However, the rate of return of the pedestrians around today is purely from the image of a cute girl from the latter.

Chapter [-] The Dark Side of Konoha

Indeed, in normal times, Konoha is the largest military group in the world, and since it is located in the heart of Konoha, the safety factor is naturally ridiculously high.Ordinarily, if a thief sneaks in, before stepping into the Konoha gate, he will be locked by the barrier, even if the password of the barrier is unlocked, but after sneaking into Konoha, you have to beware of this person coming from all directions. Anbu knelt down.

However, the time of these few days is slightly different, because there are less than a few days before Konoha will hold the Chunin Exam.In recent days, many guests from all over have entered Konoha at the invitation of Konoha.

As a state institution, Princess Asuna of Daimyo Prefecture is one of them.As well as some influential nobles in the upper class of the Fire Country.However, since then, more are rich businessmen from all over the world.


These wealthy businessmen hold the economic lifeline of a country, and are actually an important force supporting Konoha.Ninjas don't do production. Although this sentence is not absolute, it is also well-founded.Just relying on the commissioned tasks accepted by the ninja cannot support the vast operation of Konoha.The training of ninjas and the development and research of ninjutsu require a lot of human and material resources.Thirty percent of it is financed by the government agency, Damingfu, and less than [-] percent is the economic expenditure of Konoha itself. However, in fact, more than half of the economic needs come from these wealthy businessmen and giants. Jia's support.In return, Konoha acts as a security guard for the wealthy businessman.Obviously, wealthy businessmen, whether it is to support Konoha's business taxes or commissions on large-scale tasks, occupy a large share. For Konoha, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a parent.


"Tsk tsk tsk, little sister, you don't look very old, but the development of this figure is very mature." In front of the store of a small restaurant, I saw a group of guys with big stomachs and big brains wearing gold and silver. , is surrounding a young female ninja.

The female ninja looked around helplessly, as if seeking help from everyone.In terms of force, these seemingly tall and strong subordinates in front of them are not a big threat to the ninja.Although the female ninja in front of her is very ordinary as Konoha, there is really no pressure to deal with these ordinary people in front of her.

However, how can these people who can successfully experience business and gain wealth and develop into big business giants in the war-torn ninja world not think of it?On the contrary, they often deal with ninjas on caravan missions, and they clearly understand that the force that dominates this family is ninjas.However, they are so unscrupulous now, but they don't care about ninjas at all!It was they who decided that they were Konoha ninjas and didn't dare to resist at all.

The female ninja clenched her silver teeth tightly, and her eyes were full of helplessness. Before that, Hokage-sama personally ordered that during the Chunin exam, it is strictly forbidden for Konoha ninjas to conflict with respected foreign guests.As a ninja, she must execute orders unconditionally, so she really didn't dare to resist the evildoing of the wealthy businessman in front of her.

As a wealthy businessman of ordinary people, he can bully Konoha's ninja in Konoha, how strange and strange it seems.However, this unreasonable phenomenon happens to be an iron-clad fact.In this regard, as Konoha, there is nothing to do. After all, as a ninja village, whether it is the development of ninjutsu or the construction of the village, it is inseparable from the support of their parents.Therefore, for Konoha's ninjas, it is really difficult to deal with these rich businessmen.This is also the reason why the people around me dare not speak out.

"This...this is Konoha Ninja Village...Please don't mess up..." The female ninja tried to force her composure, but the trembling words were very false no matter how you looked at them.

"Shut up! Forgot who sent a truckload of supplies every year to you Konoha, and then turned into your feces?" Drunk-eyed and dazed, they seemed to be drinking too much. In the line of sight, the young and beautiful ninja in front of them made them accustomed to being swayed on weekdays, and now some sperms are on their heads!

However, the scene in front of me was seen by Asuna and Hinata who just passed by!

Asuna has a straightforward personality and has always hated evil. How could she easily tolerate this kind of thing happening under her nose?However, what actually made her even more angry was that the Konoha ninjas around, no one was willing to lend a helping hand in the face of the female ninja's cry for help!

"Stop it for me! You guys!" I can't understand why, as a close companion of the same village, I would stand by and watch at this time, but Asuna would not allow such unreasonable things to happen.

"Where's the girl's movie... um... it doesn't seem to be..." Hearing the coquettish and angry voices coming from behind, the wealthy businessmen who had been traversing all the time immediately turned around and were about to swear mercilessly, however, When that gaze fell on Asuna's body, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then her eyes glowed blue.

A girl of fourteen or fifteen years old with long soft and unique light chestnut hair. Because of her long-term sword practice, her body is tall and flexible, her skin is fair, and her development is quite impressive.

Because of the ordinary private clothes, the wealthy businessmen did not recognize Asuna's identity.

