The first kick seems to be very powerful, but in fact it is not very powerful at all. The first kick is only used to confuse the enemy, and the second kick is the key to fatality!

This move is specially used to deal with Kirito's absolute defense. The first kick is used to offset his absolute defense, and the second kick can just take advantage of the ability's cooldown to cause damage to him.

Kirito didn't resist at all in the face of his kick, and he didn't even use his Jiuyang Gangjin.

Just when this kick was about to hit him, he took out a sword and gently pulled it out!

Far from the ideal land of the world, the Sword of Avalon!

Tsunade saw Kirito's movements, and couldn't help but sneer: What?Want to go back on your word with a weapon to resist?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help increasing the output of Chakra, ready to make Kirito suffer on the second foot.

Unexpectedly, Kirito just pulled out the sword, and then there was no extra movement, neither wanting to attack nor defend, as if it was just for good looks!

Chapter [-]: Unexpectedly Powerful

The first kick quickly hit Kirito and was blocked by the Banshee Veil. At a speed that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, Chimoto Tsunade kicked the second kick again, without the Banshee Veil's defense, This incomparably powerful kick immediately stepped on Kirito's body!

Kirito, who had no defense, was smashed down almost immediately, and Tsunade only reacted. Did he use too much force?I don't know what happened to this child, I hope he won't die, otherwise it would be a pity!

When Tsunade raised his foot, he was taken aback. Just now, he clearly felt that Kirito had been turned into a human shape by his own foot. Even if he was lucky, he would at least be seriously injured.

But what she sees now is completely different from what she imagined. Tsunade actually regrets that she used so much power, but it is precisely because of this that she thinks that Kirito has been injured.

However, Kirito appeared in front of her unscathed, not to mention injured, and even the clothes on her body did not change in the slightest!

Tsunade muttered to himself in disbelief: "Have you overcome the shortcoming of immune attack ability? Impossible, the feeling of attacking just now was obviously not blocked by anything, it is clearly different from the feeling of the first kick! "

Kirito knew what she was thinking by looking at her expression. He felt that there was no need to hide this senior, so he explained lightly: "This is not a defensive ability, this is a recovery ability!"

Qianben Tsunade was even more shocked. To say that the defense ability has been improved, it is still understandable in Tsunade's view. After all, the absolute defense of Kirito is already known in the world.

I didn't expect him to have such a weird recovery ability, who else in the world is his opponent!

Qianben Tsunade was more determined to "reform the evil and return to the righteousness" of La Tongren. To convince him, he must first establish a relatively positive image in his heart.

Tsunade gritted his teeth and said, "My attack is over, now it's your turn!"

However, Kirito didn't do anything with the sword in his hand. He bowed to Tsunade and said, "Senior Tsunade, this kid just made a joke with you. Our agreement doesn't count, so let's just let it go!"

Qianben Tsun looked at Kirito from top to bottom, as if he had re-acquainted with him. If this young man asked him to abide by the agreement at this time, he would definitely not refuse in his own capacity. People take out his strange long-range weapon and move it at his hair, I am afraid that even a person with super healing ability like himself will be folded here!

But he actually refused, can someone with such kind heart be a heinous betrayal?No matter what others say, Chimoto Tsunade will not believe it anyway!

Is there something wrong with this child?Tsunade thought of this, and she suddenly wanted to know why Kirito was against the coalition forces.

After thinking about it, he asked, and Tsunade asked directly: "Kirito, what is your purpose of robbing the tailed beast?"

Kirito didn't hide it, shrugged his shoulders and said: "Maybe you can understand the two words "snatch", senior! With my ability, the tailed beast has no special effect on me. The reason why I snatch these tailed beasts is precisely because there are no powerful individuals in the coalition, so I want to keep these tailed beasts for the coalition!"

"You should have also discovered that Uchiha Madara is also robbing tailed beasts. I believe you will know something more or less. Uchiha Madara's purpose is to gather all nine tailed beasts to wake up ten tails and become ten tails. Only after Renzhuli can he be qualified and capable of launching Unlimited Monthly Reading!" Kirito continued.

"Unlimited month reading, do you know what it is? It is an illusion that covers the entire earth, and everyone will fall into illusion! Uchiha Madara wants to use this method to create a peaceful world. But falling into illusion is not the end of this matter. Once you fall into illusion, if you can't crack it in a short period of time, the original body of the ten tails will wrap the person who is illusioned and become without personal consciousness. The Walking Dead!"

After learning this secret, Qianben Tsunade was taken aback, and she hurriedly asked: "Why don't you discuss such a big matter with me, and I can also unite with all the Shinobi villages to stop this matter!"

Kirito said: "The same sentence, there is no strong individual in the ninja alliance that can fight against Uchiha Madara, your personal ability is still too low! Besides, the current ninja alliance is really composed of people from the five major ninja villages. Are you here to be the master?"

Saying that, Kirito looked at Sasuke Uchiha inadvertently. Through the close connection between the main body and the incarnation, he had already seen Sasuke Uchiha from Gilgamesh's "The Spirit of Hero's Sublimation Omniscient Star". The body of , that is not Uchiha Sasuke, but Orochimaru!

Tsunade sighed, she knew that Kirito was right, and now the master of the house is not any one of the five great ninja villages, nor any shadow-level powerhouse in the past.

The most ironic thing is that the commander of their coalition turned out to be the wanted traitor - Orochimaru!

Moreover, even if the people from the five major Ninja villages are the leaders, they may not believe Kirito's words. The current alliance is because there are enemies that cannot be dealt with, and the battles and estrangements between the major Ninja villages have not disappeared!

"How did you know about this? Say it, and I will try my best to persuade them!" Tsunade asked reluctantly.

"Sorry, Tsunade-senpai, this is my personal secret, so I can't tell you. Also, even if I tell you, you can't convince them!" Kirito replied lightly.

Tsunade sighed and stopped asking. She knew that Kirito was right. Unless the facts were in front of them, these old stubborn stubborn people wouldn't trust people's words!

They were all so shrewd when they were playing tricks and tricks, but when it came to life and death, none of them could be trusted. Tsunade couldn't help but look at them with a hint of disgust.

In this short period of time, the battle situation below has been completely one-sided, and the several clones summoned by Kirito are actually suppressing the previous Hokage and Uchiha Sasuke fighting!

After all, Sasuke Uchiha is still too young, even if he has a strong bloodline, he cannot make up for the lack of combat experience, so it is not surprising that he is at a disadvantage.

But the suppression of the four generations of Hokage is a bit unacceptable. Although several Hokage were resurrected by reincarnation of the dirt, their strength is not as good as the heyday, but it stands to reason that their combat experience should be able to make up for this defect well. That's right!

Chapter four hundred and eighty surrender

But in fact, several Hokage are being suppressed and beaten, and there is basically no decent attack.

Guard Weishen Maohai Chenzi Chou Hai Si Yin Four Red Yang Formation!

The four Hokage had been forced to deploy the most powerful barrier, the Four Red Sun Formation.

Several incarnations of Kirito have been bound in the formation. Rao is like this, the situation of the four Hokage is still not optimistic, because the magic gun in Di Lumuduo's hand can ignore any energy!

And enchantment is naturally a kind of energy!

In addition, there is a god Serena outside who only shot after the formation was launched. Under the cooperation of the inside and the outside, the four Hokage were forced to be in a hurry.

"What? Do you want to bully the less with more?" A delicate voice sounded, it was Mimetsu Mimei, the fifth generation of Mizukage!

Although according to the fighting ability of these incarnations of Kirito, Terumi Mei is by no means an opponent, but she can't watch her companions being crushed and beaten by others!

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