From the eyes of Kirito, Green Pepper can also see the sincerity of Kirito. His anger disappeared immediately, but he was still a little unwilling to say: "Then what should we do? When do we have to wait?"

Kirito said confidently: "Because I had a grudge with Doflamingo before, I was ready to fight him a long time ago, and now I can do it as long as my companion arrives, absolutely Brother Cai and Bu will not be in trouble!"

"How many companions do you have? There seem to be only three or five people on the wanted list, right?" Green Pepper said with a hint of doubt.

In this sea, the famous place of the Kirito Pirates is not only the high combat power, but also a very eye-catching feature is that there are few people.

Even if I searched all the pirate groups, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find anyone with fewer people than them.

"Everyone is on the wanted list!" Kirito answered honestly, without any concealment.

How can Qingjiao rest assured now? He has already seen Kirito's strength. As the captain, he must have the highest combat power. Even if his crew's combat strength is comparable to him, how can he resist Qian Qian? What about a country with a huge army?

How could the expression on Qingjiao's face be concealed from Kirito? He smiled and said, "Don't worry, Grandpa! My companions all have helpers, and there may not be fewer people than them at that time!"

Sometimes if you are optimistic about a person, you can really believe him unconditionally, at least that is what Green Pepper thinks now.

Anyway, Cai and Bu have already been handed over to Kirito, not to mention that Kirito has also guaranteed that there will be no accident for the two of them. What else does he have to say?

In fact, Kirito's heart is still a little annoyed, because they have too few people, so that they are not enough.

The addition of Cai and Bu really solved their urgent needs, but they couldn't help at all in this matter.

It would be great if someone could go in and turn against the people below. Although they will be controlled by the Doflamingo family after they are turned into toys, it is still possible to do some small actions.

But even if no one organizes them, presumably they will no longer have a good impression of Doflamingo. Once rescued, they will definitely fight against Doflamingo, but the cohesion is relatively poor.

Now we can only take one step at a time. The lack of manpower cannot be solved in a short time, nor can we find someone we can trust in a short period of time. This is a task with a long way to go. Just be faithful enough.

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-six two tiger generals

At this time, Luo also played hide-and-seek with Doflamingo. Since everything is under control, of course he must get close to this former boss.

In order to catch Luo as soon as possible, Doflamingo didn't care about all the hard work he hid by pretending to be hypocritical. In the beast Kaido and the people under his rule, he had already made a choice.

Countless buildings kept falling down, and Luo could only keep dodging between various high-altitude objects.

The power of the surgical fruit is powerful, but that kind of power that is close to the realm consumes a lot of power.

He must retain his strength to find Kirito and others, otherwise, he may really be killed by Doflamingo. The gap between the two is not so big!

At this time, Kirito had already settled down with the old green pepper, and was looking for two people everywhere in the arena.

These two people are Bellamy the Hyena and Bartolomeo, and it is the top priority to recruit them as soon as possible.

Although I don't know whether the current Bartolomeo worships Luffy or himself, what is certain is the vigorous deeds of the Kirito Pirates, and it is impossible for the other party to be unclear.

Unable to keep his strength, Kirito quickly teleported inside at once, searching for the whereabouts of the two while moving.

Soon he found Bellamy the Hyena, who was hesitantly holding a knife, staring out the window blankly.

He received an order from the family to let him assassinate Kirito, but he really couldn't bear to do it.

Since he personally landed on the sky island, he realized his previous mistakes and began to worship Kirito.

How can such a person who dares to pursue his dream not admire him?After all, he used to be a man without dreams!

Since he landed on the empty island, but only brought back the broken golden pillar, we can know that his whole person has completely changed.

Bellamy the Hyena is no longer the hyena he used to be, and he has begun to move in the direction of his dreams.

"Hey! Bellamy! Are you looking for me?" Kirito suddenly appeared beside Bellamy, awakening him from his lost state.

Seeing Kirito, Bellamy hesitated even more. His hand holding the knife was trembling constantly, and it was obvious that he was struggling violently in his heart.

Time was pressing, and Kirito was too lazy to talk nonsense. He pulled Bellamy over and dragged him into a corner.

"I know Doflamingo sent you to kill me, but what I'm saying is they're all using you, not actually taking you to heart! Come to me if you really want something Let's go to the ship! Next, I have a decisive battle with Doflamingo, if you can't make up your mind, just watch from the side!" Kirito said everything he wanted to say in one breath, and then disappeared in the Beside Bellamy.

All this happened so fast, Bellamy didn't realize what was going on at all, and Kirito had disappeared in front of him.

Bellamy couldn't help wailing, feeling that he had missed the best time to assassinate Kirito. If he attacked while Kirito was talking, he would definitely be able to hurt him.

However, he thought about it, the two were enemies before, and now he can contact him so unsuspectingly and kill Kirito in such a state, can he really be happy?

What's more, people also kindly reminded themselves to be careful of Doflamingo. Although the suspicion of provocation is not ruled out, it is obviously a concern!

Kirito didn't expect Bellamy to have so many ideas, and now he just wants to find Bartolomeo quickly.

Even if everything has been known and completely arranged, the plan will never catch up with the changes.

With the participation of an outsider like him, Fire Fist Ace did not die, and General Akainu did not become the Marshal of the headquarters.

If Luo died because of a little delay, he would definitely feel very guilty and uneasy in his heart.

With such a mentality, he soon found the guy Bartolomeo. He seemed to know that no one would like him, so he was wandering outside alone.

Finally found someone he could trust completely, and Kirito finally felt relieved.

Appearing in front of Bartolomeo out of thin air, Bartolomeo immediately placed a barrier in front of him very alertly.

With a slight smile, Kirito had already passed through the barrier and came to Bartolomeo's side.

This time, Bartolomeo was really frightened. His barrier fruit was inexorable, and he was able to defend even the so-called strongest fist. When was it so easily broken through?

Seeing that Bartolomeo's face suddenly turned pale, Kirito already knew what was on his mind.

Kirito said straight to the point: "I'm Hiuga Kirito, you should know that, if you want to block me, I think it might be better for you to use a mirror!"

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