"Mr1! Are you interested in making a big vote! How about we go and rescue your boss?" Kirito said with a smile as he came to the cell where Mr1 was being held.

Mr1, who was sitting on the ground expressionlessly, heard Kirito's words and couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, he said coldly: "Are you willing to rescue your old enemy? People are amazed!"

Kirito smiled, smiling very happily, he said slowly: "Compared to those grudges, I prefer to see the Navy disgraced! You said that if all the prisoners in the Deep Sea Prison escaped, the city would become A completely empty city, what an interesting thing that would be!"

After thinking for a while, Mr1 slammed his fist on the ground, and he said with a fierce look: "It's time to end the boring days. Your proposal sounds quite interesting. I agree!"

Chapter [-]: The plan of combining vertical and horizontal

The group pushed forward again, and they came to the fifth floor of the deep-sea prison. From the time they came in until now, Kirito and their whereabouts have not been found at all.

Although the guards of the advance city discovered the mystery of the disappearance of the people, they neither knew who the master of this matter was, nor did they know the whereabouts of these people.

Single-handedly, Kirito sneaked into the depths of the deep sea prison silently, which is really unexpected, and this is also unprecedented in the history of the city.

"Xiao Feng! Let's go meet the person you admire!" Kirito suddenly turned around and asked.

Amidst the snow and ice, Feng Kelei's face showed a rare look of disappointment. He said in a low voice, "I asked just now, and it is said that he disappeared a long time ago!"

With a laugh, Kirito said nonchalantly, "Since I ask you this, it means that I know where he is. What are you still worried about?"

Then, Kirito's voice changed and said: "Everyone! I have some things to do when I go to the Shemale Paradise. If you feel disgusted, stay here and wait for us, but I need to remind you that there are many military wolves on this floor. Be careful. Oh!"

As he said that, he took Feng Kelei towards the direction of the woods, ignoring the expressions of the others.

After hesitating for a while, Mr3 saw that Mr1 did not follow, so he simply stayed.

As for Bucky the Clown, in his words, he and Mr3 got along quite well, so he believed that Mr3's choice would not be wrong.

After ten minutes, the three people who were originally wearing single clothes had already put on a fur coat.

If you look closely, you can see that it is the wolf skin peeled from the army wolf. The so-called fierce army wolf has no ability to fight back under the ability of Mr1, and the fur on their bodies that has resisted the severe cold for many years is also Become the opponent's cold thing.

Speaking of Kirito and Feng Kelei, the two of them soon came to the woods. It was strange to say that Feng Kelei didn't feel the slightest chill when wearing a single shirt, as if the ice and snow world they were alone was just a painting.

"Lightning! I have some news about the Revolutionary Army. I wonder if you can take me to see Ivankov?" In the woods, a man was sitting on the snow with a glass of red wine, as if the cold didn't exist at all. of.

Turning his head slowly, Lightning said softly: "You can actually recognize me, it seems that you are not an ordinary person, right?"

"To Kirito the next day, I wonder if I could trouble your Excellency to show me a way?" Kirito said politely.

The hand that was holding the wine glass shook violently, and Lightning said in disbelief, "What? Are you the captain of the Double-Blade Pirates, one of the supernovas, Kirito Hiuga?"

Nodding his head, Kirito lowered his voice and said, "This is a long story. This is not the place to talk. I wonder if your Excellency can show me the way?"

You must know that Lightning was also a member of the Revolutionary Army before he was arrested. He was very concerned when he heard Kirito say something about a member of the Revolutionary Army. He nodded readily and agreed.

After seeing Ivankov smoothly, Kirito stopped the excited Feng Klei and said straight to the point: "Miss Ivankov, I need your help!"

After being stunned for a while, Ivankov said with a smile: "Little Kirito boy, I don't know what you want me to help you with?"

"We have to save Ace! I'm afraid it's hard to do it with my own strength!" Kirito said seriously.

"Ace? Is that the boy who is about to be executed? The world government is very concerned about this person. You just ask us to save him with a single sentence. This is too whimsical, isn't it?" Ivankov said coquettishly.

"Do you know about dragons?" Kirito opened the topic and did not directly answer Ivankov's question.

Ivankov couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He laughed and said, "Long, the leader of the revolutionaries, who in the world doesn't know him?"

"Straw hat boy Luffy is the son of dragon! And straw hat boy calls Ace his brother! I wonder if this can be a reason?" Kirito said with a smile.

His face suddenly became serious, and Ivankov asked cautiously: "Is this news reliable? Where did you hear it?"

Kirito also said seriously: "It was said by Vice Admiral Garp himself, Garp is the father of the dragon, that is, the grandfather of Luffy! I don't think anyone would want to have a relationship with the dragon for no reason. What's more, this person is a lieutenant admiral of the navy!"

After thinking about it for a while, Ivankov nodded and said: "Yes! It seems that this news should be true, then we can't just watch Long's son be executed!"

In fact, Kirito knew that Ace was not the son of Dragon, but the current situation had to make him play tricks.

Besides, everything he said was true, and the misunderstanding was just a misunderstanding of the other party. Speaking of which, it was not Kirito's responsibility.

This Ivankov must be taken away on this trip. Without him, Crocodile could not be subdued, and his plan would be difficult to achieve.

"Everyone prepares for battle! Lightning come with me, we will cooperate with Kirito boy in rescue operations!" Ivankov calmly ordered.

"This person admires you very much! So I brought it with me, and I plan to let him inherit this paradise after you leave, what do you think?" Kirito pointed at Feng Kelei and said.

Since it was brought by Kirito, Ivankov naturally attaches great importance to it. He also knows that the revolution needs fire, and indeed one person must be left to inherit here!

After talking for a while, Ivankov was very satisfied with Von Krei, because he thought that this little boy was very affectionate, so he decisively handed it over to him.

Almost at the same time, the Navy has issued the latest order, which is to escort Fire Fist Ace to the execution site in advance.

The news that Hancock brought to them was so shocking that Blackbeard was so scheming.

To put it bluntly, Blackbeard is a rookie after all, and the navy is more willing to trust the arrogant old man of Shichibukai.

After knowing such news, it was absolutely impossible for the Warring States Marshal not to take countermeasures, so he prepared to escort Ace in advance.

The whole world became more chaotic because of Kirito's intervention, and the outcome of things began to become confusing.

Chapter [-]: Kirito's Intervention and Blackbeard's Conspiracy

Due to the urgency of the matter, the three quickly rushed to the sixth floor of the little-known deep-sea prison.

As for the rest, they are all preparing, ready to pick up Kirito and Ivankov after they succeed.

But when they came here, there was only one Jinping in the prison, and there was no trace of Ace.

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