Under the anger, Kirito wanted to destroy this harmful thing, but Xiao Nan held him again, Xiao Nan said with a smile: "This banner looks very real, just let it stay here. !"

In a soft sentence, the meaning contained in it can be said to be obvious. Kirito and the others carefully bypassed this area full of reefs.

"The people of the Double Blade Pirates are so smart, they have no intention of being fooled at all, and they continue to go to the real finish line. Could it be that the winner of this competition is a double who has never participated in such a competition? Blade Pirates?" Itomimis complained.

After a long journey, Bo Qi and Cabodie's ship finally came here, and they saw this banner at a glance.

Cabot said strangely: "Why did you put the end here this time, what about those guys just now? Why is there no one here?"

Po Qi was already exhausted, and she said tenderly: "I hate it! Now is not the time to talk about this, since no one means we are the first! Let's hurry up and rest ashore!"

The unsuspecting two and one fish were so easy to get out of the game, thanks to the thoughtful strategy of Captain Fox.

The Fox Pirates, who had already planned to be rude, didn't say anything about it at all, picked up another phone bug, and muttered a few words in a low voice.

Soon a new boat was quietly brought in and they were in the game again.

However, Kirito and the others are already far ahead, can they really catch up?Of course this confidence comes from dull light!

Chapter six hundred and forty-one hot ball game

Kirito, who almost suffered a big loss just now, has already seen all this, but he doesn't care about the enemy's tricks.

If it is other abilities, he may also worry about the danger of several other companions, but the dull light is obviously not in this category.

The dull light is still light after all, right?As long as it is a light-like skill, he must bow his head in front of Kirito.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the finish line, Fox, who was hiding on the side, finally couldn't help himself.

A pink light suddenly shot from the shore, targeting Kirito and the others.

Seemingly stunned by the sudden attack, Kirito and the others were irradiated without any suspense.

"Coffee coffee! The rules don't stipulate that people outside the venue are not allowed to make small moves, so just stay with me!" Fox laughed proudly.

"Hey! What was that just now? Did you see it?" Hinata asked with some doubts.

Xianglin said hesitantly: "It seems... it seems to be a pink light, I don't know what it is!"

Xiao Nan nodded to indicate that it was indeed the case, and then shook his head to indicate that he did not know what it was.

It wasn't until this time that Fox reacted. He muttered strangely to himself: "Why doesn't it work? It's shining brightly on them!"

Having said that, he relentlessly fired several times in a row, which seemed even more puzzling.

After being stunned for a while, Xianglin said first, "It's not because we lost to us that he went crazy, right? What a pity!"

The all-powerful dull light had no effect, and Fox, who was already horrified, heard Xianglin's words, and lowered his head deeply in frustration.

When the psychologically fragile Fox raised his head, Kirito and the others had already disappeared in front of his eyes, and only Burger was still smiling.

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. Fox simply sat on the ground with his head down, and soon Pochi and Carboti rushed over.

They were no less astonished to see the frustrated and lost captain than Fox's.

You must know that Fox does not know how many powerful enemies have been defeated by the ability of dull light. It can even be said that the reason why Fox Pirates can not be defeated in such a competition is because of the effect of dull light.

By the time Poki reinvigorated Fox's confidence, Kirito and his party had successfully reached the finish line.

There is no doubt that Kirito and his gang won the game in this round. Although the Fox Pirates are notorious for being sloppy, they can't be a rogue in front of everyone's eyes.

Yitomimis announced in surprise: "I can't believe that the Double Blade Pirates who have never played a similar competition can achieve such a result. This is really surprising! This round of island skating. The winner of the boat race is... the Double Blade Pirates!"

Many people watch the game because they like the unexpected results, so everyone is very excited, and it doesn't matter because their team loses.

After winning a game, Kirito and the others will have an opportunity to arbitrarily select a person from the Fox Pirates to join their team.

The members of the Fox Pirates became nervous all of a sudden. To be honest, they all hoped that they could be selected, but they wanted to be afraid to show it.

If it is obvious that they want to be selected, and the other party does not select themselves, the result is that there is no place for themselves in the two pirate groups.

How could they not know this truth, they are old fritters who have been sailing on the sea for an unknown amount of time.

As for why these people want to follow Kirito Hinata, the reason is very simple, because Kirito's reward amount is as high as [-] million Baileys, which is a little more than three times that of Fox.

Pirates are such a dangerous business. They have to fight against wind and waves and beasts, survive the siege and interception of the navy, and they must be able to handle the problems between pirates smoothly.

In a word, as long as you are ruthless, even the navy will compromise in front of you!

A living example is the Shichibukai. They were all pirates with huge bounties, but now they can coexist peacefully with the naval government.

This also reflects the current trend of pirates from the side, no matter how powerful the ability is, it is not as good as a powerful enough boss.

Kirito has already decided on the goal of this time, so those who are full of expectations are destined to be disappointed.

"I choose that horse! Since you snatched it from Uncle's hand, I will win it back your way!" Kirito pointed at Xue Li and said.

This sentence can not help but make everyone stunned, no one would have thought that Kirito would be so bored that he chose a horse as a trophy.

This is probably the most heart-wrenching thing in the world. It's so painful, but it still pretends to be relieved.

"Well, it's an unexpected result. Then we will have the second round of the competition, which is the GroggyRing competition. Next, let's introduce the rules of the competition!" Yitomimis said solemnly. .

Next, he announced the rules of the game ramble, only to hear everyone sleepy.

On the other hand, the pirates of the Fox Pirates are also intensively preparing the venue for the competition.

Kirito needs to participate in the third game, so he cannot participate in this one.

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