It is not easy for Akatsuki to sneak into the village of Kirin. The force is not a problem, but the problem is that Akatsuki is not trying to attack Kirin, but quietly sneak in and steal the required information.Considering the difficulty of these infiltrations, Payne temporarily put the Kirin at the end. If it doesn't work, he plans to send Uchiha Itachi and Kazuki Oni on the Kirin.Infiltrating and stealing information is not something that happens overnight. As Akatsuki's most powerful "combination of power", Uchiha Itachi and Kazuki Oni are Akatsuki's strongest personal combat power. If the combat power is insufficient, the action captured by the human column force may have to be delayed.But now, the addition of Kirito has also allowed Xiao to completely solve the problem of insufficient combat power. As for Kirito's strength, Payne has personally tested it, and there is no need to doubt it at all, so he entrusted him to do the most difficult infiltrating task. , also after Payne weighed the decision again and again.

Kirito and Kaolin are walking on the road to the horse head on the east coast of the border of the water country. Because Kaolin has the unique and strongest perception ability in the ninja world, on this mission, Kirito also brought her along. .

On the wide avenue, Kirito and Xianglin were just like that, and swaggered towards the horse's head leading to the sea, the border of the country of water.

Xianglin stood on tiptoe and looked at the horse's head, which was closely guarded by the fog, and couldn't help shrinking his head. Then he asked Kirito beside him suspiciously, "Kirito... Are we sneaking in?"

"Calm down, Xianglin. We are just young travelers traveling around the world. Using your abilities, I believe it's easy to get past the perceptive ninjas of the mist ninja."

Chapter [-] Wanted by the two countries

Dongpu City is located in the border area between the country of fire and the country of thunder, but in fact, it is indeed the territory of the country of water, because Konoha and Yun Ninja have the most military conflicts in history. In the previous three Ninja World Wars, each Once there was a battle between Konoha and Yunin.Perhaps it is for this reason that both sides avoid territorial borders, so both parties have no interest in this Dongpu Wharf, which is regarded as a military buffer zone, but as a country of water that is isolated overseas, it is very interested in this place. interested.

The coastline of Dongpu City is delayed and the waters are deep. It is a natural harbor. The sea route is the main external traffic of the Land of Water. Therefore, there is no doubt that in the early years, Wu Ninja was the military control of this city with many docks.

Although the scale of the town is not comparable to those of the big cities on the mainland, it is still much stronger than ordinary civilian settlements, and because it is in the land of fire and the land of thunder, it can be called the land of water. At the junction of the three countries, the commercial geography is of great significance. Therefore, hundreds of business groups from various countries have been stationed here for a long time. Since there are business groups, there must be ninjas hired from Ninja Village, which has injected a steady stream of popularity into this town. .

Dongpu City is west of the city gate. The flow of people almost blocked the city gate. Not far from the west gate, there is the endless, flat road. There are a dozen or dozens of people in a group of business travelers. Just like an ant moving house, it keeps going in and out here.

"Bah, it's really bad luck today, I lost two brothers, I just slaughtered a B-rank Mistin and Rebellion, and I searched for a few broken kunwu and shuriken, and the guy will earn a bounty as soon as he is poor. Jin's words won't even pay for the settlement of the brothers' family!" Outside the city gate, seven or eight big men covered in blood scolded and walked out, and on the carriage frame behind them, there was a corpse. The symbol of betrayal and forbearance has drawn a mark on the forehead of the mist-nin, it can be seen that this person is a betrayal from the village of mist-nin.

"If this bastard has a few detonating talismans or psychic scrolls in his pocket, it can be exchanged for more than ten or two hundred thousand in the black market!" A big man said with a face full of reluctance.

"Exploding Talisman? If this guy has this thing, it's not just two people who die. This guy is also a Chunin." A man who seemed to be the leader spat and cursed.

