Therefore, the domineering can be said to be a kind of spiritual power, and learners can slowly improve this power through meditation.

As for the domineering of the armed color, it can be directly called mind power, that is, the exercise of mental power. Mind power is the power of intangible substances, so it is possible to directly hit the body of the natural ability person after wrapping the domineering of the armed color.

As long as the user can imagine and firmly believe that there is a thick layer of armor covering himself, the armed domineering will take effect. On the contrary, even if you have a hint of hesitation and doubt, the armed domineering will not pay attention to you.

Domineering is domineering. This is the degree of control over the world. It also needs absolute firm belief. The most correct name is Courage or Courage!

When you imagine and believe that you are powerful enough to control everything, the greater the influence of overlord's domineering on everything around you.

The intelligence of Kirito can be said to have surprised Rayleigh very much. Just like the legendary person with a tantric and exquisite heart, no matter what kind of advanced knowledge, Kirito can also be in the shortest time. It is only a matter of time before we understand and comprehend it.

Under the leadership of Rayleigh, Kirito constantly hone himself in such constant weight-bearing exercise and domineering exercise.

Since this day, Kirito has carried a thick sea tower stone chain on his body, wrapped around it is Rayleigh's armed domineering.

In Rayleigh's words, Kirito's fruit ability has almost been developed, and if you want to improve further, you must start with domineering.

In order to prevent Kirito from using his abilities subconsciously, and also for the weight-bearing needs of exercise, the chain of this sea tower stone was created.

When he was tired and rested every day, Kirito began to meditate and face the training, and his domineering power was gradually strengthened.

Even Kirito quietly replaced sleep in this way. Even in the middle of the night, once he felt that he had enough rest, he would get up and run around the island.

Of course, all this could not be hidden from Rayleigh, but he didn't break it. In his opinion, men should be responsible for their own choices.

Just like once he was a pirate, he would be rewarded by the navy for the rest of his life, even if he was caught and executed, he would not regret it.

Rayleigh's strength is also evident in Kirito's eyes. No matter how much his strength grows, Rayleigh can always know it clearly, and then tell him what kind of creature to look for as a challenge. opponent.

And the opponent Rayleigh chose for him was always just so much higher than Kirito, and he could barely win even if it was difficult.

However, the risks involved are self-evident, as long as one is not careful, he will die under the minions of monsters growing up in this environment.

The duel between life and death is really good for Kirito, at least his domineering has become more and more powerful.

Until later, Rayleigh finally couldn't stand it anymore. He asked Kirito why he trained so sleeplessly. Isn't he afraid that his body could not bear it?

Kirito's answer was very simple. In the battle of the top, when Shanks appeared, he was already at the end of the game. If Shanks came late or there was another general in the navy, he must have no choice. escaped alive.

So now he is not only pursuing the limit of exercise, but also the exhaustion limit that his body can bear. He wants to protect his life to the greatest extent, because he has too much on his shoulders.

After listening to Kirito's words, Rayleigh just sighed and didn't speak, as if he acquiesced to Kirito's self-mutilation-like behavior, and Kirito simply began to blatantly.

He embarked on the path of pirates that is not accepted by the world, and challenged the power of the whole world. No matter how powerful he became, it still made people feel that it was not enough.

That is the power of a whole world!Can it really be solved by relying on one person or a group?

No one can answer this question, but I believe it will be revealed in the near future.

Two years have passed in a blink of an eye, and it may not feel great to be in it, but for those who have been away for a long time, the changes are always earth-shaking.

Kirito's muscles are much more developed than before, which makes him look a lot more mature and more intimidating than before. In short, everything is moving in a good direction.

Chapter seven hundred and twenty seventh clone puppet

The goal of the next stop will be the new world, where Kirito and his party will also set off huge waves.

He politely refused Hancock's request to board the ship, and Kirito only left her a promise, a promise for a lifetime.

Hancock will cultivate a successor enough to protect his daughter country during the period when Kirito became One Piece, and Kirito will pick her up as agreed.

At that time, Hancock will no longer have to face the wind and waves of the sea alone, and all the wind and rain will be blocked by Kirito for her.

I embarked on the journey to the Bubble Islands alone. Of course, there was a mountain of food and daily necessities on board.

According to Hancock, the two years of exercise must be bad to eat and sleep, and he must be rewarded while he is now.

Can't leave with Kirito, Hancock just sent him out of the windless belt, how hard the journey to become One Piece is, even a woman as strong as Hancock can't accept this kind of parting, hide It was the only escape she could make.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Kirito couldn't help laughing when he looked at the pile of things. He was used to the previous kind of carelessness. With so many things, Kirito felt very uncomfortable. There was even this one in the pile of things. Looks like a very comfortable bed.

Shaking his head slightly, Kirito decided to stop thinking about those things that are loved by children. He slowly raised a strange thing in his hand and looked at it.

There had been no movement in the progress bar before, but he had a reaction when he made the agreement with Hancock just now, and it suddenly became [-]%, which means that the unscrupulous task of soaking in the pirate queen was finally completed.

Of course, he chose the lottery without hesitation, and as a result, he drew such a puppet-like thing.

Kirito was even disappointed to think that this was also a stand-in puppet, but when he dripped a drop of blood on it just now, the puppet didn't respond at all.

Obviously this is not a stand-in puppet, nor is it anything of the same kind, but a very weird thing.

Looking back, I checked the system carefully, and the answer given by the system was very speechless. It was simply four big characters: Clone puppet!

If he didn't know the source of this arsenal system, Kirito would have beaten the producer severely, and then calmly gave him a small opinion.

Can't you attach an instruction manual to the giveaway?It's really speechless to use something that has never been seen before using only guesswork!

Through the literal meaning, Kirito can still understand it simply. This thing can make the user appear as a clone, but there is no clue on how to use it.

And this doll looks very uncomfortable, and the whole thing exudes an evil aura.

If you don't understand things, you just don't think about it. Kirito directly hangs the puppet around his neck and starts to stare at the direction of the ship seriously.

He is not a navigator. Although he has a permanent pointer to the Bubble Islands, but Hinata is not around, he still feels very uncertain.

I came to the Bubble Islands without incident. After all, I went to the Naval Headquarters alone, and Bubble Island is not far from the Naval Headquarters.

I went to see my own ship first. Rayleigh had already come back and had the film plated. The tyrant bear also took good care of the ship. The ship was still the same as before, as if it had just been made.

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