All the innocent people on the entire island were gathered here, and Kirito breathed a sigh of relief.

Smog's face has looked a lot better, at least not as pale and bloodless as before.

But his expression was not good-looking. Regardless of the identities of the two parties, Luo also injured him just now, which made him not very comfortable.

"Successfully took your subordinates away, and then reported the situation here. That's what you should do now. Let go of personal grievances first!" Kirito said to Smog.

Luo Ye raised his head and said seriously: "If you want to win me, hurry up and improve your strength! Losing is actually a good thing, it can make people know their strength more clearly, as long as they don't die!"

This sentence does not contain sarcasm, but is an exposition of the fact that the previous Smoker was indeed too arrogant, otherwise he would not have come to the new world because of chasing a pirate.

You must know that this is the back garden of the Four Emperors. Anyone who can survive here is a powerful and terrifying monster. To be able to return alive from here is already a great pride for the first half of the great route. .

Chapter seven hundred and sixty third melee

After listening to Luo's words, Smog pondered for a while, and then said loudly to his subordinates: "The most urgent task now is to report the situation here to the naval headquarters. As for these pirates, they will be caught sooner or later anyway. Just let them go!"

This sentence can be said to be very obvious looking for the steps, but Kirito and Luo didn't care about this, after all, in front of so many subordinates, of course they can't show their cowardice.

"Go straight out of this passage, and finally you will be able to reach the shore. This is our only chance, and it is also your only chance. Be sure to seize it!" Kirito said loudly, pointing to the passage leading to the next building. .

Everyone dubiously looked at Kirito and Smoog, wondering if they should believe what Kirito said.

But Smog was convinced that their two supernovas were fully capable of annihilating their own side, but they still chose to save them. If it was so troublesome to kill a person, they would simply die.

"Everyone obeys the order and advances towards the passage with all their strength, and fights with all their strength when they encounter obstacles!" Smog pointed to the passage and shouted loudly.

To be honest, they are used to being arrogant and domineering, and they have never suffered such a big loss before. They had just encountered such a big setback, and they had long been suffocated.

At this time, Caesar also saw the anomaly here through monitoring the phone bug. The poison gas experiment just now lost the test object due to a wrong estimate. It can be said that it was a complete failure. loss.

"All combat power will go to the location of the target and prepare to block the passage between the buildings." Caesar ordered loudly.

The reason why he was so anxious was not entirely because they were test subjects, but also because they took their own salamander fruit.

This fruit would be the key to mass-producing a large-scale weapon like a slime, something he had to get back.

The entire laboratory suddenly became busy, and all the fighting forces began to rush towards the location where Kirito and others were.War is imminent.

As for Kirito and others, they have already started the battle in front of Smog and others. They must remove the guarding force inside the laboratory to ensure that everyone can escape unimpeded.

"We just need to catch Caesar, there's no need to really kill him, right?" Luo said to Kirito while fighting.

There was obvious cowardice in this sentence, and it was obvious that Luo did not want to anger Doflamingo too much.

After all, under Doflamingo's hands for so many years, even if he can have such a resounding reputation, he is inseparable from Doflamingo, so it is inevitable to have a little fear of him.

"He believes that you know better than me. Killing Caesar is the same as catching Caesar. When you have this idea, there is no way out. What's more, our goal is his biggest customer. He is absolutely not I'll let the two of us go!" Kirito explained seriously.

What Kirito said was right, Luo was just wishful thinking. He was very clear about Doflamingo's means of dealing with traitors, and even if he turned back now, it was too late.

The two were chatting hotly, but the guarding soldiers were not happy. The enemy was still chatting while fighting with them, which was even more uncomfortable than attacking them directly.

I don't know how many people Caesar has gathered over the years. Anyway, more and more soldiers are starting to join the battlefield on the opposite side of the passage.

After all, the space is limited. After these guards surrounded the two, the remaining guards also began to surround the G8 naval force.

The darkness is always hidden from the light, and they are bound to kill all those who delusionally expose them to the sun.

On the one hand, there is the suffocating naval ruffian, and on the other hand, the pirates who are like a bereaved dog many years ago, plus so many years of pampering, it is clear at a glance who is stronger and who is weaker.

Even though they were equipped with high-tech weapons developed by Caesar, the battle situation was still developing in a one-sided direction.

If you have to talk about their advantages, then I am afraid that the only thing that can be taken out is the number. The guards seem to be coming in an endless tide, killing one and two, as if they will never be able to kill them. .

These people also saw what happened to Teabeard and others, but they finally succumbed to Caesar's lewd power.

As the saying goes, medicine does not die, and Buddha saves people who are destined. Even the kind-hearted Kirito shows no mercy.

Since the opportunity has been given to them, it is up to them how to choose, and people always have to pay for their choices.


Kirito finally got tired of the slow way of destroying his opponents, and he directly made a big move, evaporating all the guards within the range.

In an instant, the space around Kirito became wider, and the surrounding guards had not had time to fill the vacancy.

This move is like a starting gun in the game, and everyone uses their own powerful moves.

ROOM chaos space!

Luo was not to be outdone, a circular space was formed in an instant, and the guards were enveloped in it. The next second they seemed to be divided, and all the parts were randomly combined together.

Although it still felt like before, they were completely uncomfortable, and their actions began to become a mess, like a solid city wall, blocking the attack of their own people.

Even people who are proficient in physical skills may not be able to adapt to it. Sometimes they need to use their own hands to take a step, and when they wave weapons, they all chop off their own people, not to mention that there may be other people's hands on their own.

Smog, who had been embarrassed just now, was even more unwilling to be left behind. In the form of white smoke, he harvested the opponent's life like weeding.

Tea Beard and the others were not far behind, scrambled to enter the crowd, and also killed a lot of Caesar's lackeys.

The so-called prosperity and decline, Kirito's side is like taking a stimulant to attack, and the guards of those laboratories can only defend reluctantly.

If it wasn't for Caesar's lewd power, they would have evacuated long ago without looking back. You must know that Caesar was a scientist, and some of it was a means of torture.

For these people who have died once, death is not the most terrible thing, but the terrible thing is the endless pain, so they are not so much fighting as they are seeking relief.

Chapter [-] Trapped

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