Kirito now knows that what One Piece needs to conquer is not just a powerful enemy, but also this blue world!

Five hundred and fortieth chapters green ghost Dongli

It was still dark clouds, wind and rain just now, but in an instant, it became a sunny day, the sky was clear, and the sky of the great route was as incredible as the most unpredictable woman in the world.

Maybe it was the catharsis that released the power of heaven and earth, maybe it was because God had played tricks on Kirito and the two of them. Anyway, everything was calm again.

Soon a small island covered with vegetation appeared in front of him, and the dense jungle composed of huge plants seemed to show the magic and inconceivability of nature, standing in front of it with a prehistoric atmosphere.

However, everything was not as peaceful as it seemed on the surface. With a rumbling sound, a plume of smoke rose up, as if a volcano had erupted.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of rumbling and rumbling was heard incessantly, and the big trees in the distance also fell down in pieces.

All of this was enough to discourage the warriors in the past, but he couldn't stop Kirito, because the reasons for all these were already known to him.

Hinata bit her lip, and stared at the primitive jungle in front of her without saying a word.

"It's nothing, it's just two giants fighting! Don't you believe me?" Kirito said, looking at Hinata.

"Is it a giant? I hope their territorial awareness is not too strong!" Hinata murmured.

Kirito continued: "They are not indigenous primitive people, it should be easy to communicate and communicate with them!"

I also know that the size of this piece of land cannot breed such huge creatures, so there must be a limit to exaggeration.Hinata thought for granted.

Blue Ghost Tori, Red Ghost Broki, let me end the century-old struggle between you!Kirito also thought secretly in his heart.

In the middle of the island, there is a wide river connecting to the sea, but in order to prevent the huge aborigines in the jungle from destroying the boat, the two had to park the boat far away from the island.

The winds on the Great Route flatten out once you get close to the island, so you don't have to worry about the boat.

Riding a small sampan, the two finally set foot on this island with a very strong original atmosphere.

Without even thinking about it, Kirito led Hinata in the direction of the sound, and these two giants must have been tired from the fight. You can know a thing or two from the gradually sparse sound.

Judging from the stature of Kirito and the other two ordinary humans, Rao was just like a small garden for the giant to get the island, which is really too big.

Before the two of them arrived on the battlefield, the sound of the battle had disappeared. Only the giant trees that fell in pieces were still silently talking about the earth-shattering battle just now.

The two who lost their guidance could no longer move forward, so Kirito had to climb the big tree first to determine the direction.

If I remember correctly, the place where the two rest should have a huge mountain with ravines.

It looks like a mountain on the surface, but it is actually the skeletons of two giant sea kings that the two hunted a hundred years ago.

The bone mountain is very huge. Kirito saw the two eye-catching mountains at a glance. Knowing the direction, Kirito began to worry again.

Two people are on both sides of the island, how can they stop their fight?This is really a headache.

As the so-called world is difficult to achieve, constant thinking will not be able to have any substantial help to the problem.

Kirito decided to meet the bearded Aouki Tori first. This guy should be a little smarter than the red demon Broki.

The two quickly moved in the direction of Dongli, and encountered many huge dinosaurs along the way. The entire forest seemed to be an enlarged version of Jurassic Park.

Since Kirito obtained the space blade, it seems that nothing can stop the slash of the space crack, and those dinosaurs are no exception.

Presumably for other opponents of Kirito, they are just a little bigger, and their bodies are still flesh and blood.

From afar, he saw a bearded giant sitting on the ground roasting meat, looking like a hill.

"Hey, bearded uncle!" Kirito shouted loudly, trying to attract Dongli's attention.

Dongli followed the voice and looked here. After searching carefully for a long time, he saw these two small and delicate people.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be you humans. I didn't expect that there would be foreigners on this island. The last time I saw strangers seemed to be many years ago, right?" Dongli said with a big laugh .

The voice of these words may just be a little louder for Tori, but when he heard Kirito and Hinata's ears, it was like thunder, and the sound made their ears numb.

Kirito said loudly: "Uncle, we are pirates at sea. We happened to come here and heard a sound, so I came here to take a look!"

"So you are pirates? It's really nostalgic. I don't know what happened to the Giant Soldiers Pirates in the past [-] years!" It seems that Dongli has not communicated with others for too long, and his thoughts are often unstable. , always thinking of the past while talking.

Kirito pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Uncle, what was the sound in the forest just now? Was there some monster?"

Dongli laughed again: "Hahaha, you are really an interesting boy, if you say it's a monster, it's true for you humans! The voice just now was the voice of me fighting another giant. !"

"Because the two of you have been fighting for a hundred years at a time, isn't that enough? Uncle with a beard!" Kirito said such a sentence abruptly.

Hearing this sentence, Qing Gui Dongli's eyes suddenly widened, each one like the moon on the fifteenth night.

"Who the hell are you? How do you know about this? If you don't mention it, I can't remember what we are fighting for!" Before he finished speaking, Dongli's thoughts returned flew up.

Kirito avoided answering Dongli's question, he continued to persuade: "It's just a small matter, why keep fighting?"

Dongli suddenly became angry, and he shouted loudly: "What is a small matter? This matter is related to the honor of the soldier! Unless that damn Broki admits defeat, I will not stop, we There must be a higher one between them."

"Is that so? Speaking of which, you can't fight without spoils, right?" Kirito asked with an intriguing smirk at the corner of his mouth.

Five hundred and fortieth chapters helpless strategy

The giants are born with physical advantages. In the face of their strength, all problems will no longer be problems. Therefore, the giants rarely play tricks and tricks.

"Ah? Of course there are trophies. Under the watchful eyes of God, we will have a sacred duel. Only the greatest warriors will be able to obtain the eternal pointer back to Elbaf!" Dongli said proudly.

Kirito's face showed a sly smile, but Dongli didn't realize it at all, and Kirito continued to ask: "Such important things must be stored carefully, in case they are stolen by your opponent, it will be completely It's over!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could Broki be such a person? The eternal pointer is placed in the bones of the sea king behind me. The honor of a warrior cannot make a man in Elbaf steal! "Dongli exclaimed angrily, not knowing that the location of the spoils had been exposed.

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