Doflamingo snorted and didn't speak, but he undoubtedly agreed with Fujitora's words, he didn't have much time to waste.

"Hyuga Kirito, if I remember correctly, I don't seem to have provoked you before, right? I don't know why you must be against me?" Doflamingo asked with a gloomy face.

Kirito supported Luo, who had lost his strength, shrugged his shoulders slightly and said, "Because of your position! Don't you know that everyone calls me the Qiwuhai Terminator?"

Shaking his head, Doflamingo said in disbelief: "I heard that you have declared war with Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors, and now if you insist on making a name for this guy, you will never achieve your ideal. Now, is this really what you want?"

"We are not the same kind of people, don't use your thinking to try to figure me out, you are not worthy!" Kirito mocked with disdain.

Doflamingo seems to have softened, but in fact, he has already made plans in his heart. The most urgent task at the moment is to quickly retake Caesar, so that Kaido can be stabilized.

As long as Dressrosa returns to a normal state, he must settle the account with Kirito.

After a pause, Kirito continued: "It's unfortunate! Lord Clown, my ideal is not as important as you think, it's just to avoid boring concoctions! If I give up it, my relatives and friends will not be hurt. , then I would rather give up! For me, it is the same to die at the end or to pursue my dream. As long as I use my best, I can have a clear conscience. location!"

Doflamingo couldn't help but scolded Kirito for being an idiot. Since ancient times, he has always succeeded, so what's wrong with stepping on the corpses of those cannon fodders to climb up?

Such an indecisive person, why should he compete with himself for that position, and such a woman's kindness should be something a Pirate King should have?

"What do you think is your problem, I'll give you one last chance, give Caesar to me, and I can let you all leave safely!" Brother Doflamingo said fiercely.

Kirito looked at the fake Caesar lying at his feet, and said helplessly: "Do you want Caesar? It's a pity he's not here, you better hand over the throne first!"

This sentence almost made Doflamingo bite the roots of his own teeth. Caesar is clearly in front of him, but the other party is still fighting for his eyes and talking nonsense. How can people not be angry?

With a flash of light on his finger, Caesar, who was lying at Kirito's feet, seemed to be pulled out of the fog, and his whole body changed.

"You don't really think we'll bring Caesar, do you? How did you become a Qiwuhai for so many years? You can become a Qiwuhai with such a low IQ. It seems that the naval government is not very smart!" Kirito Said sarcastically.

In a simple sentence, the two people standing on the top scolded a bloody head, and the worst thing was that the two people were completely unable to refute.

Doflamingo threw out a line in anger, and immediately entangled the fake Caesar. With a slight force on his hand, he pulled the fake Caesar to his side.

In his anger, he will immediately put this fake Caesar to death. He is both Qiwuhai and Tianlong, and he is also the king of a country. How can he not be angry when he is played like this?

"Wait! It's all true and false. If you kill Caesar yourself, don't put this account on our heads!" Kirito said nonchalantly.

It seems that he is not talking about the life and death of a Qiwuhai at all, but the life and death of a fish and a shrimp.

Fujitora didn't say anything, just stood by and watched the fun. It's not always possible to see Doflamingo, one of the seven seas, so shrewd, even though Fujitora is just a blind man.

In this way, Doflamingo didn't dare to act rashly, he threw the fake Caesar behind him, and said with a gloomy expression: "It's true or false, as long as you arrest you, you won't be able to tell the truth. Fake!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already started, and countless invisible lines had tied Kirito's hands and feet.

Luo has lost his strength, and there is no threat for the time being. As long as Kirito can be caught, Luo naturally can't get away.

"Hmph, if you don't want to suffer from flesh and blood, you'd better tell me the whereabouts of Caesar immediately, otherwise I have a way to torture you!" Doflamingo tapped his fingers lightly in the air and said with a sneer.

With the movement of his fingers, Kirito's hands and feet began to move uncontrollably, looking like a marionette.

However, there was no panic on Kirito's face. Instead, he said with a smile: "Does this also include turning me into a toy for you as a coolie?"

Hearing Kirito's words, Doflamingo's smugness disappeared without a trace, and his face became very ugly.

Finally, he said with a livid face: "Hyuga Kirito, you know too much, it seems that even if I want to let you go, it is impossible!"

Suddenly his hand loosened, the silk thread had lost its target, and fell softly to the ground.

And the Kirito in front of him has disappeared, leaving only one sentence floating in the air: "You are really an idiot! You know that I am light, and you choose to use this useless rope to bind me. !"

Watching Kirito escape from his eyes helplessly, Doflamingo has never felt so powerless, and he has even begun to doubt that he is being targeted by such a freak, does he really have a chance of winning?

At this time, he couldn't care about Fujitora's rudeness, and Doflamingo said anxiously: "General Fujitora, I believe you heard it just now, Hiuga Kirito forced me to hand over the throne! I am one of the countries that joined the coalition government. , you are obliged to protect my sovereignty!"

After he finished speaking, he did not wait for Fujitora to answer, the silk thread was already greedy towards the clouds in the sky, he had to catch them, otherwise, if this Caesar was fake, he would suffer disaster.

But unfortunately, things didn't go as he imagined. The silk thread he sent went straight through the clouds, shooting far into the distance, and slowly floated down after exhaustion.

This cloud is fake!

Kirito had completely evaporated the clouds in the vicinity beforehand, and then refracted the shadows of the clouds in the distance.

Imagine if Doflamingo didn't discover the problem in the first place, but only in mid-air.

Even if Doflamingo doesn't die by then, I'm afraid it will be disheartened, right?

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-ninth so dispel doubts

At this moment, Fujitora also stood on a stone and flew up, leaving only a sentence for Doflamingo: "You better prepare for failure, I am not sure that I can catch up. A man of ability!"

The implication is that if it weren't for Kirito taking a person, then there would be no need to even try.

Even if Kirito took a person, he came to the ship in just a few breaths, and this speed was really unmatched.

After putting Luo in the cabin, Kirito quickly dialed everyone's phone, Xiao Nan was urgently recalled to help guard the ship, and the others fully cooperated with the villains and toys to attack.

In the corner of the arena, a person took the clothes that Kirito had just thrown away and put them on, and while changing, he muttered to himself: "This guy is quite interesting and we probably owe him a favor! "

This person is of course Sabo. Kirito didn't leave here with confidence until he found him in the competition list in the D area, and left a note in his clothes.

With this set of outfits, Sabo can change his identity to appear as a Kirito. As for his original name, it is not the first time that someone has disappeared in the arena, and it is difficult for such a thing to attract other people's attention.

In order to cause confusion, Kirito placed bombs at several entrances of the Toy House. As long as the bombs exploded one after another, it could cause maximum disturbance.

At that time, both the navy and the Doflamingo family will be caught in the search, so that they will not come to harass Kirito and the others.

Soon Kirito found Foxfire Kinemon and explained the development of the matter to him. The two of them quickly moved towards the direction of the palace.

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