Naruto or Kirito...

Sasuke couldn't help but let out an extremely unwilling roar in his heart, "I gave up everything I got in exchange... What's the point?"

Kirito didn't pay any attention to the thoughts of all parties. The only response he could do now was to shoot the final shot at the monster with a catastrophic aura in front of him.

He raised the gun body more than one meter long, locked the target in front of him through the eyepiece, and the sight fell on the opponent's chest.

There is no gorgeous and intense fighting process, and there is no entanglement time for each other's moves against each other.

It all ended in an instant.

At this moment, a scene that subverted the cognition of ninjas happened.

"Bang!" The monster-level battle came to an end in an instant with a huge and dull slamming sound.

Chapter [-] Jiraiya also erupts!

The battle of Kirito VS Kyuubito Zhuri came to an end with this huge sound of gunfire.

The bullet was shot from Barrett at an initial speed of 846ms, a speed that exceeded the limit of human beings, and it was still at such a close distance that even a strong shadow-level strength might be difficult to avoid.

Everyone only heard a huge and unknown sound, and what followed was the force of the pillar not far away, as if being hit by something from the front, the whole person flew backwards heavily!

"Pfft bang!" He fell heavily to the ground, and at the same time, the floor behind his body seemed to have penetrated, and a small pothole was blasted in the ground.

"Goooooo..." From the surface, it's hard to tell how much damage he suffered, but after being shot, as a man who is terrifying with his defensive vitality, it's actually difficult to stand up.I saw Naruto Five Tails struggling to get up from the ground at this time, but his body trembled, but he fell to the ground in an embarrassment, looking like he couldn't even stand up.

The man Zhuli, who was still imposing a moment ago, was overturned in the next second. The dramatic and rapid transformation of the scene in front of him was really dazzling.

At the same time, the next unimaginable scene happened. I saw that in the next moment, the extremely strong crimson tailed beast Chakra on Naruto was quickly fading away, and finally only a faint layer of light remained. The crimson demon fox's clothes are wrapped outside.

Barrett's blow turned Naruto, who was in the second state of the tail beast, back to the first state of the clothes of the demon fox.But soon, the demon fox robe covering Naruto also slowly gathered up, and finally converged on the huge wound on his chest.

Kirito's eyes moved slightly, and then he couldn't help but whisper, "In the end, the tailed beast Chakra of the Demon Fox's Clothes was all used to repair wounds, plus the resilience of the whirlpool clan's so-called immortal little strong, in front of Barrett. I have to say that the world of ninjas is so appalling." Of course, Kirito didn't want to kill Naruto on purpose, although he didn't have much friendship with Naruto, the latter Life and death have nothing to do with him, but he has no reason to hurt Naruto. Killing without a reason for action is not Kirito's character.Therefore, whether it was the sword edge of the Sword of Victory in front of him or the Barrett just now, he kept a hand in the dark. At least in the shot just now, he was sure to avoid Naruto's vital point. shot.

Of course, using an anti-material heavy sniper rifle like Barrett to hit people is a cruel and terrifying thing in itself. This kind of destructive firearm does not need to care about aiming at the vital parts of the human body, only One shot, even if it is a hand or foot, is hit, and the death rate is as high as 97 or more.This is a terrifying killer that can literally kill the enemy with a single shot.

The physical strength of a ninja is indeed different from that of a normal human, but no matter how strong the ninja's body is, it can't compare to those tens of millimeters of alloy steel plates, right?Within a kilometer range, Barrett can easily penetrate nearly 50mm of armored steel plate!

The immortal body of the whirlpool clan, plus the nine-tailed demon fox, the strongest of the nine tailed beasts, and the power of the strongest tailed beast.Naruto's defense is indeed terrifying, even reaching the point where he can resist Barrett.But unfortunately, Barrett in Kirito's hands, each bullet is improved by strengthening the quality of magic, and the lethality has been improved a lot.In this way, Naruto Wuwei was overturned by a single shot, which was also expected.

"This..." The visual impact of the scene in front of him was not too great. After all, he only heard this resounding gunshot, and vaguely saw a spark passing by in front of him.However, the following results were terrifying. Even the shadow-level powerhouses were very difficult to deal with, and they were knocked down by this blow. prototype.