These people are considered a small team of bounty hunters. They are all wandering ninjas who do not belong to any faction, and transfer this kind of bounty quest to hunt down and escape for the ninja village.Because they have not been educated by the orthodox ninja of the ninja village, they are not young, but they are probably only the strength of the ninja to the ninja, that is, the body is stronger.Speaking of escaping ninja, most of the people who can successfully escape from the pursuit of ninja village have those two brushes, right?Therefore, the weaker wandering ninjas each formed a small team to make up for the lack of personal combat power.

"Hey, haven't you heard of that? There is no need to fight the bounty quest jointly released by the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire, as long as the person who provides clues will be able to get a bounty of more than one million, and even give away another copy. B-level ninjutsu scrolls, we will try our luck anytime, and if we make a vote, we can rest for a year and a half." A thin man wiped the blood on his face, hehe laughed, when When he mentioned this reward, his eyes flashed with unconcealed greed, "If we can kill him, hundreds of millions will be enough for us to live happily for a lifetime!"

"Dashan, are you stupid for going to a woman?" The leading man glanced at him coldly, and pouted: "Don't you know who the reward is? Hiuga Kirito! The one who made trouble with Yun Ren, and Overwhelm Raikage and defeat the two terrifying figures of Zhuli! Even Jiraiya, one of the Konoha Sannin, was repelled by him! The super S-level rebel ninja wanted by the two countries, his head is bigger than Naruto It's even more expensive, breaking the record of the bounty list..."

"Hey, I'm just talking for fun, how could that kind of person be bumped into by us." The skinny man said embarrassingly: "But I heard that Huo and Lei two countries have already issued the wanted order across the country, like this The tempting conditions are really exciting... Also, according to the information from the black market, that Hiuga Kirito seems to be preparing to go to the land of water recently..."

"These things have something to do with us? Don't do those innocent daydreams all day long. Even if you meet, can you still carry your broken samurai sword and stop them?" The leader sneered. Said: "Don't linger, hurry back to the city for Lao Tzu, rest for a day, and continue to work hard the day after tomorrow, otherwise, let's eat the northwest wind!"

Following the shouting and scolding of the leader, several men covered in blood had no choice but to mumble a few times, shouting and walking towards the inner city gate.

Followed by the crowd of men.Kirito and Xianglin walked on the avenue just like that, without any concealment at all.

"Kirito... Your information seems to have been leaked?" Xianglin asked strangely.

Kirito squinted his eyes slightly, and thoughtfully said, "No need to say about Yun Ren, the whole village can't wait to chop me up. If the Fire Nation... attacked Jiraiya and injured Ren Zhuli, also No wonder, however, the strange thing is, how did these people know that I was going to the land of water? Knowing my itinerary, only Xiao is right, is it..."

Thinking of this, Kirito couldn't help frowning, which guy was tripping him?In other words, since even these wandering ninjas know that he is going to the land of water, it is impossible for Kirin to not know, so what is waiting for him is the whole village of Kirin.After all, no Shinobi Village would allow a super S-class traitor with a long reputation to slip into his own territory.He does have a top-level strength located in the upper layer of the pyramid, and the general shadow is not his opponent at all.But if you face such a big Ninja village, there are really some problems.

Don't watch him make trouble with Konoha and make trouble with Yun Ren and retreat. You must know that when he was in Konoha, only representatives of each family were dispatched, and when Yun Ren was only a thousand people.If thousands of ninjas from the whole village swarmed up, he would be difficult to deal with.

Approaching the city gate, Kirito and Xianglin lined up behind the line, their eyes swept around, and their eyes stopped on a piece of white paper attached to the city gate. At this time, on the white paper, there was a huge drawing. When Kirito glanced at his head, he found that this head was exactly his face.

Kirito glanced at the gate of the city, where the ninja guarding the city was still checking the identity of those who entered the city along the way. Every person who entered would be compared by two ninjas with a portrait for a long time before letting them in.

"The Land of Water will not help Yun Ren and Konoha, but Wu Ren is also unwilling to go in with an unknown purpose. After all, I am a terrorist who has made a lot of trouble in two Shinobi villages..." Kirito thought for a while and then is relieved.

However, Kirito was also stunned. He walked in the crowd without any concealment, and none of the pedestrians recognized him.Probably they never dreamed that the number one on the bounty list, the super S-level betrayal and forbearance, would walk with them silently.

