I saw that he quickly formed a seal with one hand, and then only felt that the temperature around him suddenly dropped.

"This is..." Kirito's eyes moved slightly, and the figure of the other party disappeared. At the same time, an ice wall appeared directly above Kirito without warning, and the other party's figure appeared almost at the same time as the ice wall. Ghostly figure!

"Ice Escape Magic Mirror Ice Kill!"

Kirito's heart moved, and he manipulated the cyan light balls behind him, and shattered them one by one with the sharp ice thorns scattered by the opponent. These cyan light balls were made by combining more than four types of chakra attributes, similar to six paths. The power of the "seeking jade" like things, everything touched by it will be erased.It's just that the current Kirito has not mastered this high-precision chakra control well, so Kirito rarely uses this in battle.

Sure enough, because Kirito failed to master these light balls, before the light ball hit the enemy, it was convenient to get into the ice mirror and disappear.

"Huh?!" At the same time, the minister of Mist Ninja, who was in front of him, attacked again, and saw that he released the sharp blade that was restrained by Kirito. The palm slammed out, its speed was astonishingly fast, and it was still at zero distance.However, there is still room for Kirito to escape, but at this time, to get rid of Terumi Mei's meltdown, Kirito is facing the opponent's blow.

"Mist Ninja Fluid Technique Coral Palm!"

Kirito only felt that his arms were hit by a big hammer in the front. Even if he was protected by the Chakra Clothes built with the power of Tensei Eyes, he still felt the slightest tingling.

Kirito was about to fight back, but the fist he just raised felt sinking. He saw that on the wrist that was hit by the opponent, a large piece of extremely hard and quite heavy ore quickly grew.

"Kacha" Kirito raised his other hand and smashed the ore on his wrist with a punch, but taking advantage of this effort, the enemy had already retreated to maintain a safe distance from him.

"So it is. At the same time as the heavy blow, it also brings restraints and restrictions to the opponent, so that even if the enemy blocks your blow, they cannot act immediately, thus missing the opportunity to counterattack." Kirito should have just finished. , and then it seemed that there were eyes behind him, and he turned around suddenly and slapped it with a knife.

"Dang" Kirito only felt as if his palm had hit steel. At first glance, he saw that the old man raised his wrist wrapped by Sen Bai's bone spurs, blocking Kirito's attack.

"It turned out that the lost ice and bone veins of the mist ninja were used at the same time... It seems that in the hometown of mist ninja of blood and mist, the cleaning of the blood and the limit giants will ultimately benefit the top management of mist ninja!"

During the final battle between Kirito and Kirin, the masked man hiding in the distance is ready to disrupt the situation again.

"So far, I haven't been exhausted from the fierce battle. The woman of the whirlpool family is unexpected... But it doesn't matter, it's easy to block the dark arrow, and I'll see what means you have left!"

Chapter [-] Obliterating Obito's amazing purpose!

"Pfft" Kirito stabbed through the right chest of Minister Wu Ninja with a hand knife, and the sharp blade in the latter's hand also left a deep wound on Kirito's chest. This is the result of a lose-lose situation. , but the difference is that the former's injury will greatly reduce its combat effectiveness, but Kirito's injury is quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In addition to Terumi Mei, there are three ninjas with shadow-level strength here, but in the end, there are three, six, nine, and nine levels. Except for Terumi Mei, the other two are just barely entering the shadow-level. If you take a step back It is considered to be the level of the peak of the quasi-shadow, and it has the power to fight against ordinary shadows, but this is still not enough to see in front of Kirito.

"..." Terumi Mei's face was very ugly, and her eyes were fixed on Kirito, "There is still such a strong power, if that's the case, why didn't you kill us at that time... Also, our mist ninja There is no enmity with you, why did you come to us, and what is your purpose?"

Kirito kicked the ice mirror in front of him together with the old man of Kirin, and then responded to Terumi Mei, "Don't call people a villain who kills wanton, indeed, at that time, I didn't tell you Kill. My killing criteria are only two points, the first is the person who faces the sword against the things I cherish; the second is the person who has the intention to kill me." After saying that, Kirito turned his eyes to stay at Lei Ying and the others, who were still trying to wait for the opportunity, said indifferently, "Yun Ren committed the first rule, so I started killing, and you Wu Ren, I once let you go, but then you didn't know how to provoke me. , violates Article [-]."

In fact, the same is true. If Yun Ren hadn't coveted Hinata's eyes, Kirito would not have any intersection with Yun Ren at all. When he first arrived in Wu Ren, in the first battle, although Kirito had the advantage, he did not kill him. , However, Wu Ninja gathered troops to besiege him later, so in the second battle, Kirito ordered Dirumdo and others to fight with all their strength, annihilating thousands of Ninjas of Wu Ninja.

"..." For Kirito's answer, Terumi Mei was speechless for a while. Indeed, they just took the action of besieging Kirito out of greed for Kirito's blood and power.Although this matter is unreasonable, as for the interests of one country and one village, where is there any justification?

