"It really is a question of lethality..." Kirito said clearly, and then he retracted all the hidden weapons between his fingers, and what was replaced was a pitch-black long-pipe tool that was about one meter long.This thing is indeed Kirito's first lethal thermal weapon M700 light sniper rifle. One hand holds the barrel of the approaching gun, and the other hand closes the switch and lifts it slightly, looking through the gun. The lookout sight on the body, with an accuracy of less than 001 mm, locked the eyebrow part of one of the heads of the two-headed giant mouse.


It sounded in the darkness, and a crisp and loud gunshot exploded!

Chapter [-] Stamina Attribute Values


As the second loud gunshot sounded in the cave, I saw the two-headed giant rat in front of me, and on the two hideous heads, in the center of the eyebrows, there was a blood hole the size of a thumb, and then it was filled with a sound. After the unwilling roar, the body of the two-headed giant rat suddenly collapsed.

However, the death of the caster, the red-hot magma flowing on the ground, also faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.The psychic beasts also use the attack of chakra changes, losing the transmission and maintenance of the body chakra, and this large-scale technique is naturally self-defeating.

"Did...Did it?!" Tian Tian, ​​who grabbed the chain and hung it in the air, couldn't see the situation clearly in the darkness, but from the sound of the giant beast's roaring and whining, it could be guessed that the enemy must have already Killed by Kirito.

"Kirito..." Just now, through the weak light reflected by the magma, I vaguely saw a round of black lacquered pipes that suddenly appeared in Kirito's hands every day, and then I saw Kirito using the pipe to aim at both heads. Giant rat.

However, after hearing two loud sounds of "Bang Bang!", the huge body of the enemy collapsed suddenly.From Kirito taking out this weird weapon, to the end, it can be described as a second kill.So far, in Tiantian's cognition, I can't think of anything that can make such a loud noise, and when the shuriken and other hidden weapons are ineffective, they only use two attacks from the weapon, and then It is to knock down this ferocious psychic beast to the ground. Among the countless weapons in Tiantian's collection, there is no weapon with such a huge lethality!

Because the magma on the ground has just dissipated, and the ground is still hot like a red-hot iron pot, so Kirito and Tian Tian have not yet landed immediately.

"Tiantian, is there water stored in the scroll? Take it out to cool the ground in an area." Kirito said.

"Oh..." Along the way, Kirito already has a very reliable image in Tiantian's heart, so she completely believes in the former's words.

"呲呲呲" a large pot of water was summoned from the scroll. This was prepared in advance every day. In order to cope with the journey without water, you can also take a refreshing bath.The water fell on the hot ground, and bursts of white mist suddenly appeared, showing the high temperature of the ground.

However, Kirito took advantage of this empty time to enter the arsenal system in his mind.The task of discovering the previously released dark line and collecting rare metals has been flashing constantly.According to Kirito's past experience, such a reaction from the system means that the mission is about to be completed, and it is just the last step.

Kirito was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but cast his gaze on the two-headed giant rat that fell to the ground not far away.As soon as his mind moved, he walked upside down on the ceiling, his figure flickered, and he landed on the huge corpse of the two-headed giant rat.

Kirito, who has good night vision, keenly found something glowing at the bottom of the two-headed giant mouse.

He struggled to turn the body of the two-headed giant mouse over, and then he could vaguely see the source of light, on his slightly swollen belly.

"Hey" I saw a flash of cold light, and a sharp dagger with serrations was added to Kirito's hand.

"Pfft" first scraped off the hard hair on the belly, and then the dagger pierced into the flesh.

"His" skilled disembowelment, this technique is also inherited from the assassin's specialty.After breaking the big belly of the two-headed giant rat, he finally saw the reflective and shiny thing clearly.

From the sticky flesh and blood, he dug out a fist-sized object with his bare hands. It was cold to the touch, full of metal touch, and the whole body was dark with a hint of dark purple. However, even in the darkness, Kirito was still able to see this thing. The dark light released around him was a picture that was pitch black even under his night vision.

