"I..." Sasuke raised his head and wanted to say something, but when he saw Orochimaru's generosity to him on weekdays, and his rare murderous intent, he couldn't help but stagnate, and he closed his mouth and didn't dare to say any more. sentence.

Xiang Lin, who hid away early, also looked at Sasuke with a look of contempt, thinking in his heart, where is this guy funny, there are terrifying Chakras everywhere, but he is a little inferior Deidara, who is one of the best, is by no means an opponent that Sasuke's level can provoke.As Orochimaru thought, people can turn you over in seconds with just one move!

At this very strange moment, Jiraiya, who had been silent for a long time without speaking, spoke up, "Xiao... Orochimaru, although I don't know what kind of grievances the two of you have, but Sasuke Uchiha is my Konoha. ninja, I need his safety here and take him away..."

Regarding Jiraiya's words, Orochimaru sneered, shook his head, and said lightly, "Jiraiya, if you want someone, then use your strength to grab it!"

In addition, Jiraiya's words not only aroused the hostility of Orochimaru, but also provoked a strong reaction from Scorpion and Deidara!

"Hey... the white-haired old man! You mentioned Xiao just now..." Deidara narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Orochimaru... hum! And all of you present, don't even think about leaving today..." Scorpio obviously didn't intend to let go of what Jiraiya knew of Akatsuki.

A chaotic battle mixed with three parties is about to break out!

Chapter [-] Scorpion vs Orochimaru vs Jiraiya!

Chapter [-] Scorpion VS Orochimaru VS Jiraiya


Huge explosions can be clearly felt even from great distances.The violent vibration from the ground, the chakra mixed in the airflow.

"..." Going to the country of Tian, ​​Xiao organized one of the branches, and Kirito discovered the battle in the distance.

"Huh?!" The information from his mind, the latest mission released by the arsenal system.

"Is that so... It's really a strange task. It actually puts me on that side of the camp, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, in this ninja world, I'm not affiliated with any force." Kirito received it. After the new mission, he did not act immediately, but sat down in place.

"Barrett (barrettM82A1)!"

Gray-green, with a body of more than one meter in length, an exaggerated caliber of 127mm, and a Barrett anti-equipment heavy sniper rifle, Kirito is also the first time to take out this as a hot weapon, which is also a terrorist killer with first-class lethality.There are dozens of warheads scattered on the ground, which are about the thickness of a thumb and three-quarters of the length of a palm.

"Crack" the bullet is loaded!


"Eight waves of Fei Liuhu needles!" The ultra-high-density poisonous needles and stingers fired from the mouths of Fei Liuhu's human puppets are not the mechanical mechanisms inside the ordinary puppets, but are driven by some kind of spell that stores the sealing technique. , the ejection speed is far from the ordinary organ shooting comparable!

"Ninja Random Lion's Hair Technique!" Jiraiya also used his own unique secret technique, the hair lengthened, wrapped around the whole body, and through the fine control of chakra, each hair was erected and had metal-level hardness, Become like a hedgehog with both offense and defense.

Jiraiya also resisted all the scorpion's hidden weapon attacks.

On the other hand, the attack range of the scorpion also includes Orochimaru, but compared to Jiraiya's magic resistance, Orochimaru has no resistance at all, just standing like this, letting the dense Poisonous needles pierced all over his body.The hidden weapon pierced the skin, and the toxin that was instantly quenched quickly infected the skin, making the originally pale skin of Orochimaru quickly plated with a layer of purple-black.

"Haha, did you change the formula of the poison? This poison is far more powerful than a few years ago." Orochimaru smiled lightly, and saw its skin wriggling for a while, and then all the needles pierced into it fell off. At the same time, I saw that he channeled a syringe from a scroll in his hand. After injecting an unknown liquid into his wrist, he saw that the infected purple-black toxin on his skin also quickly subsided. .

Scorpion was not surprised that Orochimaru easily defused his poison. A few years ago, he knew that Orochimaru was also a master of poison, even though he had changed the formula of the poison. , greatly enhanced the strength of the toxin, but now it seems that the anti-toxin ability of Orochimaru has also been further improved.

At this time, what the scorpion was watching was Jiraiya in front of him. After a moment of silence, he came up with the relevant cognition from the information in his mind, "Wearing a forehead guard with oil characters, under the corner of the eye, The tear-stained eye shadow, and the secret technique of this hair... I didn't expect that you, an ordinary-looking old man, turned out to be the legendary Jiraiya, one of the three Konoha Sannin just like Orochimaru..." Scorpion has never seen Jiraiya, but from his appearance and the characteristics of ninjutsu, he quickly recognized Jiraiya who was famous in the ninja world.However, even though Scorpio clearly knew Jiraiya's identity, he didn't have the slightest sense of fear or withdrawal.

