Satisfied with taking back the space blade, Kirito left with a bunch of phone bugs. Fortunately, Baroque Studio has always maintained a one-line contact in order to maintain the always mysterious style.

So as long as these phone bugs are collected, these people will disappear, and they will not know that these people have been killed for a while.

In order to prevent being discovered, it is better for the three of them to leave as soon as possible, if it really attracts the attention of Crocodile, it will be troublesome.

Besides Nico Robin, she couldn't wait for a long time after issuing the summon order. She immediately used the phone bug to contact them, but the phone bug was in Kirito's hands, so of course he couldn't answer.

The disappearance of so many high-level secret agents is not a trivial matter. She quickly told Crocodile. After learning about it, Crocodile also became nervous.

An organization of unknown origin actually destroyed the senior agents of the Baroque Studio in one fell swoop, and all the agents below No. [-] could not be contacted.

It's a big trouble now, even if you are forced to temporarily promote a few from among the million elders and the [-] elders, you may not be able to have that ability.

An order was issued urgently, down to the elder-level spy, up to the fingers of Mr1 and Miss, all received an order.

We will do our best to search for the whereabouts of several of them, and we will see people die and corpses. Anyone who can get their news will be able to get different rewards.

This time, it finally temporarily delayed the time for Crocodile to provoke the two armies to fight, which also left more time to connect in series.

On the one hand, he needs to pay attention to Von Klei's movements to prevent him from posing as the king to breed trouble, and on the other hand, he has to lobby Kosha and the king to make them try their best to make peace.

I am afraid that the candle man will not be hunted down by Crocodile. Now is the time to hire people. Even if he makes a big mistake, as long as he does not want to betray Crocodile, he will not be punished.

Mystery is the key to the Baroque studio's foothold, which makes everyone unaware of the true identity of the people behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, Kirito can take advantage of this and cause a very serious blow to them.

Kirito is rushing towards the palace at the moment. After the last experience, the three of them have become a lot more proficient, and they are not embarrassed for the first time in the face of the desert.

Soon they came to Albana, the capital of the Kingdom of Alabasta. After learning that the visitor had friendship with Vivi, King Cobra warmly received them.

"Three distinguished guests, where did you meet my daughter? Are there other people around him?" Cobra asked casually, seemingly concerned.

Kirito said with a smile: "Your Royal Highness is really careful, the matter that Princess Vivi was investigating has already been traced, and she will return to Alabasta with Ikalem in a few days."

Seeing that his temptation was seen through by Kirito, Kobra blushed apologetically: "It's a joke for the guests, it's really our country facing life and death, so we have to be careful."

He waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mind, and Kirito continued: "Your Highness, there are some things I have to tell you right away! About Princess Weiwei's investigation..."

Kobra immediately interrupted Kirito's words, and after he backed away, he said cautiously, "Sir, please tell me, I suspect that there are already people from the other party in my palace, so it's better to let them retire."

"I forgot, Your Highness, you are very right. For the time being, the less people know about this, the better, unless it can be exposed in the eyes of the people of the country."

Telling Cobra exactly what happened, this made the king's mood not calm for a long time. One of the seven Wuhai people wanted to destroy this country, which is not a good sign.

Seeing that Kobra's face gradually became firmer, Kirito said with a smile, "I'm afraid Your Highness is trying to invade the rainy land?"

Looking at Kirito in surprise, Kobra was really surprised. This idea came only just now, and Kirito already knew it.

"In terms of the strength of the King's Army, it is definitely not Crocodile's opponent. What you need to do now is to quell the civil unrest. As long as the civil unrest is quelled, you will not be afraid of Crocodile's conspiracy and tricks. Hit the power and kill Crocodile. It can be done once and for all!" Kirito explained patiently.

Cobra lowered his head in disappointment and murmured, "If it were this easy, the rebels wouldn't be able to pull up such a large team!"

Kirito said solemnly: "You have to believe that they were only deceived by Crocodile. If even you, the lord of a country, loses confidence, when will the civil unrest be quelled?"

Looking at Kirito's seriousness, Kobra lost his mind. They have been used to putting the blame on the fact that there has been no rain for three years, but they never thought that it was because people lacked confidence and unity. Got to this point.

"So, what do you think I should do best?" Cobra asked humbly.

"Leave the palace! If you stay in a place like this, the people will never be able to see your efforts. From now on, you will go to all parts of the country to inspire everyone and let the people see your determination!" Kirito said calmly.

"This... won't this give them more opportunities to attack me?" Cobra asked suspiciously.

Kirito explained: "Don't worry, he still has to be restrained by the navy, otherwise why would he bother to incite the rebels to rebel? If he did it himself, who would be his opponent in the whole country? ?"

Five hundred and sixtieth chapters stubborn Kosha

After listening to Kirito's explanation, King Kobra finally understood. His biggest advantage now is that he is one of the kings of the world government!

And although Crocodile is one of the seven seas and is very powerful, he is still a pirate, and pirates still cannot openly oppose the government, otherwise it will touch the bottom line.

So the more Cobra stayed in the palace, the more dangerous it was, because there were many opportunities to assassinate and kidnap him.

In the same way, the more he is exposed to the public, the safer he will be, and he would not dare to openly oppose the World Government until he obtains Pluto.

Under Kirito's order, Kobra embarked on the road to appease the riots. He made a very passionate speech, claiming that as long as it didn't rain for a day, he would not return to the palace for a day, and he would talk to the people in the most difficult place. suffer together.

On the other hand, Kobra's capable generals also started the cleaning operation. With the reference of a sign provided by Kirito, everyone with this sign was arrested, and that sign represented the Baroque work. room.

The incident was quickly reported to Crocodile, who angrily smashed a table and shouted, "You bastards, you haven't even seen any trace of the enemy!"

Nico Robin said coldly: "Crocodahl, please pay attention to your words. I am only a cooperative relationship with you, not your subordinate!"

Staring at Nico Robin angrily, Crocodile seemed to want to tear this woman to pieces, but under Nico Robin's uncompromising response, Crocodile looked away again.

He murmured to himself: "From the disappearance of the senior spy at the beginning, to the active operation of Cobra and the purge of his personnel, it seems that the other party must have planned this step by step! The second is that the visitor is not good!"

"Dare to oppose Crocodile, one of the seven seas, even if you think about it with your knees, you should know that the other party is not good!" Nico Robin sarcastically said.

Glancing at Nico Robin, Crocodile said with a pun: "If my plan fails, your goal will not be achieved, so I hope you better understand this!"

"Order all people to fully monitor suspicious people who have recently appeared in Alabasta, especially those who have entered the capital Albana, and must be found without fail." As soon as the voice changed, Crocodile instructed in a deep voice.

It's a pity that Crocodile's plan is doomed to fail, because Kirito has long expected that he will have this move, so he used the transformation technique to change his appearance along the way.

After getting the king of Cobra, Kirito immediately rushed to Cattleya, which was the base camp of the rebel army.

Speaking of which, this Princess Weiwei is really amazing. Whether it is the King's Army or the Rebel Army, as soon as they hear that they are related to Princess Weiwei, they immediately report it.

He successfully met Kosha, the angular young man with glasses, and he asked directly: "Where's Vivi? Let her come to see me herself! Does Kobra dare not let her come to see me?"

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