Looking at the figure of the other party leaving, Aokiji didn't mean to stop him. Originally, his mission was not Kirito and the others, and now he has no strength at all.

"Just wait for me after you finish eating. As a navy, I am naturally obliged to help you!" Qingzhi said weakly.

When Kirito and the others left just now, they left a few things in a very considerate way, so that these people who died at sea could have a full meal.

After embarking on the trip again, everyone sat sullenly in the cabin without speaking, while Kirito was resting on the boat in the cabin.

"I don't have anything to do, why are you so frowning!" Kirito said with a joking smile.

The first person to speak was Mekkao, who looked at the boat under his feet and said, "Our boat... the situation is not very optimistic, so we need to find some help ahead. I am afraid that I can't do it alone. !"

Kirito took the conversation and said, "The land of water should be in front of you. Where can you find a good ship repairer?"

Nodding his head, Mekao said, "That's right, and the mayor there is an apprentice of my old man!"

Glancing at Mekao, there was a hint of regret on his face, which probably had something to do with his insistence on following the pirates!

"Are you talking about the owner of Hades' blueprint?" Kirito asked very plainly.

Little did he know that this sentence set off a storm in Mekao's heart, and he exclaimed: "How...how did you know?"

Waving his hand, Kirito said very seriously: "Don't worry, I have no interest in that kind of weapon, if I wanted it, I could have found it long ago!"

This sentence is not wrong. If he wanted to, he could have asked Robin to help him translate the inscription on the Alabasta Kingdom.

Knowing that Kirito will never lie, this is what Mekao can understand after getting along for so long.

Mekkao said a little embarrassedly: "But that guy hasn't seen me, so I'm afraid it's still a little troublesome!"

Kirito said without caring: "This is not a problem, as long as you follow that strange frog, you can see the iceberg!"

This thoughtless sentence made everyone feel very surprised, and they couldn't understand what this sentence meant at all.

Kirito, who had rested for a long time, recovered his strength. He stood up and walked outside the cabin. A few worried people followed closely behind him.

Looking at the surrounding sea, Kirito pointed in one direction and said, "Turn in that direction!"

Looking at the ground carefully, everyone couldn't see the difference at all, and could only see where there seemed to be a lot of waves.

At sea, you must absolutely obey the captain's orders, not to mention that everyone has an inextricable relationship with Kirito.

The boat quickly turned around, and Kirito immediately placed two gusts at the stern of the boat, and the boat quickly drove in that direction.

It wasn't until they got closer that everyone could see clearly that it was really a big frog swimming freely.

Following closely behind the big frog, everyone soon saw what looked like a traffic light, and Kirito quickly took off the squirt shell and stopped the boat.

No one knew where the underwater rails were until the Sea Train appeared. Since Mekkao said the ship was in very bad condition, of course they had better not take risks.


It didn't take long for a sea train to come over, and the big frog also slammed into the front of the train.

Chapter [-] Secret Meeting Iceberg

The sea train stopped quickly after hitting the frog, and the place where it stopped was exactly where the traffic light-like thing was.

And next to the traffic light-like thing, there is a house that seems to be floating on the sea.

"Hey! Are you pirates? You'd better not come here!" an old woman with a wine bottle shouted loudly.

Then she whispered: "Qi Mengni, hurry up and get the phone bug, I have to inform the Navy immediately!"

After hearing this, everyone immediately became nervous. Pirates and navy are born like this, which is also a normal reaction.

"Mother Coco, don't be afraid! We originally wanted to find a place to repair the boat. We came here with this big frog, and there is no other meaning!" Kirito explained loudly.

Seeing that the other party did not look like an ordinary pirate, Ke Keluo became calm all of a sudden, she took a sip of wine and said: "If you are repairing the ship, you should go to the sea city, not to come here. Sea station!"

Kirito shrugged and said, "Who knows? We haven't been there, we just came here with this strange frog!"

Coco Luo laughed, she had never seen such an interesting pirate before.

"If you've never been there before, it should be hard to find a place to repair the boat!" Granny Cocolo said enthusiastically.

Nodding his head, Kirito said very simply: "Yes, yes! I don't know if my mother-in-law has any good solutions?"

Taking a sip of wine again, Ke Ke Luo smiled and said: "You are lucky, I happen to know a very good ship repairer, his name is Bingshan, I will write you a letter of introduction, I believe he will definitely Willing to help you!"

He wrote a letter very readily, and Kirito and the others also politely said goodbye to Cocolo with the letter of introduction.

After correcting the course, the ship is heading in the direction pointed by the pointer again. As long as you follow this course, you will be able to reach the sea city.

The sea train is not far from the sea city, and they have been able to see this majestic sea city after sailing for half a day.

Looking at the tall fountains and bustling cities from a distance, people can't help but praise the greatness of human beings.

Following the direction of the ocean current, Kirito and the others entered this beautiful sea city, full of scenes they had never seen before.

There are waterways in the city, and many people ride back and forth in the waterways on horses they have never seen before.

You can already see the direction of the dock from a long distance. The big word is really hard to see.

The waterway is not very wide, at least it is a little difficult to drive a sailboat like Kirito and the others. Maybe there are waterways specially used for sailing in the city.

Renting a few swordfish as the locals do, Kirito and the others headed towards the dock.

Although he gave up a lot of wealth in the last match against Silver Fox Fox, all that Kirito took away were gems, which are more valuable than gold!

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