"Whoosh" Jiraiya's figure flashed, and he quickly came to the side of Naruto who fell unconscious, possessed himself to probe, and then secretly let out a breath of relief.

The abdomen has a huge penetrating injury, and the internal organs have been injured to varying degrees in many places. What an amazing lethality, so even if you don't need to hit the key point, it is enough to destroy a person's body.If it weren't for Naruto being a member of the Uzumaki clan, and if it were other people Zhuli, he would have lost his life under this attack!

Thinking of his beloved disciple, he was almost killed, and Jiraiya also had a strong murderous intention at this time, and his eyes were locked on Kirito not far away.

Kirito shrugged and said lightly, "Just glaring at me, instead of rushing up to me desperately, it seems that Naruto is fine."

"Bang!" The ground was blasted with a kick, and Jiraiya's figure disappeared in place!

With a move of his right hand, the airflow gathered in his hand to cover up the holy sword in his hand. Facing Jiraiya who suddenly burst out and rushed in front of him, Kirito died without giving up and swung out a sword.

"Whoosh" I saw that Jiraiya's figure was short, and the sharp sword edge took away a few strands of white hair on his head, and escaped his blow in a thrilling manner.

"Swish, swish, swish!" When Kirito missed a hit, he swung a series of sword flowers at him one after another, but at the same time, Jiraiya managed to dodge all of them without missing a beat.

"Huh? This guy, can you see the Ex wrapped in the wind king's barrier?" Jiraiya's skills are surprisingly agile, Kirito is also a little surprised, but when he sees Jiraiya in front of him, it is tightly closed Eyes, condensed with one hand.It was soon noticed the reason.

"Heavenly cover the magic circle! Expand a spherical detection barrier around yourself, and the caster can freely expand the detection barrier and fully grasp the space things in the barrier."

Chapter [-] Sheng Zilai

Heaven Covering Formation!Spread out a spherical detection barrier around oneself as the center, and the caster can freely expand the detection barrier to fully grasp the spatial things in the barrier.

By developing the perception barrier, Jiraiya can not only see the body of the Ex blade in Kirito's hand, but also capture the trajectory of the blade's attack, so that he can use the amazing speed in the immortal mode to completely eliminate Kirito's attacks. dodged.

Kirito's eyes narrowed slightly, and then the figure took a step back, posing a mysterious posture.

"Huh?! That's it!" Now Jirai can clearly see Kirito's every move, and at the same time, he is no stranger to this posture of Kirito.

"The Dance of the Three Suns and Moons of Konoha-ryu Swordsmanship!"

The figure is divided into three parts, and the three figures of sword thrust, sword cut, and sword split attack Jiraiya from three different directions, and the three are different attack actions, making it difficult to resist at one time.

However, Jirai is by no means an ordinary person. I saw Immortal Zhima on his right shoulder, his mouth swelled, and then he spit out into the ground, "The immortal wind escapes sand!"

"Puff" a large stream of sand and dust instantly deprived the field of vision.

"These sand dusts..." Kirito frowned, feeling in vain that the sand dust was not just as simple as blocking the vision. The whole sand dust was filled with the chakra of immortality, just like white porridge. It is sprinkled with chili powder, and what you eat in your mouth is chili instead of porridge. The magic chakra in the sand is not aggressive, but it is very mild and sticky, making it difficult to distinguish other chakras from it. Carat breath, so as to achieve the effect of blinding perception.

"Magic release!" Kirito instantly exploded the huge sword pressure of Ex, and used the huge energy spread to disperse the fog of sand and dust that obstructed his vision.

"Is it there!" Kirito's eyes flashed brightly, he didn't need to completely dispel the sand and dust, he just had to dilute it to the point where he could see the target.


Kirito's figure instantly came to the figure in the mist, and the Ex in his hand stabbed the latter's chest fiercely.

"Huh?!" There was an obvious piercing feeling, but when Kirito raised his head to look, he couldn't help but be stunned, only to see a big toad standing upright in front of him.

Feeling the terrifying temperature coming from the top of his head, Kirito immediately looked up subconsciously.

I saw that Jiraiya used the cover of the sand and dust just now and the inducement of the toad stand-in, and he jumped into the air without knowing it.

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