"Here's something."

When Kirito picked up this piece of metal, the system in his mind was a reminder that the mission was completed.

"The various metal minerals in the ground have been eaten all year round. After being filtered by their own digestive system, they remain in the body. Over time, they have condensed into this wonderful rare metal." Kirito then turned his attention again. In the direction where the two-headed giant rat came out, he pondered to himself, there must be a lot of these things in this big guy's nest, right?But these are not what he is concerned about. The task of the arsenal system has been completed, and the rest will be collected by Tiantian.

The task is completed, and the reward is regular attribute points.

Without hesitation, Kirito continued to add the attribute points awarded by the system to his stamina.Right now, he doesn't need a weapon in terms of strength, his agility is enough for the time being. If he has physical strength, as an assassin, he wants to kill with a single blow, and doesn't need a war of attrition.Therefore, Kirito added the attribute value to the stamina, and the stamina point is the defense power of his own body. Assassins, the attack is mainly sneak attack, but usually the assassin can't make a sneak attack. If he can't escape immediately, he will be attacked. suffered a strong counterattack from the opponent.Although Kirito has not really tried to be hit hard by a counterattack so far, he can predict that there will always be a time when he will miss in the future. At that time, his own defense power will become the basis for his life-saving.In addition to the extra attribute point reward from the last time, Kirito also added it to the endurance, which means that the two reward attributes Kirito were used to improve his defense.

Kneading the body that didn't change much, Kirito was also curious about the effect of the two bonus attributes being used on the stamina value.On the surface, nothing can be seen, and it is not an increase in external muscles. It seems that the specific changes will not be clear until he is beaten.

Chapter [-] Harvest

After completing the dark task of collecting rare metals, Kirito and Tian Tian returned to the resting hotel to have a round with Kai and others.

Tomorrow morning, we have to continue the departure from Damingfu in the Land of Fire, so Kirito and Tian Tian, ​​who have been busy for most of the night, are hurriedly entering a state of rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Kai and his party got up one after another, and after a simple wash, they were ready to go.

"Tian Tian, ​​have you rested for what happened last night?" Kai asked with concern.

Tian Tian waved his hand, indicating that he was okay, "It's okay, I have rested, and I didn't put much effort into it last night." After that, Tian Tian turned his attention to Kirito's body, and in his eyes Slightly flickering, in last night's mission, she could say that she did not consume much in the whole process, but when dealing with the two-headed giant mouse later, Kirito fought alone.Although the light was dim at the time, she couldn't see the specific situation clearly, but she also knew that the psychic beast was not something to mess with, but what was even more amazing was that in the face of such monsters, Kirito easily solved the latter.

Noticing Tiantian's eyes, Kirito also smiled lightly and nodded to the latter, indicating that he was in good spirits.Although there was a battle last night, in fact, for Kirito, it did not consume much energy. This is not to say that the enemy is weak, but Kirito's unique fighting style. The previous few feints did not work. , and from the situation that various hidden weapons are ineffective against the opponent, decisively resorted to the killer weapon, two sniper rifles, accurately hit the opponent's key points and killed them.

The journey seemed simple, and the battle was over almost instantly.But don't think that Kirito already has such a powerful strength. In fact, this sniper rifle is already the most lethal of all Kirito's weapons, and hot weapons are better than surprises. If this still can't kill the enemy, then Kirito can only resolutely take Tiantian Yuandun and escape.

The group led by Kai continued on the last short journey to the Land of Fire.This place is located in the deep interior of the country of fire, so the probability of encountering an enemy is quite small, and with Matekai, one of the best in Konoha, there is no danger.

