As if thinking of what the latter wanted to do next, Xiao Nan grabbed the girl's wrist with one hand, her eyes were red, and in a voice that almost screamed, "Hydrangea! I order you, you must give me life!"

The girl named Hydrangea couldn't help sobbing. After all, she was a young girl in the flower season. Naturally, she didn't want to end her life with the beauty and vision of the future, but she was more reluctant to become Xiao Nan's than to die. Dragged down, "Lord Angel, I..."

"Shut up for me first, Ziyanghua! Do you even want to disobey my orders?" Xiao Nan said with a sad face, "You are the last companion I brought out from Yuren, the last... even if it is one Well, at least let me save you... please!"

In the cave, a touching scene was staged, but outside the cave, Yan Ninja would not have any sympathy for this, but because someone from Xiaonan just made a suicidal counterattack and took away some of their companions. Life, even more aroused the hatred of the rock ninja people.

Chapter [-]

Xiaonan VS two-day scale loess

"Xiao, you can't escape, this is the Lost Hill, the forbidden land of our land. The intricate landforms are the natural reins that bind Er and others. However, our rock ninja can use the power of the earth to greatly enhance the earth escape. The power of . Your Xiao companions are taken down one by one is the best proof, but those are just outsiders who know nothing, only you, you are one of Xiao's core members..." He stood upside down on the ceiling , Liang Tu looked at Xiao Nan at the entrance of the cave with indifferent eyes, and said, "Follow me back to Yan Nin Village, it's your only way to survive!"

At the entrance of the mountain stream cave, Xiao Nan's light orange eyes without the slightest emotion glanced at the sturdy loess in front of him, and a sarcastic, cold voice appeared on the slightly pale cheeks, with a little chill in the sky above the mountain stream. Echoes: "Iwa Ninja didn't keep his promise, ungrateful and ungrateful to take action against his former partner, Akatsuki. Sure enough, your big country Ninja Village is like this. For the sake of profit, you can do anything!"

Hearing these words, the eyes of the loess in the air suddenly burst into cold light, as the son of the shadow of the earth, since childhood, he was full of thoughts about the interests of the village, and he said slowly: "Nonsense. Stop talking! Let's do it!" The voice fell, and he didn't seem to want to delay anything, and an amazing chakra gradually poured out of his body. "Since you don't like to live, then the old man will take you back to my rock ninja village!"

As the last word fell, the stone wall in front of the loess vibrated violently, and then a large amount of earth attribute chakra was injected, and a dense pile of stone cones stood out from the wall...

"The technique of earth-dun and earth-long spear!"

Chi Chi Chi!

With the completion of the seal in the loess hand, the countless stone cones in front of him suddenly trembled violently.

Looking at the stone cones that ripped through the air, this is not as simple as ordinary gravel. Each piece contains a fairly solid earth attribute chakra. Xiao Nan also frowned slightly, just as a result from the war era. The skills you have acquired are not weak women!

"Secret art paper dance!" With the sleeves lightly stroked, a large piece of paper suddenly flew out. After a long period of chakra tempering, the paper piece is as hard as an ordinary shuriken, and has the characteristic of being foldable. .While using the paper to offset the stone cone, it was also folded into a paper shuriken that could be manipulated at will, and flew out of the hole.

"The earth escapes the earth and flows into the wall!"

"The earth escapes the earth and flows into the wall!"

"The earth escapes the earth and flows into the wall!"

A series of rock ninjas and jounin cast the earth escape at the same time, and created solid fortress trenches in front of them. At the same time, there are also a group of rock ninjas who have enough time to forge more advanced seals through the protection of the earth wall. Knot.

"The Art of Earth Escape Earth Dragon Ball!"

Several earth dragons rose up from the ground in a row, and I saw that they opened their bloody mouths, and a huge stone pill was blasted out like a cannonball.

"Secret art paper shield!" Xiao Nan immediately manipulated a large piece of paper to form a thick shield in front of the hole to resist Ishimaru's artillery fire.


Ishimaru slammed the paper shield hard. The conical shield skillfully used the pouring angle of the power to deflect most of the Ishiwan attacks to the special slope angle on both sides of the shield.

Most of the stone pills were ejected onto the mountain walls around the cave, smashing out potholes one by one.

However, under the cover of the firepower of his companions, the loess performed the teleportation technique, and the figure quickly came to the front of the hole, raised his arm, and suddenly the entire right arm turned into a huge rock.

