Pointing at Kirito's nose, Fox asked loudly, "Hyuga Kirito! Are you a man?"

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Kirito leaned against the super-large sailboat he had just won that could carry [-] people and said lazily: "If you have anything to say, just say it directly, you don't need to come up with this set!"

"How about a duel between captains? If I lose, I will be under your banner, and if you lose, you will become my subordinate!" Fox blushed and said.

After raising his spirits a little, Kirito said with a tut: "It's really a big gamble, do you want to put all your net worth up?"

Fox said breathlessly: "That's right! Do you dare to bet this game with me!"

This is not to say that Fox is afraid or anything, but everyone who has participated in high-roller gambling should know that the most exciting and inexplicable thing when gambling is the sudden secretion of adrenaline.

"It sounds quite interesting, I'll bet with you! How do you want to bet, let's hear it!" Kirito asked very casually.

"How about a duel between captains? The two of us choose a venue for a fighting match!" Fox said his prepared remarks.

Kirito nodded very readily, he interrupted Fox's words and said: "What kind of cannonball is free to choose the venue! The venue is set directly on the Fox!"

Although I don't know why Kirito did this, this proposal is in Fox's arms, and he certainly cannot and will not refuse.

Fox pretended to be generous and said: "Okay! Since you ask so, I agree with your proposal!"

Taking a deep look at Fox, Kirito said meaningfully: "Oh? Is that so? Thank you so much, butt!"

"Ass...head..." Fox suddenly knelt on the ground and was hit again.

"Hey! Don't try to pretend to be dead! If you want to, let's start quickly!" Kirito left a sentence and walked straight towards the boat.

After some preparations and clearing, Kirito and Fox had already put on their gloves, and the audience had already come to the set up stand.

Just as he was about to explain a few scenes, Kirito spoke first: "Let's start quickly, my time is very precious!"

As he said that, a straight punch hit Fox directly in the face, causing Fox's face to hurt due to the strong wind.

dull light!

A pink light immediately shot out from Fox's hand, targeting Kirito on the opposite side.

With such a close-up light emission, Kirito had no chance to dodge at all, and he never thought to dodge.

Hit by the dull light head-on, Kirito's movement was instantly sluggish, and the slow movement was not inferior to the snail's movement.

Fox was overjoyed, and used the same straight punch to fight back. Without any suspense, this punch directly hit Kirito's nose.

Judging from the power of this punch, this blow was enough to shatter Kirito's nose bone. The audience immediately cheered enthusiastically, and the three girls were so frightened that they quickly closed their eyes.

Although they knew that Kirito would never be KO'd just like that, they still couldn't bear to see Kirito being hit.

The expected sound of broken nasal bones and screams did not come out, and Fox's fist passed through Kirito's head very directly.

"Well, you should have put up a lot of disguise here, why don't we do this, let's guess who can hit the opponent first?" Kirito's voice came over, and it sounded far away. Close, and it seems to come from all directions.

Before he finished speaking, countless figures had appeared around, all of them were like Kirito Hinata.

Refraction of light!

These silhouettes are generated by the refraction of light, which can deceive vision [-]%.

As soon as the duel started, Fox fell into deep fear. He didn't expect that his specialty would be used more perfectly by the opponent.

These shadows of Kirito are all mapped from his body, so it can be said that the shadows are absolutely the same before touching them.

It's a duel right now, where will there be time to try one by one?

In desperation, Fox had to use his own trump card. I don't know what kind of mechanism he moved, and a thick smoke suddenly came out, covering the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, many scarecrows were erected, all of them in the form of Fox's fox face.

Of course, all of these are ineffective for Kirito, because there is no pure darkness in the world, and such thick smoke does not seem to exist under the power of light.

"Didn't I say your move is useless?" Fox had just heard this sentence, and he was already punched heavily in the face.

The body flew out all of a sudden, and after hitting countless scarecrows, Fox finally stopped.

Fox wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and said gloomily: "Hyuga Kirito, you forced me!"

While speaking, countless muzzles were exposed, and Fox was going to use an indiscriminate cover attack to force Kirito out.

The sound of rumbling sounded one after another, and the magnificent ship just now became riddled with holes in the blink of an eye.

"Hey! You bastard, don't ruin my ship!" Kirito's angry curses came out.

What he said was not wrong, he had indeed won the ship just now, and now the ship is his.

Unexpectedly, such a large-scale attack could not kill the opponent, Fox gritted his teeth and said, "You don't have to worry about this, there are good repairmen in my pirate group!"

Curling his lips, Kirito said disdainfully: "Excellent? It seems that it is not as powerful as Master Mekao!"

After speaking, he punched Fox again, but was blocked by the sly Fox very accurately.

"Have you had enough? Is it my turn now?" Fox said fiercely, grabbing Kirito's fist.

Chapter [-]: Kirito's Victory

It turned out that Fox had already closed his eyes while Kirito was talking.

Fox's idea is very simple, since the eyes are deceived, don't look with your eyes.

People say that when people lose one of the five senses, other senses are strengthened, and this statement is really not a lie.

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