Fortunately, the ground here was covered with weeds, and it didn't matter that the uncle fell off the horse, just a little bruise and dislocation.

But he completely ignored his injuries and struggled to see Xue Li, the horse who fell to the ground.

But how can this be done? The uncle just moved on the ground little by little in vain.

"Uncle! Don't worry, we will definitely bring Xue Li back!" Kirito turned around and said solemnly to the old man.

From Kirito's eyes, the old man saw all sincerity and concern, how could he doubt the intentions of this young man.

Nodding his head, the old man forced a smile and said, "Then everything is up to you! I'm really bothering you!"

With a wave of his hand, Kirito signaled the old man to be polite, and then he winked at Xiang Phosphorus.

How could Xianglin not know what Kirito meant, she carefully helped the old man up, and carefully treated him for abrasions and dislocations.

The silver fox Fox has recovered by now, and he sarcastically said with a strange smile: "Fufufufufu! If you want to snatch the prey from our pirate group, I'm afraid you have to prepare for failure first! "

"Hey! That beauty!" Kirito directly ignored Fox's provocation, and instead spoke to Poqi.

"I hate it! Are you calling me? Your Excellency Kirito Hyuga!" Pochi said softly, calling out Kirito's name as soon as she opened her mouth.

Kirito glanced at her and said, "Yes, I'm calling you! I have a question for you!"

Poqi said shyly: "It's annoying! Just say whatever you want! Why are you so polite?"

"Haha, then I'll just say it straight! Isn't there anyone in your pirate group who is more human? How can you let a person with a butt on his head be the leader!" Kirito pretended to be curious and asked road.

Fox was about to die of anger at this time. How could he have been insulted like this before, and how could he have been so angry.

Po Qi doesn't know how to answer the other party's question anymore. I'm afraid it's not an opponent to fight back directly, and it seems unlikely to go along directly.

The big burger was already laughing out loud by Kirito's words at this time, and he kept pounding the ground trying to vent this hilarious laughter.

"Hyuga Kirito! How dare you insult the great silver fox Fox! I'm going to challenge you to the DAVYBACKFIGHT competition of three gold coins!" Fox stretched out his right hand holding the three gold coins and said arrogantly.

Kirito glanced at him, and said lightly: "It's okay to accept, but can you send someone with a normal butt to talk to me?"

As soon as his eyes stared, the silver fox Fox couldn't help but burst out. How could he make people laugh again and again!

"Okay! Don't be angry! I agreed! Isn't it just a small challenge." Kirito interrupted him suddenly.

Everyone has already agreed. If they are too careful, it will be too small, and Fox's anger has to be forced back.

Nodding angrily, Fox said, "If you agree, then go back to the competition with me!"

"I remember there seems to be a ceremony for acceptance, right? I'm sorry, borrow your gun to use it!" Kirito said, grabbing the gun in Fox's hand.

With a bang, Kirito raised his gun and fired it into the sky, which represented that the leader of the Double Blade Pirates accepted Fox's challenge.

This pistol is originally used for hunting, so it is not a projectile at all, but a hunting net!

This time, by coincidence, the three members of the Fox Pirates were covered under the net, and the three of them were immediately trapped.

Kirito turned the pistol and returned it to Fox, the silver fox, who was trapped in the net. He said very politely, "Thank you, Captain Fox, let's go!"

He suddenly pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh, it seems that Captain Fox seems to be in a bit of trouble. I don't know if I need help?"

A series of sarcasm made Fox spit out a mouthful of old blood, and he said gloomily: "Don't bother your Excellency! We can handle this small problem!"

"If that's the case, let's go ahead, Captain Fox, cheer up!" Kirito said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he took a group of people and walked towards the seaside. There were only a few places suitable for docking. How could Kirito be wrong.

After all, he is the owner of the net, and Fox quickly untied it. At this time, Kirito and the others just walked out not far.

Very unwilling, Fox directly aimed the muzzle at Kirito and the others, wanting to avenge the arrow just now.

The net shot smoothly in the direction of Kirito and his party, but just as they were about to touch their bodies, a strange light suddenly appeared on their bodies.

Chapter [-] Davy Jones

The net passed directly through the crowd, and fell to the ground like a rag.

When Fox and the others came to the front of the net, they really saw everything clearly.

There was a huge hole in the net!

It wasn't that the net passed through Kirito and the others just now, but Kirito and the others passed through the net.

Taking a dignified look at Kirito's back, Fox said gloomily: "It seems that this guy should also be a devil fruit power user!"

Po Qi nodded and said solemnly: "It seems that this is the only way to explain it!"

"I will attack them hard, no matter how many capable people there are, you will defeat them for me!" Fox left a sentence and walked quickly towards his ship.

This sentence is of course said to Poqi. It seems that Fox has decided to kill the killer. No matter how many rounds Kirito chooses, he will add the rowing competition!

Greeting a hamburger, Bo Qi also quickly followed Fox and walked over. They needed to discuss how to deal with Kirito, a pirate group worth [-] million Baileys.

For so many years, Fox has never lost a game. He doesn't know how many pirates he has defeated in this game. It can be said that he is very experienced.

It is because of this that he is called the silver fox, because he is cunning enough!If he casually underestimated the enemy, he would definitely not be able to reach the level he is today.

No matter how weak the enemy is, we must face it with all our strength. The more despair the enemy is, the more fun we can get!

As if they had just defeated an opponent, a celebratory banquet was being held on Fox's ship, and every member was happily eating and drinking.

Seeing Fox coming, Kirito said disdainfully, "It wasn't the trouble just now that hurt the respected Captain Fox, right? Why did you come so slowly?"

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