"Why? No matter who did this, Nami will be very happy when she hears it!" Nuoqigao asked strangely.

Kirito said with a smile: "I just want to give an account of her years of hard work. She fought alone for so many years, and things can't end silently!"

"Aaron is still alive, I saved his life, but he will never come back to Coco Yaxi Village, you can rest assured!" Kirito continued.

Nuoqigao's eyes looked at Kirito's shoulder, the huge wound was shocking, and it was completely imaginable how fierce a battle it was.

"Don't talk about this, hurry up to the house and I'll wrap it up for you!" Nuoqi said nervously.

Kirito has never refused to be kind to him. Although these slight wounds are not in the way for him, he still obediently came to the room.

He also wanted to see the house where Nami grew up. Soon Nuoqigao bandaged his wound, and Kirito also looked at everything in the house.

His eyes were fixed on a photo on the cabinet, and he asked softly, "Is this Bermel?"

The lightness of the voice seemed to be afraid of disturbing Belle Meyer's soul. After receiving Nodhiko's affirmation, Kirito respectfully bowed to the photo!

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-Three Martial Master Hinata? ! (four more)

Martial Artist Hinata? !

Nuoqigao glanced at Kirito curiously, and flashed a complex look: What kind of man is this?He even dared to fight Aaron single-handedly.

"By the way, sister, is there any place to buy things here? I need to add some things for sailing!" Kirito interrupted Nuoqigao's thoughts and asked.

"There is a market in the town, what do you want to buy?" Nuoqi said with a high smile.

Kirito scratched his head and said, "Actually, I don't know what to buy, just some things needed for sailing."

Seeing Kirito's embarrassment, Nuo Qigao burst out laughing, she covered her mouth and smiled: "Okay, I know, I can probably think of it, I will prepare it for you, you just stay at home honestly. Heal your wounds!"

Kirito immediately rejected Nokigao's proposal, he said with a smile: "If you are sailing, you need to prepare a lot of things, right? I'm still in a hurry, so let's go with you!"

This is indeed the case. Besides, Kirito doesn't seem to have anything to do, so Nuoqigao has to agree.

"By the way, haven't you thought about resisting before?" Kirito asked strangely.

"Why didn't we think about resisting, but how can we ordinary people be the opponents of murlocs! Under the bloody suppression of murlocs, we had to wait obediently. After that, we just couldn't fill up enough money to buy our lives. With a full stomach, the gap in strength is getting bigger and bigger..." Nuo Qigao clenched his fists and said, it seems that Kirito's question has seriously hurt her self-esteem.

Kirito said apologetically: "I didn't mean that, I mean no one secretly wants to organize a resistance?"

When Nuo Qigao heard such a question, he seemed to fall into memory. After a long time, he replied, "There is really a person who has been persevering in organizing resistance, but she is not from our village!"

Hearing this, Kirito suddenly became excited. He grabbed Nuoqigao's shoulder and asked anxiously, "Tell me who this person is, maybe she is the person I'm looking for."

"This person was washed up to our village by the sea a few years ago, and then he was counted as a person in this village, and he had to pay for his life with us. From that day on, she began to organize villagers to prepare Resist!" Nuoqigao explained all this in a eloquent manner.

Hearing that it was a few years ago, Kirito seemed to have been splashed with a basin of cold water, and asked casually, "Then what's her name?"

"It seems to be called Hinata, right? I have no contact with her, and the specifics are not very clear!" Nuoqigao replied.

Kirito was stunned for a moment, and muttered to himself, "Hina... Hinata... How did you appear a few years ago?"

Then he quickly asked, "Is her name Hinata Hinata?"

Nuoqi was stunned for a moment, looked at Kirito and said hesitantly: "It seems so? What's wrong?"

"Where is she? Can you take me there, I need to see her!" Kirito immediately decided to see Hinata immediately.

Looking at Kirito strangely, Nuo Qigao didn't say much, but silently led the way.

He came to an alley in a rut, and Nuo Qigao stopped in front of a martial arts hall.

Without Nuoqigao's explanation, Kirito walked straight in, where a familiar figure was teaching people boxing.

Although this Aaron forbids the villagers to hide weapons, it does not seem to prohibit them from exercising their own strength.

"Hinata... I finally found you!" Kirito approached Hinata Hinata and said softly.

Hinata's body trembled, and her whole body seemed to be petrified. She turned her head mechanically, and the figure in front of her was exactly the person she had been thinking about over the past few years!

"Kirito...Are you finally here?" Hinata's voice trembled, and tears silently fell from the corners of her eyes.

Kirito nodded desperately and murmured, "Yes, I'm here! I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Hinata shook her head, unable to say a word, only the tears from the corners of her eyes kept lingering as if the dyke had burst.

Kirito never imagined that in his short period of time, it was indeed Hinata's years of hard work to survive.

After a long time, the two of them cried enough, so they sat together and talked about their experiences over the past few years.

Nuo Qigao and the apprentices in the martial arts hall went out very wisely, leaving this tender moment to the two who had been away for a long time.

This incident left a trace of haze in Kirito's heart, which gave him an ominous premonition.

It turned out that several of them fell into different time points when they broke through time and space.

Now Kirito can only scolded God for not opening his eyes, while praying: "Don't be joking, it doesn't matter at different time points, if it falls into different space points, the consequences are really unimaginable! "

After thinking of this, Kirito immediately made a decision in his heart. He must set sail as soon as possible, and let the name of Hyuga Kirito float in every corner of the sea, so that they can find themselves as soon as possible.

After making up his mind, Kirito immediately said to Hinata: "I must go to sea as soon as possible! Do you want to go with me!"

Then he told Hinata about his thoughts and decisions. Hinata was as gentle as always. After listening to him quietly, he said with a faint smile: "Where is Kirito-kun, I will be there!"

Although the voice was incomparably gentle, the determination revealed in his words was truly decisive and without hesitation.

The two cleaned up and left the martial arts hall. Anyway, Aaron's matter has been resolved, and the existence of the martial arts hall has lost its meaning.

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