"Old man! I can handle it myself, why do you have to do it yourself?" Kirito said with a slight smile, with a hint of respect in his tone.

Lightspeed kick!

Kizaru finally couldn't help but take action. He knew that if he didn't take action again, the Warring States period would definitely not give up.

Take control!

When everyone's eyes were focused on Kizaru's feet, Kirito's fingertips quickly turned into a ray of light, and he easily cut off the handcuffs made of Hailou stone.

Chapter [-] Blackbeard and Whitebeard

"Old man! I'll leave everything to you! We'll meet at the same place later!" Kirito said these words softly, and then jumped off the execution platform with Ace.

Everyone held back and froze there. Although they didn't hear what Kirito said, they didn't think Kirito could avoid such a high-speed blow!

When the big guys looked at each other in dismay, something stunned happened. The target of Kizaru's all-out blow turned out to be the Warring States Marshal who was close at hand.

Buddha form!

The Warring States Period had already discovered something was wrong, and promptly transformed into the form of a Buddha to block the blow.

"Kizuna! What are you doing? Are you trying to betray the Navy?" Sengoku said with a bad expression.

It's no wonder that the Warring States are so angry. You must know that all this is under the watchful eyes of the public. If only people inside the navy saw it, he could still issue a password ban, but how should so many ordinary people deal with it?

"Hurry away! I can't control my body!" Kizaru said with a panicked expression.

Yes, Kizaru is indeed in such a state now. Usually, he controls the legs that have turned into rays of light to kick others, but now he is completely controlled by the legs.

I can't blame others for this. After all, Kirito has reminded him before that the ability of light can only be controlled in front of him.

The expression on his face was constantly changing, and the Warring States period seemed to be analyzing whether Kiabou was telling the truth or a lie.

After a long while, he sighed slowly and said, "Do you think you did anything special before this happened!"

After his reminder, Huang Yuan just remembered that he suddenly became uncontrollable because of the actuation.

Thinking of this, he quickly returned to his previous form, and sure enough he regained control of his body.

All this is seen in the eyes of the Warring States period, and he, a man known as a wise general, really can't see whether it is really uncontrollable or fake.

"Go back to the rear first! Let's talk about this matter after the war is over!" Warring States ordered coldly.

After all, this matter has already subverted common sense, and no matter how smart people are, they cannot afford to be suspicious, even the Marshal of the Warring States Period is no exception.

Without waiting for Kizaru to answer, he continued to give the order: "Follow everyone! We must not let Whitebeard and Ace go!"

Speaking of which, this incident was caused by Kirito's softness, because there were too many people involved in this incident, and he didn't have the heart to let all these navies go blind, so after a while, everyone had basically recovered their eyesight. .

Although Ace looked very weak, it was entirely because the power of the Devil Fruit was suppressed by Hailoushi's handcuffs, and he joined the battle immediately after he was freed.

He doesn't have a good impression of those who hurt his brother and father, and the first shot is a killer move.

God fire does not know fire!

A huge spear composed of flames swept down an unknown number of navies with just one blow, and all those who fell suffered burns to varying degrees.

The lieutenant general and the general on the other side surrounded the seriously injured Whitebeard, quite determined to kill him.

"Dad! I'm saved! Let's retreat quickly!" Ace shouted loudly, his tone full of excitement.

"No! I decided to stay here! You all go back to the new world!" Whitebeard said firmly.

With his arms outstretched, two huge fists slammed into the air, and then the entire island shook violently.

With his movements, the broad back of the white beard was exposed, and there were no flaws or wounds on it.

For some reason, a sentence suddenly appeared in Kirito's mind. It was a sentence that Zoro once said.

"The wound on the back is a disgrace to a warrior, because that's the mark left by those who run away!"

All the pirates suddenly had an idea, it turned out that the white-bearded father came here and did not intend to go back.

For a time, everyone's heart was sour, and tears could not help but burst into their eyes. They were unwilling to leave the white beard like a loving father!

"Listen! This is my last order as the captain. If you still regard me as a father, listen to me and go back to the new world!" Whitebeard said loudly, unaffected by the vibrations under his feet.

When the shaking stopped, a huge crack had appeared on the entire island, and the navy's main force had been separated from the pirates.

Then, facing the direction of the Warring States period, he said: "I know what you are afraid of, but that day will come! Twenty years ago, Roger used his own death to start the era of the great pirates, and today I will use my This old bone opens the prelude to a new era!"

As he said that, the big knife in his hand fell heavily, and his open arms did not seem to counterattack at all.

The navy was about to rush up to kill Whitebeard, and at this moment a voice said loudly: "Stop! That person is not something you can move!"

Whitebeard, who had already closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils shrank slightly, and he clenched his fists again.

"Yo! Isn't this Captain Blackbeard? Why didn't you bring the subordinates you selected in the prison?" Kirito joked with a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth.

To say that Blackbeard is actually quite wrong, Kirito's preparations were destroyed by Kirito.

Before they left, they had hypnotized the soldiers of the Chief Justice's Gate, so he received news early in the morning that the navy had come out in full force.

Therefore, after detoxification in a hurry, they left quickly, and the plan to select their subordinates was completely in vain.

Although he is not afraid of the strength of those people, he does not want to be the vanguard of the Whitebeard Pirates. One must know that Whitebeard is one of his goals!

It was precisely in this way that Kirito was prevented from encountering all the combat power of the navy. After receiving the news of Blackbeard's departure, Sengoku felt that the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates should still be the priority, so he ordered all members to return.

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