is already extremely dangerous for him. Chakra is exhausted, physical strength is exhausted, reincarnation eye pupil strength is exhausted, and finally, in the face of thousands of Yun Ren who stabbed the hornet's nest, had to choose to flee.After escaping from the Land of Thunder, he was already exhausted. If Penn Liu Dao did not come to recruit him and waited for him to recover, but instead attacked directly, the chance of him escaping safely would definitely not exceed [-]%.It is conceivable that Kirito was really on the verge of death in this A-level mission to Yun Ninja.

An A-level mission is still like this. It is conceivable that an S-level mission above it is even more terrifying?

Kirito couldn't help shaking his head at this. Now, there is nothing to worry about. The arsenal system he has always relied on has no reason to abandon it because of danger. , but as a side-by-side with the strongest pupil reincarnation eye.However, the ultimate Boss that awaits him in the future is not just as simple as having the eye of reincarnation.

Therefore, for Kirito, no matter how dangerous and difficult tasks the system issues in the future, he cannot escape and must face them head-on.

Besides, danger often comes with a reward equal to its risk, doesn't it?

Chapter [-] Banshee Veil, Barrett, Excalibur

Chapter [-] Banshee Veil, Barrett, Excalibur

Besides, danger often comes with a reward equal to its risk, doesn't it?

A-level mission completion rewards:

First, all attributes 1

Second, the concept armed ghost cloak upgrade, the banshee veil.

Effect: The resistance to ninjutsu and illusion is greatly improved, and the life energy and recovery power are greatly improved.

Special effects: Get a layer of "Unique Shield" that can completely immunize all Ninjutsu, Illusion, and Immortal Jutsu, regardless of the type or level of the technique, it will be absorbed. If the body is not attacked within 40 seconds, the "Unique Shield" will will refresh.

Third, the Barrett M82A1 anti-material sniper rifle.

Full name: BarrettM82A1

Length: 1448mm

Weight: 129 kg

Magazine: 1020

Muzzle velocity: 853ms

Accurate and effective range: 1850m

Maximum range: 6800m


Fourth, the sword of oath of victory (Excalibur), the legendary King Arthur of Britain got the holy sword Excalibur called "King's Sword" from the fairy of the lake.As a holy sword in mythology, it has unparalleled destructive power, and ordinary weapons cannot collide with its blade at all.Every time a weapon of this level, like Gan Jiang Mo Xie (Projection), collides with the Sword of Oath of Victory, it will cause a great deal of damage to the weapon itself. Under the latter's vigorous swing of the sword, it can be destroyed with a single blow!

Additional skills:

The magic power is released, and the weapon is instantly strengthened by magic power (which can be replaced by equivalent energy), and the "sword beam" that extends the attack range can be released by swinging the sword of vow of victory.

The Wind King Barrier uses the wind to change the refractive index of the light, wrapping the blade of the Sword of Oath of Victory, making it difficult for the enemy to distinguish the length and trajectory of the sword, thus greatly improving the hit rate of the attack.


The Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur) is a sword that stands at the apex in the category of holy swords. It is a holy sword forged by planets rather than humans.It is one of the ultimate god-made weapons that crystallizes inside the planet using people's beliefs as the "Last Phantasm".By converting the owner's mana (energy) into light, it is released from the tip of the downward swinging sword like a beam of light, destroying everything!

The above three pieces of armament are the system rewards for Kirito to complete this A-level mission.As stated earlier, the more dangerous the task, the greater the rewards that come with it.There is no doubt that whether it is the Banshee Veil, Barrett or the Sword of Oath of Victory, they are all impeccable armaments.

First of all, with the Banshee Veil, the passive skill of "Unique Shield", it is immune to one attack of ninjutsu, illusion, and immortality. Although there is only one attack in battle, if the timing is right, this time is enough to turn the victory.You must know the immunity this time, but no matter how big or small the enemy's attack power is, that is to say, a C-rank fire escape fireball is the same as a kaleidoscope S-rank illusion magic moon reading.In addition, the "only shield" of the Banshee Veil does not require any consumption by itself, and is activated all the time. That is to say, in the future, if someone wants to make a sneak attack while Kirito is not paying attention, it will be ineffective.

Barrett, an anti-equipment heavy sniper rifle, the original design, this sniper rifle is not used against people, but against fighter planes and armored vehicles. The power is up to one kilometer away, and it can easily penetrate dozens of Millimeter alloy steel armor, light armored vehicles, can even penetrate directly to the gunner inside, so in the war, the gunner who is huddled in the iron lump must also wear high-strength body armor.Abandoning the original theory, in terms of the current ninja world, the mechanical steel industry is backward, and Sand Ninja's so-called strongest defense puppet Sanjiao fish is like a piece of paper in front of Barrett.Also, using this kind of anti-equipment heavy-duty sniping to deal with people, even a ninja whose physical strength is far superior to ordinary people, presumably not many people can resist it, right?Judging from the previous M700 that can penetrate Gaara's absolute defense (close-range shooting), Barrett, who is not sure how many times more destructive than the M700, must have been shot by surprise, and the ordinary shadow level is also very good. May have to kneel.

Of course, at the level of Kirito, the enemies he faces are undoubtedly of solid shadow-level strength, and the shadow-level and below are not a threat at all in his eyes, so he does not count.The enemy he has dealt with along the way, Kirito himself is not a ninja, but his understanding of ninjas can be regarded as a taste.Powerful ninjas have a kind of foreknowledge of the arrival of a crisis, especially if they have rich combat experience and the greater the degree of crisis, the stronger the foreknowledge.Therefore, Kirito estimates that even if the initial velocity of the bullet is twice the semisonic speed, if it is shot at a long distance, it is still difficult to accurately hit these powerhouses with shadow-level strength.It's not that their speed is amazing and their ability to move at supersonic speed, but it is entirely out of the supernormal potential that ninjas have in the face of life and death. This is also Kirito's in-depth understanding of ninjas.For example, a ninja similar to Hatake Kakashi is omnipotent in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and illusion, and the amount of chakra is a little less, but the quasi-shadow is appropriate. ranks.However, Kakashi was shot in the face by Barrett, and the latter's physical strength was severely disabled even if he didn't die.Barrett's lethality, probably.

