"Bolu Bolu... Bolu Bolu..."

A strange sound rang from the cabin, and Kirito rushed in, trying to figure out what it was.

After searching for a long time, I found the source of the voice in a corner. It was the phone bug that Nico Robin gave to Kirito before.

Because there is no other person's number, it is impossible to communicate, so Kirito slips it into the cabin.

"Hello! Hello!" Kirito picked up the microphone and said lazily.

This phone bug was thinner than when I first got it. Fortunately, it didn't take long. Otherwise, I don't know if it would starve to death.

A voice came from the mouth of the phone bug: "Mr4? Why did it take so long to answer the phone?"

There was clearly a strong dissatisfaction in his voice, but it didn't happen.

"Oh! It's nothing, I haven't used this thing before, so I put it in the corner! Excuse me, who are you from the Baroque studio?" Kirito said easily.

The other party fell silent immediately, and seemed to be very speechless at Kirito's answer. After a while, the voice said coldly: "I'm Nico Robin, you are really lucky, you haven't starved the phone bug to death for so long! "

Kirito was also stunned, and suddenly shouted loudly: "What? This thing still needs to eat?"

There is a limit to common sense, Nico Robin really doesn't know what to say to this man.

"If the phone bug starves to death and can't contact you, the baroque studio will see you as a deserter, and Mr0 will kill you no matter where you go! So I suggest you feed your phone. Worm!" Nico Robin said sternly.

"What, Crocodile is so fierce?" Kirito muttered in dissatisfaction.

Nico Robin's cold sweat had already flowed down, she quickly interrupted Kirito's complaint and said sharply: "You better not talk about this name casually, in case Mr0 is listening with a black phone bug, he will You'd think I told you!"

"Come on, be careful, voyeuristic!" Kirito continued to sneer without any scruples, as if Crocodile, one of the seven seas, was just a code name.

She didn't want to talk to this man any more, but she still had the most basic responsibility. She continued: "At present, only me and Mr0 know your number, so you don't need to ask who the other party is every time. That's all I have to say. , Mr0 does not have such good patience."

"Uh, what if someone dials the wrong number? I don't have to ask, I have to obey his orders? If the other party calls to order food, do I have to travel thousands of miles to deliver it to him?" Kirito asked weakly .

The choked Nico Robin is speechless now. There is no doubt that Kirito has such potential, and he will successfully talk to death in a few words.

Ignoring Kirito who didn't have any form, Nico Robin gave a straightforward order: "Mr4 is ready to receive orders! I'll pass it on to you immediately!"

Kirito said something unbelievable, and he said curiously: "Yah? This thing can still receive faxes? It's amazing!"

Accustomed to Kirito's open mouth, although he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, Nico Robin ignored this sentence directly.

"After receiving the order, you must leave immediately. If you delay the time, you should be very clear about the consequences!" Robin, who didn't want to talk to Kirito anymore, left such a sentence and hurriedly hung up the phone.

A fax titled Mission Book was taken by Kirito, and he began to look carefully. He was very interested in Krokadar's plan.

Mr4 receives the order:

Immediately after seeing the order, go to the Kingdom of Alabasta to execute the following order without delay!Posing as pirates, attacked the coastal cities of Alabasta and destroyed all drinking water dwellings.Immediately after completing the mission, sneak into the Kingdom of Alabasta to await further orders.The mission can only succeed and not fail!The signature at the end of the assignment book is: Mr0.

"This Crocodile is really like a mouse. There are so many people who know his true identity and hide their heads. It's really boring!" Kirito muttered disdainfully.

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Nine The Status Quo of Alabasta

Compared with the task of this Baroque studio, Kirito is more interested in the telephone bug, which can not only transmit voice, but also send and receive faxes.

I don't know what this so-called phone bug eats. Kirito is very curious. After all, this is something he has never seen before.

As for the mission, anyway, the original purpose of this ship is to go to Alabasta, so there is no need to bother.

He brought some leftover food and fed it to the phone bug, thinking that this little thing must be starving. After he devoured it, he continued to look at Kirito with those pitiful eyes.

Kirito felt very interesting, and continued to feed the phone bug with food. He didn't know the reason. The phone bug had an unusually large appetite, and it ate all the leftovers.

But the phone bug still looked at Kirito eagerly, obviously wanting something to eat.Kirito glanced at the phone bug's obviously swollen stomach, and didn't dare to feed it any more.

Seeing that Kirito was no longer feeding it, the computer bug also quieted down.But after a while, there was a strange creaking sound from the mouth of the phone bug, which looked very painful.

Kirito suddenly lost his hands and feet, and he had never been in contact with a phone bug, and he didn't know what to do.

By the way, the phone worm needs to eat, which means that it is a living creature. If you are not feeling well, you should naturally seek a doctor. Isn’t there a doctor named Xianglin on board, but I don’t know if Xianglin can be a veterinarian.

"Fragrance, come here!" Kirito yelled outside.

Xianglin agreed, and soon came to the room, she called sweetly and said, "Brother Kirito, what's the matter?"

Kirito said hesitantly: "That, Xianglin, look at what happened to this thing?"

Only then did he notice the squeaking sound from the mouth of the phone bug, Xianglin asked curiously, "What is this?"

"This is called a phone bug, and it's used for long-distance contact, but I don't know why it's so painful all of a sudden." Kirito hurriedly explained.

Although I have never seen such a thing, the one who can make a sound to express the feeling of discomfort must be a living creature. As long as it is a living creature, it can definitely be cured.

After checking it carefully, Xianglin frowned, and Kirito who looked at it couldn't help but get nervous. He asked eagerly, "What's wrong? Is there nothing I can do?"

"This strange creature seems to be overwhelmed... I don't know how it did it..." Xianglin said hesitantly.

Kirito blushed when he heard these words. Isn't he the culprit? He asked embarrassedly, "Uh, I don't know. Is there any way to cure it?"

If the phone bug could communicate directly with people, they would definitely complain fiercely. They had been hungry for a long time for no reason, and they were fed so much food all at once.

Xianglin shook his head and said, "That's not the case. Give it some digestive medicine, and it will get better soon!"

Only then did Kirito feel relieved. He didn't know where the phone bug could be found, and it was the only means of contact with the Baroque studio.

Now that the problem of the phone bug has been solved, Kirito's heart has finally been relieved, and the group has once again set foot on the road to Alabasta.

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