"How is that possible? If he really has such a powerful power, wouldn't it be enough to just kill them?" Hody Jones said in disbelief, as if the death of his subordinates was as insignificant to him as food and water.

"Are you doubting my strength? You know that even I am not sure that I can win against Kirito Hyuga!" Shura said displeased.

If this sentence was spoken, if his subordinates were all human, he would have dispersed long ago, but at present, most of his subordinates are murlocs, and even the former team has been completely subdued by him.

So when he said this sentence, no one thought he looked down on him. On the contrary, everyone felt that he was a good man for admitting so frankly.

Hody Jones said with an embarrassed smile: "I don't know where this Hiuga Kirito is now? We can just gang up and attack!"

Of course Shura would not agree with his words, but he did not say it directly, because such words would easily dissuade the enthusiasm of his subordinates, he said seriously: "According to reliable information, Kirito Hyuga is currently visiting Ryugu Castle, so everything Just do as you planned!"

Because the mark on Bai Xing's body was eliminated, the people who were thrown by Van Dieken just now would not arrive, so it would be impossible for them to open the passage for them.

But Kirito has his own plans. He has discussed all plans with Neptune. When Hody Jones arrives, the passage will still be opened, but the guards who open this passage are indeed royal guards.

The siege plan has completely turned into a plan to invite you to enter the urn. This trick used by Kirito is called a plan, and it is really hard to tell the truth from the false.

On the way, Shura once again showed his ability beyond imagination. Not only was he not afraid of sea water, but he was also able to breathe in the water, which made the fish people feel more at ease with his new leader.

Just arrived at the Dragon Palace City, the passage has been opened, it is as if the time is waiting for them.

Hody Jones also feels a lot of face. After all, this plan was planned by him, and at least he can show part of his ability, right?

Fan Didaiken joined Shura's pirate group in front of him, which really made him uneasy. The two people who had cooperated fairly, if he became the other's subordinate, how annoying it would be. , especially when the opponent's strength is far inferior to his own.

Just when everyone was about to break into the Dragon Palace directly, Shura waved his hand to stop them: "The atmosphere seems a little wrong! If those people were thrown over, they would be half-dead, how could they still have the ability to spy on our actions? The opening time of this passage is really weird, maybe there is some ambush inside!"

"This plan was arranged by me, and there will be no flaws. As for why the timing is so right, it may be that those humans deliberately please us in order to survive!" Hody Jones argued.

Shaking his head, Shura suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Is Kazuto Hiuga here? Can you dare to come out and judge me?"

One sentence made everyone stunned. The original plan was to attack quietly. I didn't expect Shura to call for war directly. It was really hard to fathom his plans and thoughts.

Hody Jones also frowned, and he thought secretly in his heart: Could it be that he wants to see the combat effectiveness of our new fish-man pirates?Otherwise, why bother asking for it?

Van Dieken secretly laughed in his heart. In his opinion, what Shura did was to completely destroy the New Murloc Pirates, because at this time the front of the team was all the New Murloc Sea. A member of the band of thieves.

After a while, a figure appeared from the back of the passage, it was Kirito Hyuga of the Double Blade Pirates.

He looked at the army below and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to have chased here. Since you are here, come in and sit!"

Shura looked at him with a dignified expression, without blinking his eyelids, as if he wanted to discern what this sentence meant from Kirito's expression.

But it was obvious that he was going to be disappointed. Kirito had always had a harmless smile on his face, but he was doing earth-shattering things.

Is there really an ambush inside, or is this just an empty city trick used by Kirito, Shura can't make up his mind for a while.

"It's okay to go in, let's fight here. It's better to be more spacious outside!" Shura said coldly.

Looking at Shura with interest, Kirito smiled and looked at his poker face and said, "It's no problem to beat you, but is it any good for me?"

Shura was stunned when he asked this question. He didn't expect Kirito to ask for favors from his own enemy. It was a big joke.

"If you win, I will be your avatar wholeheartedly. If I win, I will not kill you. From now on, you will be my avatar, how?" Shura said with a sneer.

Unexpectedly, Kirito shook his head and said, "This bet is too cheap for you, right? You were originally my clone!"

As soon as the words came out, all the murlocs were stunned. Unexpectedly, Shura turned out to be the clone of Hiuga Kirito. As expected, he was a big pirate with a reward of [-] million. What he did was unheard of.

And just a clone is already so powerful, and his own strength can be imagined.

Chapter [-] Betrayal

When this kind of inside story was exposed in public, Shura's scary face, which was already red, turned even redder, even almost purple.

Kirito continued: "Come in with me and talk about how to compete, I can challenge you without any stakes!"

This sentence made Shura more convinced that Kirito had prepared an ambush, and naturally he would not dare to readily agree to Kirito's request.

Speaking of mutual understanding, I am afraid that there is no one in the world who can understand each other better than the two of them, after all, the two of them are the same person.

After thinking about it carefully, Shura suddenly smiled and said, "If you don't give face like this, don't blame me!"

As he said that, he had already left first, and seemed to have completely given up the idea of ​​competing with Kirito.

But Kirito's brows are wrinkled, although he can't be sure, but this clone is probably going to destroy their ship.

The boats that sank on Fishman Island have always been brought to the forest of the sea by the current. Kirito already knew about this before, and Shura, who had completely inherited his memory, naturally would not be completely ignorant.

"Stop! I accept your challenge!" Kirito stepped out of Ryugu Castle and said, changing his previous attitude of refusing to fight.

Turning around, Shura said as if he had succeeded in his trick: "You are still smart, otherwise I will let you never get to where you want to go. It doesn't matter if you die or not!"

Although Kirito hated the triumphant face of a villain like him, he had to fight the battle. All the conditions of the Great Route were so bad that a ship made of Adam without the treasure tree would never be able to go all the way.

Before they spoke, the two of them were already fighting, and the momentum was really amazing. It seemed that both of them wanted to kill each other.

But the two really know each other too well, and even know each other's moves clearly, so that the battle situation has been in a stalemate.

Hody Jones winked at the original members of the new Murloc Pirates, and quickly disappeared from the crowd, along with the important cadres and thugs of the Murloc Pirates.

It turns out that Hody Jones just chose to give in temporarily for the sake of a big plan. He has a monstrous hatred for human beings. How can he be willing to be driven by a human being, especially when he knows that this person's identity is only a small clone .

Years of planning can finally be implemented, and the difficulties and accidents in the middle were solved one by one by Hody Jones, and his cold heart began to beat violently because of excitement.

Neptune is still old after all, and the three princes are all protecting the weak soldiers, so the King of Ryugucheng soon showed a defeat, and after the fish-man pirates all swallowed the medicine The King's Army was finally completely defeated.

In desperation, Nepton still gave the order to evacuate. Although Kirito had told him the whole thing before, he still did not prevent this from happening.

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