This small island is full of lush vegetation, and there seem to be many boats docked on the shore.

Outside of these, there are dense corals, which look very unusual.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Kirito's face changed suddenly, because he thought of some very bad things.

Gathering everyone solemnly, Kirito said anxiously: "From now on, everyone is not allowed to sleep, otherwise it will be very dangerous!"

Merkao is getting older, and older people tend to sleep less. Of course, he won't have any opinions, but a few girls protested!

For girls, lack of sleep will definitely affect their beauty, which they absolutely cannot tolerate!

Women spend almost all their life fighting against aging and time. Their biggest enemy is definitely not from the threat of life, but from ugliness.

Women cannot tolerate themselves being ugly. This is a fact that no world can change.

Kirito explained patiently: "There is a legend near this small island that there are very terrifying monsters. These monsters feed on other people's memories! You don't want to wake up and remember nothing, right?"

Hinata retorted loudly: "You also said that this is just a legend, how could there be such a monster in the world?"

Xianglin also said weakly: "There shouldn't be such a thing, right? Brother Kirito, are you mistaken!"

Only Xiao Nan stood there silently, as if thinking about something.

Just as Kirito was about to continue explaining, Xiaonan had already spoken, and she said seriously: "I think everything we encountered before was incredible, so this kind of thing would rather be believed than it is! What is going on here? There are great routes that could happen!"

Seeing Xiao Nan also say the same, the two girls suddenly became quiet. Although I don't usually feel this memory, it would be terrifying if it was really lost.

The sky has already darkened at this time, and it may be very dangerous to continue to move forward in such an environment. Who knows if there are any reefs in the coral clumps.

If Kirito activates his ability, he can actually move on, but the island is not safe, so it is better to stay here obediently.

After dinner, everyone just sat around the table with big eyes and small eyes, unable to sleep and no other activities. It was really boring.

Xiao Nan stood up sympathetically. She smiled and said, "Everyone must be sleepy, right? Why don't I go and make you a cup of coffee!"

The people present were all sleepy except for Mekao, who was a little sleepy, even Kirito was no exception.

Humans are still human no matter how powerful they are, and they still have to follow some of the most basic human senses, such as having to eat and sleep.

Knowing that this is not the way to go, Hinata also stood up, she said with a smile: "In this case, I will go to draw a chart, and if I can go back one day, I can keep it as a souvenir."

Xianglin also hurriedly said: "In this case, I'll go to the medical book. If I don't read a lot of things from time to time, I'm afraid I'll forget it!"

This time, Kirito was the only one left to be bored, and his eyelids were fighting fiercely.

Soon Xiao Nan came back with coffee, and she delivered the cups one by one to everyone.

Taking a sip of coffee lightly, Kirito felt much better, he took out the substitute puppet he got from this mission and handed it to Xiao Nan and said, "This thing is called a substitute puppet, and it can share the damage you have suffered! "

She took it over happily, and Xiao Nan was very happy. She had already seen this little green doll at Hinata and Xianglin's place.

In her opinion, this little thing that Kirito gave was not valuable for its purpose, but a trace of recognition contained in it.

It seems that as long as this little doll is by her side, she can be considered a Kirito woman.

Talking and chatting, everything around has become hazy...

A strange sound came into his ears, and Kirito woke up with a jolt. It turned out that he had fallen asleep before he knew it.

"Stinky boy! Who is quite familiar!" An old voice rang in his ears.

There were three girls lying in front of him, one of them was the Xianglin he knew, the other two were completely unknown, and the other was the weird old man who was talking to him just now.

"Who are you? Where am I? What's wrong with Hinata?" Kirito looked puzzled and seemed to have many questions.

Glancing at Kirito in astonishment, Mekao said in a daze, "Who am I? Don't play with me, you stinky brat!"

Unfortunately, Kirito didn't play him, and all his memories after he came to the world of pirates were washed away.

Seeing Kirito's dazed appearance, it didn't seem like he was cheating, Mekao hurriedly woke up the three girls who were still asleep.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Ah! Kirito, you are here too, it's great!"

"Huh? Where is this? Aren't you still participating in the ninja assessment? Why did you come here all of a sudden?"

"Who are you? Where are the rest of Xiao's organization? Where did you take them?"

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and everyone was full of questions.

Meekao listened to the first two, and he shouted loudly: "Don't be arguing! Can't you talk one by one?"

"Where is this? Who are you?" After calming down, Kirito took the lead in expressing his question.

"This is our boat, I am the boatman on the boat!" Mekao said helplessly.

Next, he answered everyone's questions one by one, but everyone couldn't understand what this strange old man said.

This is also normal, because everyone's memory in the pirate world is gone, and now this world is a completely foreign world to them.

Chapter [-] Recapture!

The explanation was powerless, and Mekkao simply stopped explaining it. He directly took out everyone's voyage diary. Under such evidence, everyone couldn't help but believe it.

Fortunately, Kirito had already kept an eye on it before, and he recorded all this in his diary.

"I see! Thank you, old man!" Kirito thanked very solemnly.

"Okay, it's almost dawn, let's go ashore!" Kirito said to everyone.

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