In the kitchen, the chef's order is like a general's decree. Even if she is confused, she must do what she needs to do first!

Thousands of materials were quickly processed and placed neatly on the long table in the middle of the kitchen.

"Sure enough! So you should be good at cooking, right?" Jessica's eyes turned to her heart.

She nodded stiffly, and Xiao Nan admitted it very honestly, because she didn't know what Jessica wanted to do!

"You! Get your seat out of the way and let this chef do it!" Jessica ordered a chef next to her.

The chef immediately gave up his position, which shows Jessica's position among the group of chefs.

Looking at her watch, Jessica said to Xiao Nan, "Let's do it! Ten minutes later, one hundred soldiers will come to eat, and the food for the hundred will be handed over to you to cook! Is there any problem?"

Shaking his head, Xiao Nan is very sure that there is no problem!

Ten minutes is very compact even for Xiao Nan. She didn't dare to neglect and immediately started cooking.

It only took eight minutes for the food to be brought to the table, which is enough to see how solid Xiaonan's basic skills are!

Taking a look at the exquisite dishes, Jessica said very indifferently: "Whether the food is done well, the diners are the most qualified to evaluate!"

As soon as the words fell, the cooks brought these meals out. Xiao Nan's identity was still a cook after all, and she didn't want to be criticized, so she quickly helped to serve the dishes.

Just after finishing their work, those soldiers rushed into the restaurant in a swarm, looking like refugees fleeing from the famine.

Maybe they were really hungry, and they started to devour the food as soon as they saw the food on the table.

Gently opening the kitchen window, Jessica smiled maliciously and said, "Let's see how these diners rely on your craftsmanship!"

As soon as the window was opened, many voices came in immediately. Soldiers are just so informal.

Among these sounds are the sounds of eating and chewing, the sounds of discussing and talking, and the sounds of bowls and chopsticks colliding.

"Wow! Did you change the chef today? This meal is really delicious!"

"Yeah, yeah! I finally gave us something new, and it really tastes good!"

The voices of discussion were full of praise for Xiaonan's cooking skills!

Chapter [-] Merkagull

Human beings are so strange, when a person is on par with you, they will be jealous, look down on them, and so on!

But when they know how far apart they are from each other, this jealousy turns into admiration and admiration.

Since Xiao Nan came to the kitchen, everything he did and said was perfect and impeccable. At this time, Jessica really has nothing to say!

"Drink you to join the kitchen of the G8 branch of the Navy, I now officially announce that you are one of us!" Jessica extended her hand and said friendly.

For Xiaonan's performance, not only did Jessica have nothing to say, but also convinced all the chefs in the kitchen, they all warmly applauded this new member warmly.

Besides, Hinata, who managed to infiltrate the library, was leisurely looking at the charts in the navy.

When it comes to exploring the sea, how can an individual be compared to an organization?They already have very good systems and processes for everything.

What made these librarians experience is that this never-before-seen Hinata not only has an amazing memory, but is also very good at reading charts!

Just because someone who can read a chart doesn't necessarily mean he can understand it, just like someone who can understand a chart doesn't necessarily know how to draw a chart.

More and more people began to ask Hinata for advice, and she was very happy to tell them, because every narration was equivalent to a deepening of understanding!

This is probably the most leisurely time Hinata has ever had since coming to this world.

During this period of time, she has even started to learn how to draw charts, and has also produced a chart of the sky island!

Don't look at Jonathan like a hands-off shopkeeper, idling around all day, but even if he thinks with his knees, he can see how he could have become the person in charge of a base if he hadn't been so quick.

He already knew everything about what happened in the base, and there was an extra cook, a librarian, and a medical staff inexplicably.

He already knew these things from the mouths of his subordinates, but he did not rush to do it!

Are there any women in the world who do not love beauty?Are there any women in the world who don't even need a shred of skin care products?

The answer is pretty obvious, even ugly women want to be liked and they want to be noticed!

This is also the strange place. One of the three beds has no smell at all. This one is definitely not a woman's bed.

In other words, these three extra women are not the main owners of this pirate ship. If the pirate flag on the ship is not fake, the person named Kirito Hinata worth [-] million Bailey is still hidden in the base. !

If he had acted rashly now, he would definitely be frightened, so Jonathan not only did not arrest people, but sent people to protect the three girls.

Of course, it's uncertain whether this protection is real or not. Anyway, it seems that this so-called protection is more like surveillance.

This is also the reason why Kirito didn't appear for a long time. He just wanted to make Jonathan unclear about his intentions, so that even if Jonathan found three girls, he would not dare to act rashly for a while.

So where is Kirito now?That is the preparation class of the G8 branch of the Navy!

This is the most difficult place to attract attention. Most of those battleships must have been damaged when they encountered the storm. Who will notice that there is one more person or one less person in the busy work?

And in the vast sea, a boat is a must, and a pirate without a boat can be said to have lost both hands and feet.

Staying here can not only ensure the safety of their ship, but also ensure that the three girls are not harmed, and at the same time can hide their tracks well, which is really a good idea to kill three birds with one stone.

In the training class, the person who Kirito was most interested in was Mekao, the father of the blood-dizzy pediatrician Kobat.

This old man has an aura that ordinary people don't have. As soon as he sees the boat, his eyes will be as gentle as when he sees a lover. The concentration in his eyes is something Kirito has never seen before!

Most of the time, Merkao was sitting on the shore of the dock with a small bench and drinking, while drinking and looking at the ships in a trance.

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