The Sword of Promised Victory, in this ninja world, in terms of weapons, there is basically nothing that can confront it head-on. The Kunai Shuriken is like crisp paper, and the chakra knife may be able to block a few times. Orochimaru's Kusanagi Swords are not good either, but the Kusanagi sword and the chakra sword formed by injecting the flow of chakra should be able to collide with the sword of the oath of victory.As for the nirvana, it is certain that no one in the ninja world can take this blow head-on, and neither can a tailed beast. A complete tailed beast can be eliminated with a single blow!

Chapter [-]: Tuying's Plan

Cloud Ninja Village, Raikage Building.

"What's going on?! Why did you withdraw, and who told you to withdraw?" Raikage was roaring angrily in the first seat, but his normally strong body was now panting after shouting for a while. Hu, his face turned pale, "Cough cough... Darui! You, you are so bold, you even misappropriated my Lei Yingying letter privately..."

At this time, Raikage had bandages all over his body, like a mummy, especially the left arm, which was tightly bound with splint bandages inside and out. Although this image is a bit exaggerated, it is actually a No exaggeration at all.You know, the Raikage that day was hit by the destruction of Kirito's "Thousands of Sakura Jingyan End King White Emperor Sword". , plus Yun Ren's thousands of reinforcements arrived after hearing the news, the enemy had to temporarily avoid the edge.The Yun Ren people who came at that time were too horrified to speak when they saw the battlefield that was full of desolate people and the Raikage who had his arm cut off. However, Yun Ren's people also took remedial actions very quickly. The medical ninja managed to save Raikage's left arm with all his might.

Now, although Raikage's left arm seems to have been reattached on the surface, the slash damage to the broken surface of the arm is too great, and the muscles and veins have been severely damaged.Therefore, even if the injury can be healed in the future, presumably this arm is a bit disadvantageous.

Raikage also clearly understands his physical condition. Losing an arm is nothing to him, but in his opinion, the most unacceptable thing is that he was cut off in public by an arm, and in the final result. , but failed to defeat the enemy. After waking up from a coma, he heard the news that Hiuga Kirito had left Yun Ninja safely and killed one of their Yun Ninja team on the way. The news was almost furious. Shadow passed out again.

The grumpy Raikage had suffered such a big loss, so naturally he would not swallow his anger. After recovering some physical strength, he immediately convened a high-level meeting of Yun Ren.However, now, he has learned another piece of news that made him furious.

It turned out that in the fourth generation of Yun Ren, Raikage was seriously injured and in a coma, Yun Ren's big and small matters were temporarily handled by Yun Ren Chao Shangren Darui. Injury, after a little treatment and recovery, coupled with Yun Renxue's status as the right-hand man of the wealthy family and Raikage, Darui was undoubtedly temporarily recommended by everyone to replace Raikage.During his role as Raikage, Darui ordered the withdrawal of the ninja forces that Yun Nin had deployed on the border between the Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire.

"Boss... Please calm down, your injury is not healed yet, so don't get too angry." Seeing Raikage's blood surging, Darui couldn't help calmly persuade him.

"Calm down?! How can you make me calm down! I can't wait to lead the entire army to attack Konoha and kill all the Hyuga clan!" Lei Ying shouted in a rage.

"Impossible... During the prosperous period of our village, we were able to barely suppress Konoha, who was in a weak stage. Now after that battle... Our village's combat power has been weakened by a very important part. On the contrary, the Konoha authorities , After the five generations of Hokage gradually took over, the construction of the village has gradually recovered from the shadow of the war with the sound and sand ninja..." Darui said helplessly, "Also, after that incident, the country of Thunder has The Daming House has also begun to have opinions on us..."

Hearing Darui's truthful report, Raikage also fell silent for a while. Although he was a little grumpy, he was not a fool and understood that everything the former said was true.And the former, as his cronies and right and left hands, has long been designated as the fifth generation of Yun Ren to cultivate, so the knowledge of being a "shadow" was also instilled in Darui early, plus the senior management of Yun Ren's older generation. Auxiliary, Darui's decision to withdraw troops is also well-founded.


Rock Ninja Village, Tsuchikage Building.

"Tutai, send the order down, and let the troops who crossed Qingyanling (the border between the land of soil and the land of fire) retreat in place..."

"Hoohoo old man, I've been put together!" Sitting unrestrainedly beside Tuying, one hand was still on the latter's shoulder, the speaker was a young girl, but in the whole rock ninja In the village, only his granddaughter, Heitu, dared to mock Tu Ying in such a tone.

"Humph! The bad boy of Yunren Village has also been treated miserably..." A cold light flashed in the old Tu Ying's eyes, and then he said in a deep voice, "I really didn't expect that Konoha has such an incredible little boy again. The devil... Kirito Hinata... Such a style reminds me of Madara Uchiha back then! But well, hey! That little devil doesn't seem to be very friendly with Konoha either..."

"Master! The mysterious military mercenary organization you mentioned earlier, Xiao, didn't you mean that he entrusted the task to snatch away the white eyes sent to Yun Ren? Haha, did you fail? I said that you old man was deceived, How can there be so many characters with mysterious interests in this world."

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