Doflamingo stood there in a daze, his face changed very fast, looking very terrifying.

"In this case, listen to everyone, if you don't want to die, if you don't want your dearest people to die, you'd better get rid of all these people who are against me, otherwise you will be at your own risk!" After a long time, Doflamingo said calmly.

Only those family members who were caught knew that the calmer the Joker was when he was furious, the more frantic people became.

Under the threat of death and loss of loved ones, almost all the aborigines on the island have taken up arms and are ready to kill all those who have troubled them.

They had no choice. Doflamingo was famous for his cruelty, while Kirito and his gang were kinder.

Human nature is like this, people will always subconsciously choose to betray the kindest person at the most critical time, because even if they fail, they will get the lightest punishment.

Kirito lazily stood up and stretched, "When you say alive, do you mean turning into a toy, being forgotten by everyone, and then living a dark life in a dark corner?"

The residents of Dressrosa couldn't help fighting a cold war. Whether it was forgetting the person they loved or being forgotten by the person they loved the most, it was the biggest torture in the world, right?

Even the losers in the arena can't help but feel a little scared. When they are toys, they even think that they can only be a toy for the rest of their lives.

"Some people seem to have changed from toys to people, but in fact they are not at all. They still have to be enslaved and controlled! And some people seem to have turned into toys, but in fact they are still indomitable people!" Kirito Yoyo of emotion.

He threw a light mask at random, covering all his own prisoners of the Don Quixote family, and Kirito instantly disappeared into the palace.

He has already said what should be said, and now it is time for them to choose for themselves. You must know that there is not always someone on the side to help you analyze the true and false and clarify the pros and cons.

"What are you doing here? Are you going to throw yourself into the net?" Fujitora said coldly to a group of light that gradually condensed in front of him.

Although Doflamingo is crazy, he is definitely not stupid enough to target the Navy, and Fujitora can also guess that it is inseparable.

Since he became blind, he has started to look at people with his heart and eyes, and now it has become his instinct.

"How about a business?" Kirito said as he sat next to Fujitora.

Chapter [-] Capture the smile factory

Fujitora laughed when he heard this, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at Kirito's stupidity or his courage.

It's not that there are no pirates who make deals with the navy, but it is really unprecedented for a person like him who is being offered a bounty to make a deal with a navy admiral.

Those who can stay by Fujitora's side are either confidants or senior officers, so the two of them don't have to worry about anything. Fujitora said straight to the point: "What business? Let's hear it!"

"I will help you kill this Qiwuhai. You hand over all his criminal evidence to the Naval Headquarters, and promise not to let the navy choose a new Qiwuhai. Isn't your purpose of abolishing the Qiwuhai system also achieved? And you The justice will not be affected at all!" Kirito said frankly.

"Why should I believe you? You're just a supernova, and you declared war on the World Government before and offended the Tianlong people. Isn't my cooperation with you equal to getting burned?" Fujitora shook his head and said.

Kirito didn't explain, just looked at Fujitora seriously and said, "Well, it's better to gamble, you won't lose anything anyway!"

Fujitora has always been a gambler, and when he heard the word gamble, his blind eyes seemed to have a different brilliance.

"Doflamingo and you, I want both! What do you think?" Fujitora changed his voice and said word by word.

Nodding happily, Kirito said cheerfully: "No problem, as long as you can do it!"

Before he finished speaking, he completely disappeared in front of Fujitora, as if he had never appeared before.

"Do your best to search for evidence about Doflamingo's crime! Remember, you must protect the safety of civilians!" Fujitora ordered the lieutenant general beside him.

In the underground world at the moment, all the competitive players have been assembled. Due to the order of Xiao Nan, the savior, they can only obey obediently no matter how rebellious they are.

This has been the case since ancient times. Human debt is the most difficult to repay. If it can be repaid as soon as possible, no one wants to procrastinate.

Unfortunately, Torrepol and Shatang disappeared while these people were killing the guards just now.

Kirito came here immediately, and he needed these people to help him control Doflamingo's men.

Although Doflamingo's cadres have basically been arrested, his subordinates are numerous, and some relatively low-level members are cooperating with Doflamingo's speech to destroy the city.

As soon as he appeared, Kirito, who didn't even say a word, stunned these people. No one dared to look down on this man who dared to turn the Navy Headquarters upside down.

What's more, this man's crew just saved their lives, and it is no exaggeration for them to be reborn parents.

"Everyone! I know what everyone has experienced here in Doflamingo, and I know that everyone hates Doflamingo to the core. Some of you may not know me, but it doesn't matter, at least our enemies are the same. One, that's enough!" Kirito said aloud standing in front of the crowd.

A simple sentence dissolves the tense atmosphere. In their opinion, if there are still people who don't know Kirito, this is no different from a big joke.

Kirito's palm pressed lightly, stopping everyone who was talking about it, and then continued: "Now Brother Doflamingo has blocked the entire country, and now everyone who knows his secrets will be his target, so I hope everyone Can help me reduce their minions!"

Everyone who can be selected by Doflamingo is a very capable person. At this moment, when Kirito asks them to do such a small thing, they all show a trace of disdain.

With such an obvious reaction, how could Kirito not know what they were thinking, he continued: "Of course, if someone is unwilling to participate, I will never force it, you just stay here and wait for us to resolve the battle. It's gone!"

As the saying goes, it's better to please, this sentence is obviously much more useful than the polite sentence just now.

After being rescued, they still have to hide here and survive. How can they have a face when the word spreads out?

The people who were still disdainful just now screamed as if they had been beaten with blood, as if anyone who didn't let them fight would be their enemy.

After solving these people easily, Kirito gave Xiaonan a wink and left, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the smile factory.

After dialing Doflamingo's phone bug, Kirito said with a smile, "Your Excellency the Clown, guess where I am now?"

Before Doflamingo could answer, Kirito had already changed his tone, and he said coldly: "To tell you the truth, the Caesar you saw before is a fake, if you don't immediately lift the ties to this country. Closed, just waiting to say goodbye to your factory!"

"You can do whatever you want! Anyway, you have no plans to let me go. As long as you all die here, Caesar will be retrieved by me sooner or later. It doesn't matter how many factories you want!" Brother Doflaming was crazy. laughed.

In fact, Doflamingo is so reckless, it is entirely because the smile factory is all made of sea floor stone, and the ability of Kirito may not be able to enter.

The Smile Factory is now close at hand, and if it weren't for the fact that there were little humans in it, Kirito could make it disappear with the touch of a finger.

Space Blade!

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