Kirby had to join the navy because it was his dream, so they had to wait for the navy to catch up now.

As a famous pirate hunter, Zoro naturally thinks more than Luffy Police. He asked suspiciously: "Hey, what do you want to do? We just killed the naval chief here!"

Kirito waved his hand to signal that Zoro didn't have to worry, he explained: "Why you were arrested, you should know more about Monka than me, these navies will not do anything for that brutal guy."

Saying that, Kirito glanced at Kebi and said with a wicked smile: "However, he is also a companion, let us help him realize his wish!"

"You're such a bad guy! But he spent so long on Yaerita's pirate ship, do you think the navy would not know about it? You also underestimate the intelligence capabilities of the navy, that capability is absolutely It is far more powerful than you can imagine!" Zoro said disdainfully.

Hearing Zoro's words, Kirby's eyes dimmed like a candle that was about to go out.

"Don't worry, just show that he is not with us!" Kirito said easily.


The door was violently pushed open, and a navy officer who looked like an officer came to the four people and said sharply, "Are you pirates? Although I am very grateful for you for defeating Monka and liberating the justice of the navy, our Pirates are not welcome in the town, please leave!"

Luffy raised his head and glanced at the officer, and said coldly, "Is that so, are you driving us away?"

The navy remembered the strength they showed when they made a riot in the navy branch just now, and the cold sweat soaked their backs immediately, but the officer still insisted: "'s right!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, as if a war was coming.

"Okay, Luffy, stop making trouble, let's go! Zoro!" Kirito stopped Luffy's prank and said to the two.

Luffy laughed: "Kirito, you are so boring, okay, let's go!"

The three of them walked towards the door, but the naval officer stopped them again: "Hey, isn't this kid a companion with you?"

He was talking about Kirby.

Kirito replied immediately: "He? He's not our companion, right? Luffy!"

Luffy glanced at Kirby and said lightly: "We are warriors at sea, how can we have such cowardly companions! Mr. Navy, you may be mistaken!"

Kirby was naturally unwilling to be told that, he roared and rushed towards Luffy, punching Luffy hard in the face.

The two immediately scuffled into a ball, and the naval officer immediately stopped him: "Hey! I'll let you go, but you'd better not make trouble here, understand?"

"Kerby, remember, if you want to do it, do it, even if you sacrifice your life for it, it's satisfying, and we will always be friends!" Luffy whispered in Kirby's ear.

Suddenly, Kirby's tears flowed down, it turned out that everything Luffy did was for himself.

"Hey, who are you and why are you fighting with these people?" the Navy asked strangely.

Kirby knew a few of us wanted to help him join the Navy and fulfill his long-cherished dream.

"I'm here to find you, I want to join the Navy, I hope you can accept me!" Kirby said bravely.

"Originally, we wouldn't accept someone like you, but because of your courage to face the pirates, we made an exception to accept you!" said the naval officer.

The navy behind him said: "Sir, I'm afraid this is not right. The navy needs to strictly check the experience and life experience of Wang Wang!"

Kirby bravely interrupted the sailor's words and said loudly: "What? I am a person who will become an admiral in the future, how can you refuse me."

The naval officer said solemnly: "Many of our brothers and colleagues were brutally killed by pirates, so don't think that being a navy is such a simple thing, you may lose your life at any time!"

Kirby replied loudly: "Yes, I am ready, my ideal is to be a glorious navy, protect the property and life of the people, catch all the bad guys and put them in jail, and be ready to serve at any time. Sacrificing your life for this!"

"Very good, from today you are a member of the Navy!" the naval officer said loudly.

It seems that this world is always willing to give hope to those who work hard, it is really more and more interesting, Kirito thought.

At this time, the three had come to the boat, and Luffy shouted: "Let's go, to the great route!"

Zoro asked kindly, "Uh, do you know the direction of the great route?"

Luffy scratched his head and said, "This way? This way? That way? Which way is it?"

Zoro's mouth twitched and said: "You are really rough, don't know the destination, where should we go?"

"Don't worry, I was drifting on the sea like this before, we can always get there, right?" Luffy said disapprovingly.

Kirito also looked leisurely, lying on the boat with his hands on his head, Zoro looked like he had seen a ghost: "Your psychological quality is too strong? In my opinion, we need a navigator to help us determine the course. "

"That's it, then, let's go to the navigator!" Luffy said loudly with his hand stretched out in a determined gesture.

And just like that, this little ridiculous boat embarks on a journey once again...

Chapter five hundred and tenth split fruit

The three of them were drifting on the sea like this. I don't know how long it took, and a few of them started chatting.

At this moment, a gust of sea wind blew violently over and blew Luffy's straw hat out. Kirito, who was already on guard beside him, grabbed the hat and put it on Luffy's head and said, "Hey. Be careful, protect the precious things! Not to mention the promised things!"

"Well, thank you, Kirito! Hey? How did you know about my agreement with Shanks?" Luffy thanked him and asked strangely.

"There is no reason, I just know!" Kirito said as a matter of course.

He knows that his biggest advantage is the arsenal system and a clear understanding of the plot, so he doesn't plan to interfere in the change of the plot until he becomes stronger.

Therefore, he not only cannot stop, but also promotes the development of the plot as much as possible.

"Speaking of which, who are you, how come everyone's secrets are known!" Zoro also asked strangely.

Kirito said generously: "I just know, I can't tell you now, you will know later!"

He knows that these people are a bunch of big fools, and they can unconditionally trust the people around them. It is far better to say such words than to hide them.

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