After a pause, Kirito continued: "If you can promise not to think about Alabasta, I can let you go, what do you think?"

Robin's face changed greatly, she hurriedly persuaded: "Kirito, you can't let him go! This person is not only sinister and vicious, but also very perverted. If you let him go, there will be endless trouble!"

Although Crocodile is cruel and cold-blooded, he is still a hero. He stalked his neck and said, "If you want to kill, kill, why do you talk so much nonsense! I will never agree to something that can't be done!"

Kirito nodded and said: "Very well, I appreciate your principles, although you are very shameless. Let's just throw you into the sea, life and death will depend on destiny, but next time you do it again In my hands, I will never let you go!"

With no fear on his face, Crocodile cried frantically: "If I can survive, I will definitely make you regret not killing me today!"

"Robin, help me throw him into the sea!" Kirito turned his head and said lightly, as if he didn't care.

Robin nodded, and a road made up of hands extended into the distance. These hands tore Crocodile, passed him to the sea, and threw him into the sea.

After all this was done, Kirito led Robin to the camp where King Cobra was. After learning that Kirito had eliminated the cancer of Krocdahl, Cobra excitedly clung to Kirito's hand. , but he couldn't say a word, only the tears in his eyes could explain his mood at this time.

After a long time, Cobra choked and said a thank you, as if a thousand words were turned into these two words.

After Kirito introduced Robin's identity and the purpose of his visit, Kobra's face suddenly became solemn, and he said seriously: "This stone tablet is something that the ancestors have always guarded, if it is seen by outsiders, I am afraid It will be very dangerous!"

These words were already equivalent to a tactful rejection, and Robin collapsed on the chair in disappointment, like a deflated balloon.

Kirito said quickly: "I have done some things recently, although I dare not take credit, but compared to His Highness, I know who I am!"

Kobra waved his hands again and again and said that he didn't dare, and Kirito continued: "Besides, I'm still a fortune teller. If there is any danger in this matter, I will never bring her here!"

After witnessing Kirito's miraculous ability, these words naturally sounded convincing, so King Kobra nodded in agreement.

"This friend of mine is just obsessed with history. She just heard that you know the location of such a stone, so she came to ask you to let her take a look. Whether she can understand it is still unknown!" Kirito said while winking at Robin.

Although Robin doesn't like to deceive people, in order to pursue the real text of history, she can even join an organization like the Baroque Studio, not to mention a small lie, besides, Kirito is also begging for her, she is in love Yu Li should not be dismantled.

Sure enough, after hearing what Kirito said, the king's brows furrowed tightly, as if he was very entangled in his heart.

After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind, gritted his teeth and said: "Since the two are my benefactors of Alabasta, I will make an exception for you to take a look, even if the ancestors blame me, I have no regrets! But! I hope the two of you will not tell this matter whether you understand it or not!"

Kirito continued: "We know that this stone tablet records the location of the ancient weapon Pluto. Once it is known to the gangsters, it may cause a bloody storm. Please be careful, we will definitely keep this secret!"

Anyway, the rain has already fallen, and the king's wish has been completed. At this time, it is a good time to return to the palace, and Cobra simply ordered to set off.

The guards have been on duty in the splendid palace all year round, and they have long been tired of wandering outside. Therefore, after receiving the order, they did not complain at all, but were still elated.

Robin, who could not wait for a long time, set off first. Seeing Robin who was a little overwhelmed with excitement, Kirito had to go with her on the road.

With the ability of the two, they came to the palace in a very short time. At this time, the palace did not even have a third person!

Kobra is a benevolent king. In three years without rain, he has sold all the valuable things in the palace to help the victims. Without finances, there is no need to stay behind, so there is not even a guard in the palace. .

Sitting on the city wall above the palace, the two of them couldn't help sighing. Although Cobra did not have the ability and ambition of Crocodile, he was able to regard every people as an important part of the country. He was a real Renjun.

Perhaps this is the key to Alabasta's survival in the desert for so many years!

Chapter five hundred and seventy-seven where Nico Robin goes

The king's travel is naturally not too simple. Although Cobra is not a person who likes to waste, too simple a guard of honor will only make the people lose confidence.

After waiting for a long time, the king and his guards rushed back slowly, not because they were slow or something, but simply because of this, they could give people a sense of calmness and an air of being in control of everything.

Many people envy the emperor, but the royal etiquette alone is enough to make people annoying, which can only be said to have advantages and disadvantages.

Although Kobra agreed to Kirito and Robin's request, he first ordered one thing, that is, everyone should take three days off!

These young, loyal soldiers had suffered too much with him, and now that Crocodile was wiped out and the rebel army was gone, it was time for them to be reunited with their families.

The palace of Alabasta should have never been so deserted since it was built. It is indeed a kind of courage for this people-oriented emperor to abandon the foundation of the royal family for the people.

"The two of you, please come with me, this place is extremely secretive, I hope you two can keep this secret!" Cobra said solemnly.

Kirito and Robin also nodded very seriously. You must know that this is a secret that the royal family has guarded for an unknown number of years. It is a special face to be able to let them take a look at it. If even this is the most basic If they can't do it, they simply don't have to look again.

They were brought to the depths of the palace, and I don't know what mechanism King Cobra pressed, and a passage was exposed on the ground.

Under the leadership of Cobra, we walked down the stairs, and what was hidden underground turned out to be a great hall, a dark hall hidden in a little-known corner.

At the end of the hall, there was a huge stone tablet, which was engraved with dense handwriting, but people could not recognize a word.

When Robin saw the stone tablet, as if his mind had been plundered, he stared blankly at the stone tablet as it walked forward.

It was not until she reached the stone tablet that Robin stopped. She watched slowly without saying a word, but the disappointment in her eyes became stronger and stronger. It was not until she read the last word that she was lost. Turning around to Kirito, he said feebly: "You really didn't lie to me, the content recorded on this stele is not the historical text I'm looking for."

Kirito nodded and said, "I already knew it, you just need to memorize the content carefully, and you will definitely use it in the future."

Looking at Kirito suspiciously, Robin seemed to have something to say, but she still didn't ask, she nodded lightly and turned her eyes to the stone tablet again.

After a long time, Robin turned around and nodded at Kirito, indicating that he wrote it down.

The two thanked Kobra very solemnly, which made Kobra very ashamed. The two helped Alabasta so much, but he didn't help even a little bit.

The three returned to the top, and Robin hesitated for a long time before asking, "Kirito, where are you going next? Can I join you?"

Although I really wanted to agree, but Xianglin and Hinata, who had followed the king's army back, had already been waiting here. Seeing their vicious eyes, how could Kirito dare to agree?

"That's right, Robin. We have to find our lost companions to come to the great route, so we don't have time to stay, so you can't study smoothly with us..." Kirito explained seriously road.

Such words undoubtedly represent rejection, and Robin is not an ignorant person. She said disappointedly: "Is that so? That's such a pity!"

Seeing Robin's lost eyes, Kirito felt a little unbearable, and he continued: "Don't be discouraged, there will be a pirate group coming here soon, and their leader is a boy in a straw hat. , This pirate group is a pirate group established because of ideals, you can try to join them!"

Hearing that there were still such a group of people fighting at sea, Robin's eyes suddenly lit up, and she asked eagerly, "Is there really such a team? Are you lying to me?"

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