But now they, those slightly red eyes, only have the burning desire, fiery eyes looking at Asuna's body wantonly, and then hey hey lewd smiles, "Hey little girl, are you interested in talking to Ben? Uncle, go to play and play? If this uncle is happy, I will reward you with hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is better than you do those dangerous tasks with all your life, right?"

Chapter [-] Death

A girl of fourteen or fifteen years old with long soft and unique light chestnut hair. Because of her long-term sword practice, her body is tall and flexible, her skin is fair, and her development is quite impressive.

Because of the ordinary private clothes, the wealthy businessmen did not recognize Asuna's identity.

But now they, those slightly red eyes, only have the burning desire, fiery eyes looking at Asuna's body wantonly, and then hey hey lewd smiles, "Hey little girl, are you interested in talking to Ben? Uncle, go to play and play? If this uncle is happy, I will reward you with hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is better than you do those dangerous tasks with all your life, right?"

In Konoha, wealthy businessmen also subconsciously think that Asuna is Konoha's female ninja.

As Asuna's identity, how could he ever suffer such dirty words, his face flushed with anger, and he was furious.

At this time, Hinata also stood up and scolded harshly, "Please pay attention to your strict words, standing in front of you is our Konoha, respect..."

However, before Hinata had finished speaking, he interrupted the convenience, "Konoha or something, isn't he just a humble ninja? A mere ninja, don't forget, whoever gives you what you eat and wear? !"

But having said this, they suddenly focused their attention on Hinata again, and found that the latter was wearing plain clothes without any special decoration, but there was an indescribable elegance, especially the pair of silver The white eyes give a feeling of ethereal purity.

These eyes, anyone with a little knowledge can know that this is the characteristic of the Konoha Hyuga clan. However, in their opinion, although the Hyuga clan is a wealthy family, it is only limited to the Hyuga clan, which occupies nearly [-]% of the Hyuga clan. The children of the branch family, are they still humble ninjas?

From this dress, the wealthy businessmen subconsciously classified Hinata into the Hinata branch.

"The little girl from the Hyuga family, um... those eyes are really special, I just like this kind of special female ninja..."

"Stupid guy, just keep it up hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" After that, several wealthy businessmen looked at each other and laughed.

"You guys!" Asuna was furious, but she, with a keen mind, sensed something was wrong from the expressions of the people around her.Although with her current xinxing, she still doesn't understand these deep and complicated things, but this does not hinder her keen observation.He probably also knew that the group of people in front of him was not as simple as he thought, and he also predicted that if he got into trouble with them, it would be quite troublesome.

Seeing that the Konoha ninja who was embarrassed by the wealthy businessman, had secretly left while the other party was focusing on the two of them, Asuna let out a small breath, and then said to Hinata next to her, "Huh. Ignore these scumbags, let's go"

However, at this moment, the other party refused to let them go.

"Who told you to leave!" He slapped his big hand heavily on the table, causing a tingling pain in his fleshy palm, and motioned to a few of his subordinates to surround Asuna and Hinata.

"Hehe!" The thugs of the wealthy businessmen are obviously very familiar with the scenes in front of them. In other places, they dare not do anything wrong. After all, in this world of ninja martial arts, if they don't have eyesight, they will get in trouble. The people who should be provoked, that's really troublesome.However, in this ninja world, Konoha, who has the most ninjas and the strongest ninjas, dares to walk sideways.It is the ninja who have spotted Konoha, and dare not provoke them for the sake of their parents.

Before that, they had also bullied a few female ninjas from Konoha, and the other party was not afraid to speak out. Even if they stretched their necks and asked them to beat them, they didn't have the courage.Even if there were one or two stunned youths who dared to contradict them, as long as they went to Konoha's side to tell the truth, they would not be obediently nodding their heads and begging for forgiveness. This seems absurd, but smart people understand that this is also a helpless thing. Just a trivial dark side of the huge Konoha.

"What do you guys think?" Asuna looked coldly at the wealthy businessman headed by her, and she was not at all afraid of this.

"Hehe" The other party looked at each other and let out a lewd laugh, then looked up and down at Asuna and Hinata, and couldn't help but praised twice, "You two, come and play with us."

"Are you serious?" Asuna's expression became colder and colder, and a hand slightly touched the sword on her waist.

Seeing that Asuna dared to resist in front of him, the wealthy businessmen couldn't help but roared at the surrounding, "Konoha Ninja, do you want to rebel!"

The pedestrians around looked bad, so they stepped back and gave way.Everyone was quite sympathetic to what happened to the two girls Sarah and Bai, but sympathy was sympathy.

Just when the two are on the verge of breaking out, it is about to cause a bigger incident.

Suddenly, he only felt a chill on his neck, and the latter turned his head subconsciously, only to see a young man behind him, I don't know when, he was holding a long samurai sword, the blade with a cold light flashing tightly. pressed against his neck.

"It should be you who want to rebel."

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