In this way, Kirito successfully gained the trust of Yaerita and became the deputy head of this pirate group.

"I really hope you get your slippery fruit soon, you really need a little endurance to face your face!" Kirito thought silently in his heart.

The days passed in such a day after day of looting. Kirito knew the value of life. Under his obstruction, Yaerita had rarely murdered again.

"Report to the captain, a passenger ship was found ahead!" A pirate's report interrupted Kirito's leisure.

Yaerita, who was sitting on the captain's throne, finally got a little bit of interest. She stretched her waist and said excitedly: "Okay! Immediately order, everyone gathers and prepares to fight, I will rob them all. !"

After finishing speaking, carrying a huge mace and walking outside, Kirito couldn't help muttering: "This Yaerita is really a natural pirate material, as soon as he hears that there is a target to attack, he will Immediately wake up.”

At this moment, the arsenal system issued a task, and Kirito had to get serious.

Mission Type: Trigger the plot

Completion Difficulty: C

Completion Reward: Randomly draw a weapon

Mission content: First encounter with Luffy and Nami

"Boring, this task seems to be very simple! Oh, don't care, let's see what weapons will be given to me!" Kirito said lazily.

It seems that the passenger ship opposite is the one that salvaged Luffy, and it seems that Kirito will be dispatched this time.

Since Kirito came to Yaerita's boat, he has been eyeing a little boy who does odd jobs.

That's right, it was the little boy who first discovered Luffy, a cowardly little boy with very beautiful blond hair, but a pair of large glasses on his face ruined the overall beauty.

Kirito quietly came out of the cabin, and when everyone was not paying attention, he mixed in with the crowd and came to the opposite passenger ship.

At this time, the people on the passenger ship were already in a mess. In this era, pirates are not welcome guests, let alone the notorious Yaerita Pirates.

Following closely behind Kebi, the timid child did not find Kirito who was following him at all, which was exactly what Kirito wanted.

Sure enough, Kirby went directly to the kitchen. He took a fancy to the big wine barrel and wanted to move it out.

"It's just a wine barrel, there shouldn't be any danger, right?" Kirby thought to himself as he moved the wine barrel forcefully.

At this time, Kirito appeared in front of him, yes, he wanted to stop this little boy, he wanted to change everything.

"Keby? What are you doing?" Kirito asked, pretending to be puzzled.

"Huh?" Kirby turned around when he heard someone call his name. When he saw that the man standing in front of him was the deputy leader of the Pirates, he stuttered. Get up: "Kirito...Deputy Commander...I...I want to grab this vat of wine on our ship."

What Yallita did has left a big shadow in Kebi's heart, and he will become very nervous whenever he sees the pirates.

"Uh, okay, I'll help you!" Kirito said helplessly, I really don't know what this kid is thinking, this is not a barrel of wine.

Kirby stammered and said, "Lord Kirito, don't do it anymore... Yaerita little... If the lady knows, she will kill... kill me!"

Kirito frowned and said impatiently: "Why don't you tell me, then no one will know!"

He said to help, but Kirito kicked the wooden barrel very carefully. He didn't want the rash Luffy to hit him. You must know that the rash pirate in the original plot was directly knocked unconscious by him. .

Kirby looked at this little-known deputy commander strangely, wondering what he was doing.

Sure enough, after a few kicks, a red-clothed boy wearing a straw hat broke out of the bucket. He stretched lazily and said, "Ah, it's really comfortable to sleep this night."

"Huh? Who are you?" Luffy put down his hands, only to see the two people in front of him, so he asked suspiciously.

Kirby was already stunned, he would never have thought that a person could be drilled out of the wine barrel anyway.

Kirito, who already knew everything, was not surprised at all, but stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, my name is Hiuga Kirito, nice to meet you."

Luffy laughed, patted Kirito's palm and said, "Haha, me too, my name is Monkey D Luffy."

As he spoke, he frowned and asked, "Anything to eat? I'm so hungry!"

Kirito said with a smile, "Of course, come with me!" After speaking, he led Luffy towards the kitchen.

Kirby looked at the two who were walking away with a dull look, his whole mind was confused: "What! What is Captain Kirito doing? Are we not pirates? He is here to make friends!"

"Sure enough, there is something to eat, thank you very much, er, Tong... Tong..." Luffy's excited voice came from the kitchen.

Kirito said speechlessly: "It's Kirito..."

This guy is really as rough as the legend, and many things are forgotten in a blink of an eye, especially the things he doesn't pay attention to. It seems that he has to become friends with him first.

"Lord Deputy Head, what should we do next?" Kebi asked tremblingly as he pushed open the door.

Glancing at Luffy who was eating happily, Kirito shrugged and said, "Wait until he's full!"

Kirby was stunned again, he just didn't know what to say, what he said was how to explain to the deputy head, who asked this kid who suddenly appeared...

Luffy, who was eating, heard the conversation between the two, and before he could swallow the food in his mouth, he hurriedly asked, "Captain? Are you the captain?"

Kirito smiled and said, "Yes, I am a pirate, and the new deputy head of the Yaerita Pirates!"

He emphasized the word "new appointment", and he didn't know whether Luffy heard it or not.

"Ahhhh, that's great, I'm a pirate too, can you lend me a small boat? As long as a small boat is enough, I'll give it to you later!" Luffy pleaded happily.

Chapter [-] Little Thief Cat Nami

With a wicked smile on the corner of Kirito's mouth, he asked Luffy, "It's really not easy for you to escape from the big vortex just now!"

"How do you know?" Luffy looked at Kirito seriously and said.

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