"..." After Orochimaru left, Scorpion said in a low voice, "I will tell the leader exactly about this."

Kirito shrugged and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, Nagato won't bother with me about such trivial matters. Speaking of which, Akatsuki, you should feel very satisfied with my level of combat power."

"Cut! It's really arrogant, obviously just a newcomer. Also, who is Nagato?" Deidara said unhappily, and then his eyes could not help but fall on the incense phosphorus that Kirito snatched from Orochimaru. Doubtfully, "In exchange for letting Orochimaru go, only take away such an ordinary little girl?"

"Eh?!" Feeling Deidara's unkind gaze, Xianglin stepped back subconsciously, looking a little frightened. With her strong perception, she could clearly feel Deidara, who looked a little careless. The man has a very powerful chakra. When he was in his prime, he was not much worse than the man who ran wild before.Therefore, it is only natural that the fragrance will be afraid.

Seeing Xianglin's cowardice and fright, Deidara felt even more disdain, and his mouth moved, as if he wanted to say something sarcastic, but at this time, Kirito's raised muzzle pressed against his chin, Immediately, Deidara swallowed the words below.

Kirito narrowed his eyes, with a light smile on his face, and said softly, "Don't try to scare my people, if you don't want the part above your mouth to be blown away."

"Gu" was resisted by the hard muzzle. He had witnessed the power of that thing with his own eyes. Deidara had no doubt that if he was hit head-on by that thing, he would be dead.Immediately, he couldn't help but turn his eyes for help to Scorpion, and said anxiously, "Hey, Brother Scorpion, you won't just watch your companions being bullied like this, right?"

Scorpion didn't appreciate it at all, and said coldly, "Who is your companion? Just an idiot, trying to compare yourself to me?"

"Scorpion! You bastard!" Deidara widened his eyes and said angrily, "Believe it or not, I'm using C0 here!"

"Hmph, before you blew yourself up, your head would have been blown away." Scorpion struck mercilessly.

"You... uh ah" Before Deidara's words were finished, Kirito impatiently stabbed him with the muzzle, then he slowly put it away, and said indifferently, "How could I be so impulsive? , how about killing senior as soon as you come in? Don't worry, a third of what you just said was a joke."

Deidara's eyes widened suddenly, and he said angrily, "Doesn't that mean that more than half of them are serious!"

Kirito shook his head and stopped talking nonsense to Deidara. Anyway, the deterrent meaning just now has achieved its purpose.

"Okay, now, let's go back to the nearby branch to report."


In this way, the small episode of Jiraiya Orochimaru and others was solved, and the fragrance was taken away by the way. Kirito went with Scorpio and Deidara to a branch of Akatsuki near the land of the land to report.

The group walked on the mysterious and unknown underground passage, the passage was intricate, but Scorpion and Deidara knew exactly what route to take.

It must be a specific password that only Akatsuki members can know.

"Go through the stone gate in front of you," Deidara said lightly.

Xianglin followed closely beside Kirito, and suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he whispered to Kirito, "There is no one around here, but there are a few strange things in there. Chakra reaction..."

"Really?" Kirito's eyes moved slightly, and then he quickly thought of something.

"..." Although Xiang Lin's words were very soft, they did not escape the ears of Scorpion and Deidara. Scorpion glanced at her in surprise, but Deidara said with a little thought, " Is it a ninja of the perception system...but it can sense this level...is this the reason why this little girl is favored?"


Through a special cipher technique, Deidara unlocked the Shimen's technique.

"Ka Ka Ka" The stone gate with the earth tunnel inside rose automatically, and Kirito and his party entered it.

"It's really slow to die, Scorpion, Deidara! It takes so long to solve a crippled Orochimaru! It's really bad!" As soon as he entered the door, someone was chirping, but Kirito recognized the voice and spoke. It's the flying segment.


Following behind Scorpion and Deidara, Kirito and Xianglin also walked into the stone gate together, only to see an empty cave dwelling in front of them, with a total of eight illusory figures standing in them.The few people here are the core members of the Akatsuki organization, Payne, Xiaonan, Jue, Uchiha Itachi, Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark, Jiaodu, Feiduan, Deidara, Scorpion!

Kirito glanced to the side, and did not find the masked man, and couldn't help but guess, "It seems that at this time, Ah Fei (Uchiha Obito) has not officially appeared in Xiao."

"Shut up! Feiduan!" Jiao Du scolded Feiduan for being silent.

"Hey! Has a new member joined?" The dried persimmon ghost shark laughed, "It is rumored that there is a big trouble with Konoha, and there is Kirito Hyuga who turned the whole Yun Ren upside down by himself, but unexpectedly it is like this A boy..."

"Hehe, Mr. Dead Fisheye, do you dare to take the sword of my boy?" Kirito retorted.

"It's the same as Hidean said, he's a hot guy." The dried persimmon shark seemed to make a move to remove the shark muscle sword on his back, but he thought of the current state of chakra mirror image and couldn't help but give up .

But at this time, Uchiha Itachi, who was standing beside him, said unexpectedly, "Be quiet, ghost shark. Don't make unnecessary provocations. That one over there has been personally tested by the leader, and there is no need to doubt his strength. ."

"Well, and also defeated Jiaodu and Feiduan." Deidara responded to Feidan's sarcasm just now and said coldly.

"You!" Feiduan was instantly furious.

"Okay, let's end the boring quarrel." It was Payne who spoke at the head. As the leader of the Akatsuki organization on the bright side, he had the power to absolutely suppress everyone. Speaking of which, now this member has come from thousands of miles away. , To be able to gather together to hold a meeting, it also relies on Payne's S-class forbidden magic magic trick.

Chapter [-] Tough Attitude

"The self-introduction of the new members is unnecessary. The information has been shared. Then, let's talk about the assignment of tasks."

"Wait, boss." Just as Payne was about to assign the task, Feiduan raised an objection.

"What's your opinion, Feiduan?"

Feiduan raised his hand, pointed at Xiang Phosphorus next to Kirito, and said with a bit of yin and yang, "It seems inappropriate to discuss such an important confidential matter and to have such an irrelevant little girl present? Haha, the one next to him is also Just a little kid."

Payne glanced at Kirito, indicating his position.

Kirito glanced at Feiduan coldly, and said indifferently, "She is my subordinate, do you have any opinion? Fake Mr. Death?"

Feiduan was stunned for a while, and then he was called by Kirito as a fake god of death. He immediately jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and said angrily, "What are you talking about! How dare you blaspheme the Heretic God Cult? High Priest, I will curse you!"

"Shut up, Feiduan!" Jiao Du, as always, was tired of Feiduan's silence, and couldn't help but scolded again.

"Okay, since Kirito has already said that he belongs to him, he is responsible for any problems. Also, pay attention to your words, Feiduan." Payne said lightly.


"What happened this time, ghost shark?"

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