Chapter [-] Negotiations Failed


"Huhu, isn't that very good?" Kirito's face was indifferent, even when he came to the city gate, he still walked straight forward without any concealment, but he was thinking in his heart, although he didn't know who was in the dark. His information was leaked out, but he didn't really want to complete the mission that Xiao explained. If that's the case, it's better to take the plan and expose it. He wants to go in in an open and honest way!

Kirito looked at the towering city gate in front of him.The city wall is almost as huge as a hill.And there must be countless large-scale tactical ballistas and large-scale perception enchantments.Presumably this city wall must have the anti-aircraft ability to defend against flying from high altitudes, otherwise, once there is a war, like Yun Ninja, the ninja troops with flying psychic beasts, don’t they come and leave when they want?You must know that Yun Ninja, who has always been belligerent and brave, and Wu Ninja, who is also bloodthirsty, are not on the right track.

As the border of the Three Kingdoms, there is the warlike and brave Yun Ninja in the north, and Konoha, the No. [-] Ninja village in the Ninja world, in the south. The defense here in the Land of Water is not an exaggeration to call it an iron tortoise, and it is stationed here all the year round. The Mist Ninja troops have all gone through the real blood and fire battlefield experience.But it is far from those ninjas who have nestled inside the village, have nothing to teach, and take some small tasks.Ninjas who are accustomed to a comfortable living environment are naturally not the opponents of these ninja troops stationed on the border.

"Fragrant phosphorus, the number of people."

Xianglin said nothing, Ningyin developed her own unique perception ability, Kagura's mind, and all chakras within a radius of dozens of kilometers could not escape her exploration, "In the city, inside and outside, there are about a thousand chakras. The famous fog ninja troops are around! There are about 80 people equivalent to the Shangnin Chakra, and there is an extraordinary chakra, far exceeding the Shangnin and below the shadow level."

"Really." Kirito's eyes moved slightly, and he didn't even need to look at him to know that just with the chilling air revealed in the city gate, coupled with the opposing military facilities here, the combat power was the same as his thousand in Yun Ren. People are not much worse, of course, top-level combat powers such as Raikage and Renzhuli are not available.As for Xianglin's last mention of "above the upper ninja, below the shadow level", that is, the quasi shadow, probably similar to the role of Darui of the cloud ninja.

"Kirito, what should I do?" Xianglin looked at the strictness of the city gate guard and reminded, "It's easy to cover up the chakra of two people, but it can't cover your face, if you use the transformation technique. , I'm afraid it will be detected by the perception ninja over there."

"..." Kirito thought for a moment, then said softly, "Okay, break through from the front."


Kirito turned his head and instructed Xianglin, "Xianglin, there is no problem with your identity, first pass the inspection from the front, enter the city, and then go directly to the pier in Dongpu to wait for me there."

After thinking about it, he did it. Kirito, who has always acted resolutely and decisively, swept his eyes around after instructing Xianglin. Immediately, his figure flashed, and he jumped to a house not far away.

There are business travelers who enter the city gate in a regular manner, so it is impossible for Kirito to do this without attracting the attention of the mist ninjas who are guarding the city.There are well-trained Mist Ninja troops. As soon as they found out that there was a change, immediately outside the city gate, there were no less than a hundred people gathered in Mist Ninja.

The business travelers outside the city gate also subconsciously turned their attention to Kirito who was standing on a conspicuous place on the roof.

"What? Where did the naughty boy come from..."

Seeing the appearance of Kirito, the first reaction of most people is this.

However, after about two or three seconds, there was a commotion in the crowd. I saw several guys with vicious eyes, their eyes were huge, as if they saw something incredible, they were dumbfounded and couldn't help shouting. up.

"Pfft" I saw Kirito stepping on the roof with his big feet, and shouting to the mist ninjas in front of the city gate, looking down, "Kirikage ninja, I am Hiuga Kirito!"

This shout from Kirito immediately made Mist-nin and the merchants and people below it exploded!

"Seven hundred million reward?"

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