This area is the sea area that Smog is responsible for. He knows that Kirito and his party will definitely pass here if they want to go deep into the new world. He wants to bring that daring pirate to justice here.

Faced with the pirate's reminder, Smog naturally wouldn't believe that the other party would be so kind, so he didn't pay too much attention to Kirito's advice.

The warships of the G5 force also began to move in the direction of Punk Hassad. Although the world government strictly prohibited anyone from approaching there, it was obvious that Smoker did not intend to pay attention to that.

Besides, Kirito and his party, they soon landed on the side of the volcano. This is not because he did not want to do unsure things and chose to log in here, but because if he wanted to land on the frozen side, the ship would Must go around.

Kirito wouldn't do such a troublesome thing, and he was used to walking in a straight line, because it was faster.

After an agreement, Kirito set off with Mekao and Xianglin, while Hinata and Konan were responsible for watching the boat here.

Because Xiao Nan stayed in Xiao's organization for a long time, her knowledge and experience can be well displayed. As for Hinata, her carefree personality is more suitable for this.

If Kaoros were to stay in such a place, he would be afraid even if nothing happened, but Kirito was not that kind of careless man.

Under the leadership of Kirito, the two walked very easily. The only thing left in Mekao after the transformation was the brain. It can be said that the cold and heat have not invaded, and Xianglin did not know what to eat. The medicine didn't even frown. Of course, this was also the reason why Kirito was taking care of him in the middle.

His ability is completely comparable to that of Tyrant Bear. Tyrant Bear can even kill him, and he can even purify heat!

Chapter seven hundred and fifty fifth dragon and tea beard

Not long after they walked, they saw a behemoth churning in the magma river, looking like it was taking a bath.

This picture is really staggering. The magma, which will be roasted and scorched by the flesh, is just the bath water of this creature.

The corners of Kirito's mouth were slightly raised, and he secretly said in his heart: "I didn't expect that Vega Punk's genetically modified technology has become so mature, it really makes people have to be amazed!"

That's right, the behemoth in front of him is exactly Vega Punk's pet, made exactly according to the evil dragon in Western legends.

Speaking of which, Kirito is really a pity. He didn't expect this dragon to be a large lizard from the west. He had longed to see a dragon from the east.

Since it is not the imagined five-clawed dragon, Kirito naturally has nothing to worry about. After all, the lower body of Foxfire Kinemon is still on its body, and this dragon must not be such a talkative dragon. Besides, can he? I'm afraid it's still a problem to understand people's words.

No matter what he thinks, the giant dragon has a very strong ability to adapt to the environment, but it doesn't mean that the big guy doesn't feel it. Although it has already adapted to the hot and dry volcano here, the scorching air still makes him become Restless.

In addition, it carries a guy who can't see and can't eat on its back, how can it face Kirito and the others calmly.

Before Kirito and the others could make their move, the dragon ran over quickly, splashing a large amount of lava, like it was raining, and everyone avoided it, for fear that it would turn into a roast pig if one was not careful.

Looking at his dodging companions in embarrassment, a nameless fire came out of Kirito's heart. He and the others hadn't done anything yet, but this guy even took the initiative to attack, which was really deceiving.


He raised his hand and waved a mask, blocking all the flying magma, Kirito shouted angrily and rushed up, showing his domineering power as soon as he came up.

I don't know what kind of prehistoric alien this dragon is, but when I met Kirito's tyrannical arrogance, he just lowered his head slightly, and didn't mean to retreat at all.

Surprised, Kirito became more and more interested in this legendary creature. He smiled wickedly and turned into a ball of light, and in the blink of an eye, he teleported to the dragon's back.

Although this dragon is powerful, it can't escape the category of creatures. It can't reach the things on its back. Otherwise, it won't let Huhuo Kinemon's lower body stay on its body for so long.

Grabbing the legs that were still struggling, Kirito pulled him off the dragon's back and threw him at his friends.

Rao Shi was surrounded by such scorching flames, and everyone couldn't help shivering in unison.

It's not that they have never seen a dead person, nor have they seen the stump after being dismembered, but they have never seen a limb that looks like this and can still move, which is really creepy.

The lower body didn't hit the ground, but hit Mekao's body and merged into one, as if they were supposed to be like this.

Merkao was soaked in cold sweat in an instant. Although he didn't have skin that could sweat, at least it felt like this.

Hinata hurriedly went up to help, trying to pull this evil thing down, but couldn't pull it down, it was like it was growing on it.

"What are you doing, Kirito? How do you litter this kind of thing!" Hinata complained.

Kirito said with a smile: "Don't worry! There will be a way to get it down. If I don't do this, he won't know where to go!"

In a word, it didn't make me spit blood out of anger. After all, he was Kirito's master, and he was used as a simple storage cabinet.

A little light appeared on the finger, and Kirito pressed it on the huge head of the dragon without hesitation.

Soul Transformation!

The giant dragon seemed to be in great pain, and kept shaking its head and body, trying to throw the uninvited guest on its back, but Kirito seemed to stick to its back and remained motionless.

The extent of the struggle became weaker and weaker, but Kirito swayed like a boat in a huge wave.

I don't know how long it took, the giant dragon finally quieted down, and it was frozen in place as if it were dead.

Kirito finally couldn't hold it anymore, he sat on the dragon's back and panted violently, his body was about to be soaked with sweat.

Although this dragon does not know what kind it is, it will definitely not have many heads, and there may even be only the one in front of it.

Under such circumstances, Kirito tried to transform its soul with the thought of letting it go, but he never imagined that the dragon's soul was surprisingly powerful, even if he completely mastered the ability of light. It took all the strength to do it.

After sitting on the dragon's back and breathing for a long time, Tong Cai slowly slid down, staggered to the front of the two and said, "Okay, there is no danger anymore, let's let us move forward!"

Mekkao glanced at Kirito resentfully, and grumbled and climbed onto the dragon's back, even without the slightest defense. I really don't know whether he was bold or careless.

Strange to say, the dragon was so tame as if it was domesticated, and even rubbed Mekao's clothes in a friendly manner.

Seeing this, Hinata also climbed up boldly, and the three of them headed towards Iceland again, which was many times faster than when they were hiding before.

Not long after he walked out, Kirito was stopped by a strange man. He asked loudly, "Hey! Have you found any intruders?"

To be honest, this buddy probably doesn't have a very bright mind, and he doesn't feel any surprise in the face of so many people he doesn't know.

"You are Chabeard's subordinate, right? Let him come to see me!" Kirito said while sitting on the dragon's back.

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