Admittedly, he is not a qualified husband and father, but he is definitely a true warrior of the sea!

"Cobat! You are already an adult. You belong to the Navy G8 base. The Navy's tears should not be shed easily!" Mekao said loudly.

He wiped away his tears in a hurry, but the tears that poured out from behind wet Cobat's cheeks again.

Maybe every child is like this. They always want to do everything possible when they say goodbye to their parents, and only hope that their parents can leave peacefully.

Looking at Cobat's crystal tears, Mekao's face softened suddenly, and he said softly, "Cobat! Trust me, Dad will definitely come back here again!"

When Cobat heard her father's assurance, she nodded with tears in her eyes, not knowing how sad she was.

At this moment, she found a familiar figure in the opponent's camp, and that was Xianglin who taught her to operate on patients!

As if a drowning person grabbed the life-saving straw, Cobat looked at Xianglin with a begging face and said, "You are also a doctor, I believe you will not harm anyone, please be sure to help take care of you. my father!"

As she said that, she bent down deeply and bowed, and said with a choked voice in her mouth: "Everything is up to you!"

Although I don't know why Kirito suddenly kidnapped this very kind old man, Xianglin believed that her brother Kirito would never harm this old man.

She nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry! Leave it to me! I will never let him have any trouble! I swear in the name of my doctor!"

Faced with such a situation, Kirito didn't know what to do, so he glanced at Mekao inquiringly.

"Okay! If you want to go, hurry up! If you want to kill, be quick! You pirates!" Mekao shouted sharply.

This meaning is very obvious. Although it sounds like a tragic oath in the ears of the navy, Kirito knows that he is urging him to set off quickly.

The father's nature, and the family relationship between father and daughter, these are the fetters of Mekao. If he stays like this, he doesn't know if he has the courage to leave!

Chapter [-] Flying Sky!

Nodding slightly, Kirito took Mekkao to the cabin, he gently pressed a button, and a spherical cover immediately popped out.

I lit the stove on the ship, which was already put in place when the rudder of the hot air balloon was added.

There were still some deflated balloons suddenly tensed up, and the place connected to the ship also made a creaking sound.

There is tension on the water surface, and the ship must overcome this force before it can fly smoothly.

Kirito activated the power of light, and the hot air inside suddenly increased, and the ship was gently lifted by the power of the hot air balloon.

The navy had never seen such a scene before, they watched the pirate ship slowly rise in stunned eyes, and did not hear Kirito's goodbye words at all.

Mekao, who was sitting on the deck, had already wet his eyes with tears. He sat in despair, staring blankly at the sky with empty eyes, as if all three souls and seven souls had been drawn out.

Girls are always soft-hearted, and they hate crying the most. Hinata and Xiaonan both looked at Kirito with a reproachful look, and even Xianglin, who has always been obedient, asked, "Brother Kirito, let's take this Let go of the old man! Look how sad he is crying, Cobat must be very sad too!"

Seeing everyone's crusade-like gaze, Kirito couldn't help but be speechless, and he said angrily: "Hey! Old man, can you keep me from being scolded by this scapegoat?"

The old man regained his senses now, and he said lightly, "I helped you escape from the naval base, what's wrong with you taking the blame for me?"

Who has ever seen a hostage dare to talk to the kidnappers like this?Who has seen kidnappers take the blame for the hostages?

Hearing the conversation between the two, the three girls present were like the navy below, stunned to see everything in front of them.

Holding Mekao's shoulders, Kirito comforted him: "Okay! Don't be sad, you will be able to come back one day!"

Mekkao gave him a disinterested look and said, "Don't I know? Are you still teaching me with your stinky brat?"

Finally seeing that Mekkao was no longer so sad, Kirito quickly changed the subject, and he asked jokingly: "Old man! Why do I feel that the ship seems to be shaking all the time? Are you sure there is no problem with the ship you repaired?"

Just as the artist dislikes others criticizing his own works, Mekao couldn't accept Kirito's doubts about his own skills. He reached out and knocked on Kirito's head with an explosive chestnut, groaning in his mouth. "You stinky boy dare to question my old man's skills? Are you itchy again!"

Now the three girls don't know what's going on. The hostages dare to beat the kidnappers, and they even talk and laugh with the kidnappers. Is there still a law in this world?Is there any reason?

"Hey! Old man! Stop it! I'm the captain! Also, you seem to have scared my wife!" Kirito exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

This time it was Mekao's turn to be surprised. He said in disbelief, "What? You said this is your wife? Which one?"

With a slight smile, Kirito replied solemnly: "That's right! It's my wife! Also, not which one, but every one!"

I don't know how many times I have scolded me secretly in my heart. Which man doesn't dream of having three wives and four concubines, but this man in front of him has done it.

Kirito thought that wearing Mekkao would make his ears suffer inhumanly, but Mekkao thought that his eyes would be tortured on this ship!

Watching this stinky boy flirt with so many wives all day has really reached the pinnacle of his life, what a blatant abuse!

Seeing the two people being so long-winded, Hinata, who was the most anxious, finally couldn't help shouting: "Hey! Can you two explain to us what's going on?"

Kirito and Mekao were stunned for a moment, they both looked at each other, not knowing how to explain this matter.

"Master! I think you should always talk about this matter!" Kirito said maliciously, and in one sentence pushed Mekao to the forefront.

"Master? Kirito, why did you suddenly have a master?"

"Yes, yes! This must be very interesting, hurry up and tell us!"

The three girls all of a sudden shouted, almost depriving Kirito and Mekao of the right to speak.

As the saying goes, one woman is equal to five hundred ducks. The ancients really did not deceive me!

Kirito raised his hand to stop the three girls loudly: "Everyone, be quiet! What should we say if you are so noisy?"

Sure enough, the three girls suddenly quieted down, and their eyes were full of searching eyes.

"Teacher, let me introduce myself first!" Kirito said to Mekao.

There are big guys in the dock. How has Mekao ever seen so many girls chatting, he said a little embarrassedly: "That... I'm the new boatman on the ship!"

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