Gun Knight Dirumdo!

Bow Knight Emiya!

Bamen Kaihuang was hit hard and vomited blood!

However, the large amount of bleeding not only did not weaken his breath, but because more blood was transpired, the chakra released at this time was even more terrifying!

"Drink!" I saw him shouting loudly, but he forcibly broke free of Dirumdo and the emiya gun and sword!

Kirito's expression remained unchanged.

However, at this moment, another figure appeared behind the other party.

The flower of Mao is strong!

"The Seventy-five and Five-Pillars of the Bound Road!"

Five huge iron pillars fell from the sky and pressed heavily on his back.


Then in the next second, the heavy iron pillar was instantly knocked away by the powerful energy.

"Drink!" With such a powerful punch, it slammed into the front of Kirito!

Kirito was unharmed.


At this time, the eight emperors were covered with scars, and the muscles, skin and bones of the whole body were burnt to pieces under the liberation of the huge energy.

"It's useless, I know all your information." Kirito said indifferently, under Tensei's pupil power, he could clearly see that the Eight Gates Kaihuang was at the end of his force, and all the vitality in his body All injected into the heart, the next attack, I am afraid it will be his last blow.

After mastering all the information on the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation, Lancelot, Dirumdo, Emiya, Uno Hanari, and Kirito himself were mercilessly dispatched.

With such a strong lineup, the eight emperors can only hate the battlefield!


"At least, I have to kill one person!" Bamen Kaihuang had signs of ashes all over his body, and finally his limbs were heavily pressed to the ground. This posture is the ultimate secret of the Bamen Dunjia formation, Yekai!

Chapter [-] The end of the battle

"Night Kai!"


The final blow of the Eight Kings!

"Hoo ho ho ho ho ho", the dragon roar that exploded the sky, a giant dragon solidified from blood and chakra, the ultimate forbidden body art profound meaning.

Kirito had to concentrate the pupil power of Tenseigan to the maximum, and the scope of the absolute world was also reduced to the minimum.

No injuries.


"Cough cough" Kirito covered the stinging eyes, and the pupil technique suffered a huge backlash.

Tenseisen's ultimate defense pupil technique, the ultimate world, can protect Kirito, even under the last blow of the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation, it cannot be shaken.

But others were not so lucky.

Dirumdo Odina, dead!

Lancelot, dead!

Emiya, the blazing seven-layered ring, the greatest defense, broken, seriously injured!

Mao Zhihua is fierce, the eighty one of the bound road is broken, the greatest defense, broken, seriously injured!

"His" A line of blood oozes out of the corners of his eyes, Kirito's face at this time is very pale, the pupil technique from the good fortune is shattered, and he himself has suffered a considerable degree of backlash damage.

"Hu" about ten breaths of effort, Kirito's complexion just eased over, his eyes also returned to the original pure black, and the Tenseisen mode was temporarily released.

Kirito slowly walked towards the giant pit, and said indifferently, "As expected of the Emperor of the Eight Gates, he actually killed two of my generals. Your kick has already successfully kicked me."

He fixed his eyes on the huge pit, where his body was covered in coke, and his torso was gradually shattering into ashes, "Is this the price of the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation? In response to your respect, I will be there for you. Before the side of the body is wiped out, I will personally kill you"

The gorgeous cherry blossoms "咻" converged into a sword in Kirito's hands.

Kirito slowly walked towards the dying Maitkai.

However, at this moment, a hole was suddenly opened from under Kirito's feet.


It was the sneak attack of Kakashi Tudun!

"Lei Dun Leiqi double kill!"


Kakashi, who was dormant, was kicked and flew out.

"A guy like you, don't come to die." Kirito didn't even glance at Kakashi, he kept walking, and continued towards Matekai.

"Hmph!" Kakashi snorted, then struggled from the ground with difficulty, and said solemnly, "So do you think you will let it go?"

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