I don't know how long it took, and with a plop, an unbearable murloc finally couldn't help sobbing.

This sound was like a password, one after another, everyone fell to the ground and cried.

How many residents of Fishman Island have not received the favor of the princess?How many people have not been helped by the princess?

Although they hated, they couldn't pursue it anymore, because they couldn't bear to disobey Princess Otoji, so they could only kneel here and cry.

Hatred can only bring hatred, but love can bring a lot, this sentence is said by Princess Otoji.

But they really can't do it, just like Fisher Tiger, they clearly know that they shouldn't hate the whole human being, but they still can't do it.

How can everyone forgive those who murdered Princess Otohime and tried to subvert Fishman Island?

The scene was under control, and Nipton looked at Kirito inquiringly, not knowing what to do now.

The fact that the old story was brought up again and the truth came out made Nepton sad, and he didn't know what to do now.

Slowly walking behind Neptune, Kirito said in a thoughtful manner: "Hody Jones has been severely injured by me, and I'm afraid he won't live long. If he is imprisoned, I don't know how much trouble it will add!"

Nepton raised his head and asked in surprise, "Do you mean to kill him, sir? I'm afraid it's not appropriate now, right?"

Indeed, those murlocs were stopped by the righteousness of peace, and it would be inappropriate to kill Hody Jones in front of them now.

Seeing that Neptune would be wrong, Kirito wanted to explain, but at this moment a shadow appeared on the top of everyone's heads, and it continued to grow.

The fish people kneeling on the ground were also alert. They stared blankly at the scene of the dark clouds in the sky, and they were speechless.

"Ark...Is it finally here?" Kirito murmured while looking at the sky. The dark shadow that looked like the end of the day really shook people's hearts.

A cold voice came from the dark clouds: "If you don't want to die, hand over Hody Jones, or else you guys will be buried with him!"

Hearing this voice, Kirito immediately understood that it was Shura who came to save Hody Jones, but he didn't know who the target of the target fruit was this time.

There is no mark on Bai Xing's body, so the target of this ship will definitely not be her.

Who other than the royal family is bound to be here?Kirito's mind quickly reasoned, but he still didn't have the slightest clue.

"How can you guarantee that we will be saved after we release Hody Jones? If we still face destruction if we release him, it's not bad to put a pad on the back!" Kirito said jokingly.

Shura's voice came over again: "You and I are of the same origin, can't you believe what I say?"

After thinking for a while, Kirito nodded seriously to Neptune, indicating that Shura's words could be trusted.

Everyone was fighting just now, so no one noticed the problem, but now it's different, there are only the voices of Kirito and Shura in the quiet square, and everyone's eyes are focused on Kirito who is close at hand.

A captain of the escort team can actually treat the king like this, and everything before seems to be dominated by him. Who is this captain of the escort team?

Kirito lifted his foot and teleported to Hody Jones's side, reached out and lifted him up, and then threw it upwards and returned to the king's back again.

Seeing that Kirito threw Hody Jones up, Shura quickly reached out to catch him, and said coldly: "You guys are really ruthless, but it's okay, this is the end of betraying me!"

As soon as the voice changed, Shura ordered to Van Dieken: "Stop the boat, since they have handed over Hody Jones!"

Fan Di Dale said in a panic: "Boss... The ability of this target fruit will only stop when it hits an obstacle, otherwise..."

In one sentence, Shura understood, and he shouted without hesitation: "Everyone obeys the order, we abandon the ship!"

Then he said: "Hyuga Kirito, you heard it too, it's not that I don't want to stop, but we have nothing to do!"

Chapter [-]: Help From Humans

When Shura asked Van Dieken just now, Kirito had a premonition that something was wrong, and the target fruit would indeed not stop until it touched something.

In fact, it wasn't that Shura was embarrassing Kirito in this matter, but he really didn't know that this would happen.

Although both of them clearly knew the characteristics of the target fruit, no one knew whether Fan Didaiken had a way to relieve this state, so Shura chose to believe in this newly harvested younger brother.

As for Fan Didaiken, he has also seen Shura's almost miraculous means, and believes that this boss must have a way to solve this problem.

An unpleasant misunderstanding has created such an embarrassing situation. Noah's Ark is already close at hand, and it is about to break through the bubbles on the island. Even if the whereabouts of the ark are prevented, it will not be able to withstand the flood of seawater. destruction to come.

Time is pressing, and there is no time to delay. Not only can the Fishman Island be destroyed, but Noah's Ark can't be damaged, otherwise things will become extremely bad.

"Shura! What is his goal?" Kirito suddenly shouted and asked Shura and Van Dieken who were escaping quickly.

Shura was slightly taken aback, as if he did not expect Kirito to think about the root of the matter so quickly, and seemed to be hesitating whether he should tell Kirito about this.

In the end, he made up his mind. The self-esteem inherited from Kirito made it impossible for him to solve his opponent in this way. He shouted loudly: "Daken's target is the video phone bug, if you can, hurry up. Well, if it's too late, there's no chance!"

Saying that, he disappeared into the vast sea without looking back and Van Dieken carrying Hoddy Jones on his back. Everything that can be done has been done, and it is up to God to live or die.

Kirito grabbed the phone bug without hesitation, and a teleport disappeared outside the bubble. Sure enough, the direction of the ark changed.

Looking at Noah's Ark moving fast towards him, Kirito sighed heavily. As long as Shura didn't lie to himself, everything would be much easier.

Leaving the phone bug behind, Kirito moved to Fishman Island again. He didn't want to compare his strength with Ark. Even if he won in the end, he would definitely be disgusted by the people of Fishman Island.

A series of extraordinary performances are enough to reveal Kirito's identity. Although everyone is still not sure who this strange guard captain is, there is no doubt that he is definitely not the captain before.

The reason is very simple. If there was such a powerful force in the beginning, how could Neptune be kicked out of the palace.

As soon as Kirito landed, Neptune bowed deeply to the residents of the island, just when everyone didn't know what this meant, King Nepton said with a trace of guilt: "Yes I am afraid that I have to apologize to everyone, this victory was brought by the hands of human beings, I am very sorry for this, but I have a reason why I have to do it!"

"Hey! Neptune, stop talking big, let's wait until the real success of victory and the like!" A voice coldly interrupted King Nepton's words.

As soon as these words were uttered, everyone present was shocked. Although they were very dissatisfied with the King's words just now, no one dared to interrupt him, and no one dared to call the Lord of a country by his name.

The proprietress of the mermaid coffee shop stood up, pointed at Kirito who had returned to her original appearance, and said, "Do you really want to destroy Fishman Island?"

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