In the face of the punching force coming towards him, Kai stepped up and hit him with a knee.

"Bang!" The air seemed to have hit an invisible giant fist, Kai's expression was solemn, and there was a subtle cracking sound of bones in the air, how terrifying the power it endured!

However, looking at this battle, Kai looks like he can't resist!

"Kai!" Asma on the side took out two small chakra hand knives, the slender sharp blades were plated with a thick layer of chakra, "Do you want me to help?"

"Ha! No, my youth is far from the limit!" I saw that Kai's skin quickly became red, and the top of his head was steaming with white steam!

"Eight Gates Dunjia, Sixth Gate, Jingmen Open!"

"Aoyi Dynasty Peacock!"

The high-speed punching, the friction caused by the fist hitting the air rapidly, caused the shock wave of high temperature combustion. Under such continuous blows, Kai finally broke the overlapping force of the eight pole collapse after throwing 227 punches. gas!

Seeing that Kai broke the terrifying blow, Kakashi was relieved, and then he looked at Kirito standing on the ground with a solemn expression, and said solemnly, "It forced Kai to use the peacock. Taijutsu? No, it's not like Kai's pure extreme taijutsu, but a bit like the legendary ninjutsu!"

Suddenly, Kakashi's pupils shrank again, "That's..."

I saw that Kirito grabbed it casually, and a large amount of ice and snow gathered on the palm of his hand, and then a blade with a blade body and a blade handle was a flawless long sword that appeared without warning.

"That's the weapon that can be summoned instantly without a seal or a spell!" Half a month ago, when he was in the Budokan, Kakashi had seen Kirito use it in a flash. Ability.Now, the process is completely presented in the eyes!

First Dance Moon White!

The white light array runs through the light beam of the sky.

Kakashi's face changed, and he wanted to avoid it, but there was no relay point in the air, but Kakashi, who was experienced in combat, immediately formed a shadow clone, and the body stepped on the shoulder of the shadow clone and stepped back. Jump.

"call out"

The main body is out of the range of the light array, but the white light is the shadow clone that swallowed Kakashi. From the light array to the sky, everything the white light reaches, including the air, is frozen, forming a huge diameter of more than ten meters. icicle!

Kakashi's shocked face was reflected on the icicle, and he opened his mouth and shouted subconsciously, "This is... Bing Dun?!"

Chapter [-] Kirito vs Konoha Shishang Shinobi!

Chapter [-] Kirito VS Konoha Shishang Shinobi!

With a close slash from "噼", the sleeve of snow in Kirito's hand easily split Kakashi's Kunai, although the latter also reacted extremely quickly and avoided the slash with a short body, but Kirito The person also turned around and kicked Kakashi away with a kick!


"Kakashi!" Kai shot in an instant and caught Kakashi who flew out. After taking a few steps back, the dark energy from Kakashi actually made Kai catch it. It was like a huge shot put, but Kai's strength was also extraordinary. With a heavy footstep, the dark energy transmitted from Kakashi was removed by this stomping.

"Kakashi, are you okay!" Asma and Hong also asked with concern.

Kakashi shook his head, "It's just a minor injury, it's fine. To be honest, I'm not that guy's opponent."

"Is it actually that strong, that child from the Hyuga family..." Asma was also surprised when he heard Kakashi admit defeat.

"Also, look, that child's eyes... those are definitely not the eyes of the Hyuga clan!" Hong said decisively. One of the eighth class she led was Hinata Hinata. As Hinata's mentor, naturally I know a lot about white eyes.

"Although I don't know what's going on, but the child's consciousness should be controlled by something... That arrogant look, it's like not paying attention to everything in the world." Kakashi analyzed, "Also, he was able to defeat Danzo by himself. It seems that we can only do it together!"

"Cut! That old immortality has done something terrifying and unreasonable, causing an endless situation..." Asma said with an unhappy face. As the son of the third generation, although he is the opposite of his father in some ideas, But he was more disgusted with the dark side Danzo.

"Danzo, did you take the opportunity to slip away..." Kakashi glanced around and found that Danzo's figure had long since disappeared.

"Okay, then let's stop this child who is too young!" Kai shouted excitedly.

Today, Konoha, Hatake Kakashi, Matekai, Sarutobi Asma, Yuhi Red, four of Konoha's most elite Joinin, join forces to face Kirito Hinata!

However, in the face of Konoha's most elite four Joinin, Kirito's complexion remained unchanged at all. With a big foot shock, his figure turned into a shadow and went straight to the other side.

Kakashi immediately made a seal, "Water Escape Water Dragon Ball Technique!"

With Kakashi's loud shout, a stream of water suddenly emerged from the ground, and the stream quickly condensed into a water dragon, making a sharp roar, and biting Kirito head on.

This blow was not an illusion, but a genuine high-level water escape technique equivalent to B-level. However, Kirito just swung a knife at the water dragon.

"call out"

With just one knife, the water dragon that was surging a second ago was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Feiyan Sky Wear!"

"Ding!" I saw Asma clenched the sharp blade with both hands, blocking Kirito's Sleeve Snow Slash, not just an ordinary weapon, Feiyan's sharp blade was surrounded by an extremely sharp and rich wind attribute chakra. In terms of the strength of Chakra, it may not be as good as Danzo with shadow-level strength, but in terms of control of the wind attribute, it is above Danzo.

"Crack" Kirito tried to release the cold air from the blade, freezing the weapon in the opponent's hand, but when the frost approached Feiyan, it would be cut off by the wind attribute chakra covering it.

"It won't be so easy for you to break it!" Asma snorted coldly.

Kirito put his five fingers together, and then smashed his left fist hard.

"Knoba Steel Whirlwind!" With a heavy leg swept from the side, Kirito only felt as if his fist had hit an iron pillar, the simplicity of which made his hands numb.

"Humph! In terms of physical skills, no one can beat me!" Kai said proudly.

"Don't move." Kakashi was in front, Hong was behind, and the two held Kuwu in one hand and pointed at Kirito in the middle.

At this time, Kirito's right hand was held by Asma, his left fist was blocked by Kai, and Kakashi and Hong were both held in tandem.

Konoha's four strongest jounin, working together, can actually display such terrifying strength!

Silence, deadly silence.

I saw that suddenly, with Kirito's body as the center, an irresistible terrifying repulsion spread to the four directions, and its speed and strength were enough to knock a rock flying!

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