Quietly doing nothing all the way, Kirito was secretly thinking about his own situation.Although the battle last night was not very intense, the battle ended soon.But Kirito also saw a lot of real situations from it.First of all, as an assassin, his hidden weapon technique is already very good, and it can even be regarded as a master level.Kirito conservatively estimated that among Konoha, there should be less than five people who can outperform him in Shuriken Hidden Weapons.Presumably the legendary Uchiha Itachi, who is so adept at shuriken, is just like that, right?Of course, this cannot be generalized. After all, so far, Kirito has never really encountered an opponent who is stronger than him in hidden weapon techniques.

However, after last night's battle, Kirito also discovered a problem that he had never considered before.That is, his hidden weapon technique is very powerful, which is limited to the high probability of hitting the enemy, but the problem is that the physical damage caused by a single shot is very limited, such as the two-headed giant rat yesterday, he used superb hidden weapons Using the technique, he precisely hit the dagger on the target's head from the dead angle. The quasi-head is there, but he failed to kill the opponent. The reason is that the strength of the hidden weapon attack he issued still needs to be improved.

If the strength is not enough, even if the weapon thrown can hit a hundred hits, it still cannot hit the target.However, in fact, in the ninja school, in the shuriken class, the teacher paid attention to the hit rate, not the strength. In fact, this is also the case. For hidden weapons, the accuracy of the attack is more important than the strength. much more.The lethality is not enough, but it can hit the opponent, at least it can cause a certain amount of damage, but it is full of power, but it can't hit the opponent, it really has no effect at all.

Actual combat is really the best way to improve his strength. Kirito further understands his own strength, advantages and relative shortcomings.Kirito's hidden weapon has a high hit rate, but his strength is insufficient. He can hit the target, but cannot kill the target. So this deficiency will be made up in the future.Kirito decided that the additional attribute point rewards he will get next will focus on his own strength blessing.The strength is up, then the hidden weapon attack issued by Kirito is not as simple as hitting the enemy, but piercing through it, causing more damage and even killing it with one hit!

In addition, as Kirito's strongest thermal weapon so far, it has the most lethal power, and its power is also reflected for the first time.From the corpse of the two-headed giant rat, the degree of its physical defense can be estimated. According to actual estimates, Kirito can probably penetrate the defenses such as soil flow walls within a range of 700 meters.

In the ninja world, such as psychic beasts, which are called "meat tanks", it is difficult to kill them with ordinary ninjutsu, but Kirito's sniper rifle can be given to the rear as long as it hits the key points. inflicts huge damage.

However, if it is used against a person, 100 meters, no, it is conservatively estimated to be within 50 meters, and the initial speed of the sniper rifle bullet is 777ms, presumably basically no one can escape, right?Even the most powerful ninja, Kirito could barely avoid the key points, and it was difficult to completely avoid such a rapid blow.This is also the biggest advantage of thermal weapons. The single-shot attack speed is difficult to avoid at human speed.Of course, sniper rifles are about one-shot kills. If a single bullet fails to injure or kill the opponent, it is very difficult for Kirito to have the opportunity to trigger the second bullet to deal with a powerful enemy.

Therefore, so far, Kirito feels that what he needs most urgently is the surrounding attributes of his own strength, physical strength, agility, and endurance.

Chapter [-] The sound of fighting

After walking for about another day, resting for a night, and cleaning up, Kai and his party finally arrived at the Daming Palace in the Land of Fire.

Matekai, who is full of youth and has a different thinking than ordinary people, is not trusted by Hokage in the task of dealing with high-ranking officials in the country of fire. Therefore, under the additional entrustment of the third generation, Neji, who comes from a noble family and is strict with etiquette, is In lieu of Matt Kay's complete handover.

"The most famous wealthy family in Konoha Ninja Village, is it the ninja of the Hyuga family?" After a series of simple exchanges on etiquette, Neji's calmness and stability in dealing with the big scene also won the unanimous affirmation of the representatives of the Kingdom of Fire, "Not bad. Yes, the future is terrifying."

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