"The Technique of Earth Escape Fist Rock!"

"Boom!" Xiao Nan's paper shield condensed at the entrance of the hole was violently broken by a punch from the loess!

Feeling that the paper shield in front was blasted, Xiao Nan's cheeks changed slightly.Right now, she is not only fighting against the two-day scale loess, but also hundreds of Yannin-Junin, if it is the former, Xiaonan still has the confidence to fight the other side, and even if it is bad, she will be able to retreat completely, but if you add hundreds of others. Joinin, it would be really dangerous, and besides, there was still a hydrangea who only had the strength of Chunin and was brought out of Yuinin Village by his side.

"Can't wait any longer..."

This thought flashed in his heart, Xiao Nan made a decisive decision, grabbed the hydrangea beside him with one hand, borrowed the scraps of paper blasted by the loess, and quickly condensed a pair of paper wings behind him, transformed into a flash of lightning and rushed out of the cave, and then unexpectedly It is directly facing the depths of the mountain stream.

"The earth and the earth linger!"

Xiaonan just rushed out of the cave, and dozens of cold shouts sounded at the same time, and then the entire crypt burst into a violent surge, only to see the rock walls vibrated violently in the mountain stream, and then condensed into a chain in a clack of sound. The thick walls, in the blink of an eye, formed a huge rock cabinet of nearly tens of feet in this mountain stream. When Xiaonan was in it, it was like a bird locked in a cage. It was really hard to fly!

"Do you still want to escape?"

"Flying? It's really a convenient ability, but you're not the only one who can fly!" Loess looked up, a sneer appeared on his face, and his hands were imprinted, "The technique of earth escape light and heavy rock!"

As soon as the figure moved, the sturdy figure actually seemed to be weightless, suspended, stepped on the void, the figure flew up, and appeared behind Xiao Nan in the blink of an eye, with a heavy chakra wrapping his fist, and then ruthlessly. Punch out!

"The Technique of Earth Escape Fist Rock!"

Aware of the amazing chakra surging behind him, Xiao Nan also turned around instantly. In the jade hand, the paper quickly condensed, and a paper spear instantly condensed and stabbed the opponent fiercely!


The fists and spears were handed over, and an astonishing chakra wave suddenly swept out in a ring-like manner towards the surroundings.

Under the recoil of such a strong collision of air waves, Xiaonan and Loess were both shaken back.

After the loess figure fell to the ground, his footsteps were unstable and he continued to retreat a few steps. The rock on his arm shattered, and the exposed fist was dripping with blood. Obviously, he was also injured in the previous blow. Xiao Nan, who looked up and locked his eyes firmly on the sky, grinned, "It's really amazing! It's impossible for a mere girl to have such strength. It's logically impossible to remain anonymous in the Ninja world. It seems that you know, It really has a lot of secrets!"

Chapter [-] Angels in a Cage

Xiao Nan's face froze when he heard the words, the paper spear in his hand scattered and fell, and one hand fell down weakly, and his right arm was broken by the shock just now.She is not a powerful ninja herself. She relies on a superb paper escape technique and agile movement technique. At the speed of loess, she could not even touch her at all, but she has no choice but to carry a person with her. The speed is also greatly dragged down.

"Lord Angel...put me down, with your strength, it's not a problem to escape..." Seeing Xiaonan getting hurt trying to protect her, Ziyanghua burst into tears.

"Hmph, what about an angel, is it an angel with wings attached? Akatsuki, who is pretending to be a ghost, does not hesitate to keep the information to this point. What shocking secrets are you hiding?"

The loess soles stepped on the void and slowly walked towards Xiaonan, the tone was still as indifferent.

Looking at the slowly approaching loess, Xiaonan's light orange eyes were filled with coldness, and the jade hand quickly formed a strange handprint. At this point, there was nothing left to keep. As a member, she knows all the information about Xiao, and it must not be known by the five major Ninja villages. Otherwise, not only will Xiao be in vain after hiding for many years, but also the five major Ninja villages will join forces to suppress and suffer disaster. , Even if you die in battle today, you can't fall into the hands of the enemy alive!

"Huh?!" The loess keenly noticed the pieces of paper floating around, writing densely packed detonating talismans, and seemed to know that she wanted to fight hard, but her face also sank, and her figure swept out like lightning. , In the palm of his hand, the thick earth chakra swirled rapidly.

"You are seeking your own death!"

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