"How about we play a fun game?" Kirito suddenly said to the two seriously.

Chapter five hundred and sixty-eight capture Feng Kelei alive

"Since you were caught, we have nothing to say, just say what you want to do with us!" The candle man said resignedly.

Kirito said with a smirk, "This game is about your life! We'll leave it to God to decide what the outcome will be!"

Golden Week's complexion changed, and the small complexion became pale. What kind of courageous person can decide to gamble on his life.

"I'll give you ten minutes to escape. After ten minutes, I'll start chasing you. You can flee directly to the beach and make a simple boat out of broken wood on the shore. If I catch up with you, I'll kill you. You, if you escape successfully, I will let you go!" Kirito continued.

Since the rebel army had dispersed, the village where Kosha was stationed was not far from the sea, so as long as he tried his best to escape, he might be able to escape.

The candle man gritted his teeth and said: "We have no other way to do it now, we bet, I hope you can keep your word!"

Kirito, who fled away, only left a sentence: "If you escape safely, it is best not to let me touch you again, and I will never let you go next time!"

During the Golden Week, the weak and weak Candle Man struggled to escape to the beach. This was their last hope.

"Kirito, do you want me to follow them and get rid of them quietly?" Hinata asked coldly.

It's not that Hinata is cold-blooded or something, but that ninjas always solve things neatly.

"No need, they don't dare to waste too much time. With just a simple raft, the two of them may not be able to survive. The most urgent task now is to hurry to the king's side, otherwise it may cause confusion." Kirito explained concisely and comprehensively. road.

He didn't intend to kill them in the first place, these people just became the lackeys of the Baroque studio under the blindness of Crocodile. As long as Crocodile is dealt with, they are nothing to worry about.

As for Von Krei, he has already used the ability to imitate the fruit to quietly approach Cobra, and as soon as the blade man and the thorn woman attack outside, he will leave a lesson to the king that he will never forget.

There was chaos outside soon, the Blade Man and the Thorns Woman had already started, and Feng Kelei also quietly approached Cobra.

Just as he was about to launch a fatal blow, a gloomy voice rang out, and both Feng Kelei and Cobra were very surprised.

"I advise you not to move, otherwise I can't guarantee whether you can continue to live!"

A funny scene appeared. Feng Kelei thought that the voice was a hidden guard, so he really didn't dare to move.

And King Cobra thought this man was an assassin, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

"Very good, Mr. Feng Kelei, this will be the most correct decision you have made." The voice continued.

Hearing that he was not talking about himself, Cobra breathed a sigh of relief, and it was only then that he felt that the voice was interesting and familiar.

"Are you? Vivi's friend? The young man you met before?" Cobra couldn't help but asked.

Kirito said flatly: "It is right here, His Royal Highness is now safe, please don't worry."

Cobra cursed inwardly, but asked calmly, "Didn't you say that they won't do anything to me, sir? What's the matter with this person?"

Although the tone was calm, it sounded quite a bit scolding, and the meaning was naturally self-evident.

"If they want His Highness's life, how can they send only one person? This is just a conspiracy, they want you to think that Kosha wants to assassinate you. Even if I don't come, they won't solve your problem. , because they still have very important things for you to assist." Kirito explained lightly.

Feng Kelei's face changed greatly, and he asked sharply, "Who are you? Can you make me more clear?"

Kirito said disdainfully: "You'd better be more honest! Also, if you want to trick me, you seem to be a little more tender, Mr. Shemale!"

Unexpectedly, this person knew all the actions of the Baroque Studio very well. Feng Kelei knew that since the other party dared to come, his strength must not be underestimated.

"Ah!" After a scream, Feng Kelei fell to the ground at once, looking like he was dead.

Cobra's face changed greatly, and he said to Kirito: "Sir, please think of a way, it's better to keep alive."

"Don't worry, he is fine! Right? Your Excellency Feng Kelei!" Kirito said in a bad tone.

Seeing that the trick was seen through by Kirito, Feng Kelei didn't answer.

Not only did he want to escape, but he also wanted to bring this news to the boss, so he might be able to make a great contribution out of misfortune!

"Your Excellency Feng Kelei, don't you have to leave in such a hurry? Please stay a step!" Kirito exclaimed very politely.

Feng Kelei cursed inwardly: "Crazy, who would care about you in such a terrible time, if you let me stay, I'll stop and let you kill?"

Although he thought so in his heart, his body really stopped, and he was paralyzed on the ground very indecently.

This is of course the credit of Hailoushi, Feng Kelei fell to the ground weakly, knowing that he could not escape, he scolded loudly: "You despicable villain, what have you done to me? Why did I suddenly have a little strength? All gone?"

Kirito replied with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just because we met for the first time, so I gave you a little expensive gift. I think the gift is too heavy, you can't take it!"

Feng Kelei was taken aback by these inexplicable words, and then he asked suspiciously, "What? A gift?"

"That's right, I was fortunate enough to get some jewelry made of Hailou stone during my previous travels. Whenever I meet someone special, I will give out one or two of them." Kirito nodded lightly and said.

He didn't pay attention to the sarcastic words Kirito said, but Feng Kelei heard the three words Hailoushi. Hailoushi had also been mentioned before. It was said to be an ore with the power of the sea.

Although he had heard of it, he had never seen it before. He had always regarded this ore as an ordinary human fantasy.

After seeing the power of the capable ones, it is natural for people to fabricate a non-existent thing to restrain the capable ones.

However, what he never imagined was that such a thing as Hailou Stone actually existed, and its ability was far more powerful than he had imagined before!

Feng Kelei lowered his head all of a sudden, wondering if he was thinking of a way or if he finally accepted his fate.

Chapter five hundred and sixty-ninth lure the enemy deep

"What exactly do you want to do? Just say it!" Feng Kelei suddenly raised his head and said.

Kirito nodded and said, "If that's the case, then I'll tell you straight, why do you have to be a dancer to participate in this kind of thing? This thing doesn't do you any good, right?"

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