"The average-looking old man... It's really a disrespectful name! I am Miaomushan Big Toad Immortal Jirai, too!" Jirai said with a half-open joke, and then his face was slightly put away, and he pondered. Said, "It's a pity, if you use Sand Ren's S-rank betrayal and genius puppet master Chisha Scorpion, as an enemy, you can't make fun of it..."

Scorpion recognizes Jiraiya, and in the past few years, Jiraiya, who has traveled around the ninja world and collected information everywhere, naturally knows some information about Scorpion.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka" turned the mechanism on his wrist, and a row of saws stood upright, Scorpion indifferently glanced at Jiraiya and Orochimaru in front of him, and said solemnly, "Then, all of you who are also Sannin, Are you planning to join forces against me?"

"Haha, although I really want to say it's a companion, but this gloomy guy here doesn't seem to pay any attention to me." Zilai also spread his hands helplessly and continued, "My purpose is to take Sasuke Uchiha away, even now If you say exit, you won't let us leave, will you?"

"Hmph! That kid's business is irrelevant, but...you know Akatsuki's information, in this case, you can't let you go easily." Scorpion said coldly.

"Hey! Scorpion, I haven't seen each other for many years, and I'm still as tough as ever. Although I won't join forces with that idiot, if you insist on fighting one against two, you're probably going to kill yourself." Orochimaru sneered.

"One against two? Are you overthinking things too simple?" Scorpion sneered.

Zilai also frowned, and then his eyes turned to the other side, his eyes moved slightly, "Is that young man..."

Seeing the battle situation over there, Orochimaru also showed a surprised look, and said solemnly, "Isn't it just an ordinary kid? Indeed, someone who can be seen by Xiao is not an ordinary person."


"Boom!" An explosion sounded with a shout, and a figure rushed out.

"Putong" Douche seemed a little embarrassed to support one knee on the ground, his body was torn apart by the impact of the explosion, but the injuries on his body were healed quickly.

"Humph! Medical ninjutsu? Before the caster is attacked, it predicts the part of the body that will be attacked, and quickly concentrates Chakra on this part. While offsetting part of the damage, it can also automatically heal the wound. Yin Healing This is a Yang Dun that is higher than the Palm Immortal Art, um, it's quite capable, the subordinate of the mere Orochimaru!" Deidara said indifferently.

"It's an ironic compliment, it's obviously a junior who is five or six years younger than me..." Dou wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth and said solemnly.

"Junior?" Deidara said disdainfully, "Don't put on a senior's attitude. The gap between you and me is not only in terms of strength, but also in the field of art." Pulling his hands into the pockets on both sides of his waist, he gnawed at the clay filled with a lot of chakra.

"Ninja Manipulation!" A large amount of mud-like clay was spit out from the palms and mouths of both hands, and fell to the ground like cement, and then quickly grew into two strange-shaped clay dolls.

"..." Looking at the clay doll that looked a little funny when he walked up and down, there was no smile on his face, and he said solemnly, "If this is a toy, it must be very dangerous..."

Dou clearly knows that he is by no means the opponent of Deidara in front of him, but his purpose is not to defeat Deidara, as long as he slows his footsteps.

"This is really a difficult task..." Dou said with a wry smile, his hands condensed a layer of light chakra film, this is Yang Dun, the chakra is concentrated in the hand, you can cut any part of the body for further medical treatment, use In combat, you can attack the enemy by interrupting the opponent's chakra meridian or cutting the tendon.

Chapter [-] Three-party fierce battle!

"Pfft" heavy fists, punched to the flesh.

"Sasuke... guwa!" Naruto was crushed and beaten by Sasuke in the taijutsu.

"Humph!" Facing Naruto's call, Sasuke ignored him at all. Compared with the battle with Naruto in the Valley of the End a year ago, Sasuke's strength was also strong after a year of training on Orochimaru's side. With an obvious special upgrade, in terms of physical skills, to deal with Naruto, you don't even need to write round eyes.

"Putong" received more than a dozen punches in a row, and Naruto was knocked to the ground heavily. Ordinary ninjas can't afford to fall to the ground as usual, but only Naruto has the powerful resilience of the undead little strong of the whirlpool family. Can stand up.

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