Because of the shot just now, the chili pills flew into the sugar's throat immediately after being bitten.

In the blink of an eye, the sugar-pink smiling face was already flushed red, and if I didn't get the chili balls out, I'm afraid I would be suffocated.

Xia Tang coughed loudly, tears were already flowing out, the whole person looked extremely embarrassed, and no longer had the arrogance of the little princess just now.

After exhausting her efforts, she finally got the half of the chili balls out of her throat. Of course, this is inseparable from the melting and shrinking of the chili balls.

As soon as she got the chili pill near her tongue, the sugar grabbed her neck in pain. Although the childlike fruit gave her a body that would never grow up, it also left her an extremely sensitive body.

In an instant, the burning sensation filled her entire mouth, and the sharp pain on her tongue made her consciousness become hazy. After struggling for a while, she finally passed out.

In an instant, the entire Dressrosa had undergone earth-shaking changes. Those ubiquitous toys were originally the cheapest labor of the Don Quixote family.

But at this time, the toys scattered everywhere have become an important role in ending the darkness of Dressrosa, and the whole island is full of riots.

Those toys that had been oppressed and enslaved for an unknown period of time became what they were, and a violent resistance was launched, and the whole country was plunged into chaos.

Usually they wish they could make these toys more powerful and more numerous, but at this time they only blamed the power and number of these toys!

Eat the fruit!This word is the best word to describe Doflamingo, the darkness he had built up in an instant, and the darkness was about to be dispelled by the long-suppressed light.

At this time, Doflamingo didn't know what was going on in the country at all. The reason why he took the line of Kaido was to be able to use the opponent's power to increase his strength.

Now the people under BIGMOM, one of the four emperors, are here again. If he can catch up with them, wouldn't it mean that he has the support of two four emperors, and his development will be faster then?

He has even fallen into a beautiful vision of the future, and his figure is also passing through the clouds quickly, and he must arrive at the fastest speed.

This is the power of the Four Emperors. In the eyes of Doflamingo, one of the Seven Martial Seas, they are so noble, and even the servants and subordinates of the Four Emperors are so dazzling!

But when he arrived at the scene, he didn't think so. BIGMOM's subordinates were wanton destroying everything around him, and he even thought he had offended BIGMOM.

Just when he was about to contact Kaido, two people came to him: "Have you ever seen a little girl and a man with a knife?"

Brother Doflaming breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, as long as it wasn't aimed at him, he couldn't bear the attack of one of the four emperors, even if he could block a wave of attacks, he would offend the four emperors. There is absolutely no way to survive.

In a word, although he is very important to Kaido, he is completely unable to make Kaido fight BIGMOM for him.

At that time, Kaido will probably only find a way to keep Caesar alone, so that even the money for buying artificial devil fruits can be saved.

"I am the king of this country and Doflamingo, one of the seven seas, I can help you find the person the two adults are looking for!" Doflamingo said with a smile.

As long as two people can be invited to the palace, they will definitely be interested if they see the artificial devil fruit, and BIGMOM will also become his backstage.

"Since you're the king here, it's easy to handle! That man and woman attacked our ship just now, and they still have a very important person in their hands! It doesn't matter if the man and the woman can't be found, as long as the Just find the person in their hands! That person's name is Caesar!" Baron Eggshell said with a smile.

But this sentence was no less than a thunderbolt in Doflamingo's ears, so he sat on the ground with his butt on his back, and he suddenly fell into a dilemma!

Chapter [-] Birdcage vs Light Prison

If they can't find Caesar as they said, they will surely offend the BIGMOM group.

And if Caesar is handed over, is there any way for Kaido to explain that if he loses the supply of artificial devil fruits, he will definitely destroy Doflamingo.

No matter what choice he makes, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape death in the end.

Just two newcomers made such a big trap, pushing him step by step into the abyss of death!

Thinking of this, Doflamingo's teeth rattled. If Luo and Kirito were by his side at this time, I'm afraid he would have wanted to eat them both raw.

Through Baron Eggshell's description, he also guessed who brought the BIGMOM people here.

At this moment, the chaos has spread to this place, and the surrounding screams and calls for help showed the situation at this time.

The two subordinates of BIGMOM looked at each other and said, "It seems that there should be no more people in this place. It's better for us to leave!"

Of course, it's not that BIGMOM's men are afraid of things, but that they don't like to make things difficult.

Now that the whole country is so chaotic, the man and the woman will leave with Caesar sooner or later. They just need to wait in the nearby sea area, and there is no need to get involved in this state-based chaos.

Once they accept Doflamingo's help in finding someone, they will inevitably help him to quell the chaos. They will not do such a thankless thing.

Doflamingo wanted to scold these two guys to death, but he had to keep a smile on his face. As long as the two plague gods left, he would be able to rescue Caesar, and naturally he would also be able to save Caesar on Kaido's side. explained.

This is probably the first time that Doflamingo has deeply realized the meaning of the interdependence of good and bad. Although the departure of the two has dashed his hopes, it has undoubtedly pointed out a way for him to survive.

Watching the two leave here, Doflamingo immediately galloped away in the direction of the palace.

Since the other party deceived himself with this trick, he will definitely take action. He must understand the situation as soon as possible so that he can solve this matter faster.

It didn't take long for him to return to the palace. The sight in front of him made him unacceptable. All the cadres under his command had been knocked unconscious, and there were sea tower stone chains on their hands and feet.

Brother Doflamingo clenched his fists angrily, his teeth clenched, and blue veins appeared on his face, which was particularly hideous and terrifying!

"Hyuga Kirito! Get out of here!" he shouted loudly through gritted teeth, his voice full of resentment.

As soon as the words fell, Kirito appeared in front of him with a smile: "Brother Ming, don't be angry, I'm just joking with you! It also lets you experience what it is like to have your most cherished thing taken away by someone. taste!"

"If I remember correctly, I really wish I didn't take away your most important thing, right? And there doesn't seem to be any grudge between us!" Doflamingo said, suppressing his anger.

Kirito sat down with a smile, and he said without a smile: "Your Excellency is really a noble person who forgets things. Did you forget about being my enemy in the battle of the top? Remember clearly!"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Brother Doflaming knew that there was no possibility for the two of them to turn their disputes into jade and silk.

At that time, all Qiwuhai participated in this war, but Kirito said it when he was dealing with himself.

Cyrus, who was standing beside Kirito, couldn't hold back for a long time. It was only because Kirito's partner liberated him that he waited patiently.

At this moment, seeing the smell of gunpowder between the two people getting stronger, he finally couldn't help but jumped out and slashed at Brother Doflamingo viciously.

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