It can be retracted and released freely, and it can be fearless in the face of danger. How can such a pirate ship have no great future?

Perhaps this is the difference between them and ordinary people, no matter what they do, they must strive to do their best!

After the frolic just now, whether it was just caution or indifference, it has disappeared from their faces, and only seriousness has been replaced!

Chapter [-] The Weird Long Chain Island

It's nice to be young, how nice it would be if he could be this young too!Mercao thought so in his heart.

When he was young, when One Piece was the most prosperous, Mekao had two ideals in his heart.

One is to become the person who knows the most about boats in the world, a goal he has spent his entire life finally accomplishing.

And another dream in his heart is to become a pirate who fights for justice!

This sentence may make people feel very funny, but Mercao's ideal is really like this.

Pirates don't have to fight and rob houses. Stealing gold and silver treasures from others is the behavior of robbers, and bullying the weak and fearing the hard is the behavior of cowards.

Pursue the legendary treasure and fight to the death with the unknown sea, this is the real pirate!

In such a big environment, who wouldn't have a pirate's dream in their hearts?

"Hey! Old man! What are you thinking? Are you so fascinated?" Kirito's words awakened Merkao, who was caught in his memories.

Mekkao looked back and realized why Kirito asked this question. It turned out that the boat had already reached the shore, and several girls had already disembarked.

This small island is very strange. At first glance, there are endless green grass everywhere, and some trees that go straight into the sky.

The most disappointing ones are probably a few girls, who thought they were back in a populated place, but looking at the weeds in front of them, they didn't look like they were inhabited!

Walking slowly among the weeds without knees, several people carefully looked at the surrounding environment and looked at the plants they had never seen before, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"What is this? Is it chili?" Hinata said strangely, pointing to the fruit on the tree.

Kirito on the side was already in a cold sweat when he heard Hinata's words, and he said speechlessly: "What chili! Is that an apple?"

Unexpectedly, when everyone heard his words, they all looked at him with a strange look. The meaning of that look was very obvious, that is, they were asking: Are you alright?

The purest Xianglin was the first to break the silence, and she asked weakly, "Brother Kirito, are you really okay? That thing seems to be really a pepper!"

Too lazy to explain to them, Kirito directly stretched out his hand, a ray of light focused on the handle of a fruit, and a red fruit fell with it.

Gently reaching out and grabbing the fruit, Kirito took a bite, and with a crisp sound, the white flesh inside was exposed.

This is indeed an apple, an apple that looks like a pepper!

Seeing that it was just like what Kirito said, several girls chatted and discussed, but they couldn't understand why this fruit grew like this anyway.

"This island should be the legendary long-chain island. Everything on the island will be stretched, and it is unknown what caused it!" Kirito explained patiently.

How could a few girls listen to such an official explanation, they have already gone to the tree and studied it.

"Everyone, be careful! There seems to be a snake here!"

Following the direction of his finger, he saw a long thing, and he didn't know what it was.

But of course Kirito knew it. He rolled his eyes and said, "I beg you, old man! Have you ever seen a long-haired snake?"

Mekkao argued: "Isn't it a snake or something? Is it a dragon? That's something that doesn't exist at all!"

With a playful smile, Kirito replied: "This should be said to be a dog, a dog that was stretched on the island!"

"What? You said it was a dog? Why do you say this thing is a dog?" Mekao said in disbelief.

Kirito shrugged and said, "Don't you know just by looking at it? Such a simple question!"

Soon, the long body was gone, replaced by a small dog's head, this guy turned out to be really a dog!

" do you know it's a dog?" Mekao asked incoherently.

"It's very simple, because this guy has a louse on his body! When did you hear that there are lice on snakes?" Kirito replied as a matter of course.

With that said, he really took a louse from the puppy's body, and even the louse was narrow and long, which really made people sigh at the miracle of the Creator.

Walking along, they also saw tall bears, giraffes with long necks, and some other interesting animals.

Suddenly, they saw what looked like a yurt in front of them, and everyone couldn't help but rejoice.

They have even imagined the enthusiasm of the host, who must be an old man who is tired of wandering, and seeing so many lovely young people coming, he will surely bring out all the specialties to entertain them.

However, Kirito, who knew all of this, certainly didn't think so. He knew very well what was going on with this yurt-like thing.

A few girls ran into the room like a wind, and there was no danger anyway, so Kirito had to let them go.

Kirito didn't go in, he began to look around, and he found a horse that looked like a giraffe.

After carefully recalling it, Kirito called out hesitantly: "Xue Li? Is that the name?"

The horse seemed to know that the other party was calling his name, and it lowered its head and rubbed Kirito's head affectionately.

Gently patted the horse's head, Kirito asked strangely: "Where has your master gone? Let me put him down and talk about it!"

Xue Li raised her head and snorted in one direction, and sure enough, two bamboos appeared there!

Extending a finger, a little light flew out of Kirito's hand, and the light quickly spread up along the bamboo.

With a thud, something fell down, splashing dust all over the floor.

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