"Really, you are out of anger now, so are you going to take revenge on us?"

Kirito didn't answer Terumi Mei's last question. By now, he had probably finished venting his so-called anger.In fact, in the face of the entanglement between Wu Ren and Yun Ren, he can completely ignore it. He can ride the wheel of Shenwei and go up to the ground. Who can catch up with him?So since this is the case, the question is, so far, why has Kirito been fighting with Kirito Yunren in a head-to-head way, but never considered the issue of escaping?

It is said that running away is unacceptable to some strong and competitive people, but with Kirito's free and easy temperament, running away means no psychological pressure to him at all.

If you leave clearly, there will be nothing at all. Why did Kirito choose to stay? Isn't this asking for trouble?

Do not!In fact, the purpose of Kirito's doing this is precisely to solve a "huge trouble", not only the present, but also the source of a series of troublesome events in the future.

To put it simply, Kirito wants to kill a person.

That person is neither Yunnin's Raikage nor Wunin's Mizukage. If he wants to kill these two, it will only take a little effort.There is no doubt that he also has such strength.

Back to the topic, the person Kirito wants to kill now is definitely beyond everyone's expectations.

This person is Uchiha Obito!

This person is extraordinary, a key figure who has shaken the entire ninja world through past and future series.Kirito does not have such a sense of justice for saving the world or something, but living in this world, he cannot avoid the catastrophe that is about to sweep the whole world.

Just when Kirito was staring at Uchiha Obito, the latter also stared at him. For this, Kirito had to praise the other party. He was very keen to predict. The trouble, and acted decisively, the first strike was stronger, and he did everything possible to lead himself to the territory of the fog. Uchiha Obito secretly contacted the cloud, and wanted to use the power of the cloud and the fog to completely remove Kirito from this. The world is erased.

Very wise judgment, the timing is also very good, if not for Kirito's preparations, it is very likely that he will be planted in the opponent's hands.

However, what Uchiha Obito didn't know was that Kirito knew all his details, and when the other party planned to surround and kill him, Kirito also planned to obliterate Uchiha Obito!

Speaking of this, the truth is very clear, yes, so far, Kirito has not swaggered away, but chose to fight with Wu Renyun in a seemingly irrational way. In the end, his goal is to To lead out Uchiha Obito!

It is an unbelievable fact. In the shocking battle between the two sides, if the people of Kirito and Yunren know that Kirito has not paid attention to them from the beginning, his goal is to kill one. people.

So far, Yun Ren Wu Ren almost risked his life to fight Kirito's life and death, it was like a farce, it was ridiculous!

In terms of strength alone, Uchiha Obito is not worth mentioning at all, at least in the eyes of Kirito, but Kirito knows that the other party has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, has a unique time-space eye technique, and wants to kill. The other side, it's not that simple.

However, this is something that Kirito has already made up his mind. The true purpose of Kirito, who is hidden in the country of water, is unknown. He did not hesitate to use the frontal battle against the fog and the cloud as a bait, and deliberately exposed his rear flaws to The enemy is to lead Uchiha Obito out and kill him!

Although this is a troublesome matter, if the person can be killed this time, the other party's conspiracy against him will naturally be self-defeating. A war that can be avoided, right?

Chapter [-] Kill!

"Three tails, give it to me!" Uchiha Obito used the pupil technique to forcibly control the three tails, and launched another attack on Kirito who was in the middle of a fierce battle with the Kirin people in the distance.

"Tailed beast jade!"

"Boom" even if he was several kilometers away, he could clearly hear the explosive power of the tailed beast jade, which is known as the ultimate strategic weapon.

"Damn..." Uchiha Obito said, looking a little irritated, "The attack of the tail beast jade, and it is still useless to launch a sneak attack from behind? That pupil technique that can defend against all attacks, even in Nagato's Shinraten. Above the expedition! Hyuga Kirito... When did the people of the Hyuga clan have such a power of the bloodline? This can be compared with Uchiha and Chishou!

With the passage of time, using the pupil technique to control the tailed beast for a long time, the pupil power of Uchiha Obito's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is also very huge, especially the kaleidoscope that relies on the right eye alone, if it is not for the three tails without human pillars, presumably It is more difficult to control, but now, the pupil technique is almost reaching its limit.

"Call" Uchiha Obito's breath was slightly rapid. Before that, his plans went smoothly. The strategy of manipulating the tailed beast to sneak attack from behind also achieved satisfactory results, and he released seven or eight tailed beasts one after another. Jade caused great damage to Di Lumuduo and others. Coupled with Mist Ninja's crowd tactics, Di Lumuduo was finally wiped out one by one, and it also brought Kirito's body. a considerable amount of backlash damage.

Kirito knew that Uchiha Obito was secretly trying to consume his power, so he also prepared in advance to hide Xianglin, so that no one expected that such an inconspicuous little girl would turn the tide of the war. The key, Kirito added a considerable part of the power.

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