"Right! Kirito, when are you going to start?" BIGMOM asked indifferently.

Kirito was stunned again, and he was already muttering in his heart, not knowing how to answer.

BIGMOM continued: "You must have accumulated a lot of trump cards over the years! It's pointless to drag it on, right?"

"There is no certainty of victory yet! I think it may take a while!" Kirito said bravely.

"The certainty of victory? This kind of thing does not exist. If it is possible to win, do you have to wait for you to do this? Do it with confidence, and my mother will support you with all my strength!" BIGMOM said inarticulately.

Kirito looked at BIGMOM in amazement, not knowing what the woman was thinking.

"Shanks and Ace, I don't know if they will help me with all their strength, so..." Kirito said hesitantly.

BIGMOM interrupted Kirito without hesitation, and said solemnly: "As long as you tell the red-haired boy your identity, he will definitely help you with all his strength!"

The inexplicable sentence made Kirito completely confused. He was about to open his mouth to ask, when BIGMOM waved his hand and said, "You go out first! Concentrate all your strength to deal with Kaido's overreaching boy!"

With full of suspicion, Kirito left here alone and came to the room prepared for him by the BIGMOM Pirates.

He hesitated and took out the phone bug, and contacted Shanks first. He needed to verify if everything was as BIGMOM said, otherwise he would not be able to gather people with confidence.

Who knew that as soon as he revealed his identity, Shanks screamed in surprise: "What? It's you! Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Immediately on the other side of the phone, there was a burst of chatter, and after a long while, Shanks replied briefly: "You can do it with confidence, I represent the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates. I promise you, I will do my best to support you!"

As he said that, he cut off the contact on his own, and Kirito, who was puzzled, had to call the phone again, and gathered all the strength at hand to prepare for the melee between the four emperors!

For a time, the whole new world began to turmoil, and the pirate fleet could be seen almost everywhere, and even the navy could not stop it!

This unusual thing was immediately reported to the Navy Headquarters, and the Navy Headquarters immediately reported the Five Old Stars.

The five old stars immediately issued instructions, as long as the pirates do not openly provoke them, let them act, and report the specific situation at any time!

Chapter [-]: The Destruction of Kaido and the Golden Lion

In the following period of time, Kaido's pirate group suffered an unprecedented blow. As long as their people acted alone, they would be wiped out in an instant.

For a time, the sea turned into a monster, constantly devouring the living power of the Kaido Pirates.

Next, the power of Kaido's pirate group began to increase, and every trip needed to be equipped with several artificial devil fruit capable users.

It's a pity, this is just to let them support for a while, and then they still can't escape the doom of destruction!

After paying the price of dozens of artificial devil fruit power users, Kaido finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

The group had to hide in the base camp and never dared to go out. Fortunately, there was still a lot of food in the base camp.

But the current situation makes Kaido want to go mad. If he just hides in his own territory, even if there is enough food, he can't afford to lose this person!

On the one hand, he protested to Shanks and BIGMOM, and on the other hand, he communicated with the Navy.

Shanks and BIGMOM's answers were surprisingly consistent: "The Pirates are divided, and the people involved in the attack are no longer under their jurisdiction!"

As for the navy, Kaido used his own strength to challenge the admiral many times, so the navy could not wait for him to die immediately, so his request for annexation was naturally rejected!

Just kidding, that was the alliance of the three emperors among the four emperors!Back then, just a white beard fought evenly with the navy, and almost destroyed Marin Vando. Now accepting Kaido's subordination in this situation is like committing suicide!

Besides, Kaido's so-called subordination is definitely a lie, how could he be subservient to others with his character!

In the face of Kaido, who had already been captured, he was helpless, how could the navy rescue him with such a good opportunity!

However, Kaido contacted another person, which brought the whole battle into a stalemate. That person was Shiki the Golden Lion!

Not to mention his grievances with Roger and Whitebeard, but a Kirito pirate group has already made him very unhappy.

Originally, there was only one person in this world who escaped alive from the deep-sea prison, but since Kirito made a fuss and pushed the city, this unique honor was immediately divided into half.

And the golden lion escaped with two broken legs, but what about Kirito Hyuga?perfect!This is not the same as telling others that the golden lion is not as good as Kirito Hinata!

The golden lion Shiji immediately agreed to Kaido's request to join forces, and immediately rushed to Kaido's lair with the strength at hand, preparing to cooperate with Kaido inside and out.

If this matter can be carried out unknowingly, it can indeed cause a devastating blow to the power of Kirito, but it is a pity that the Kaido Pirates have been besieged, and all their communications have been hacked. The phone bug is listening!

The menacing golden lion was ambushed instead, and was caught off guard by the combined power of Kirito!

When they stabilized, they had already lost a lot of troops, and they had suffered a big loss after traveling long distances!

On the other hand, the navy is very happy. The more powerful the pirates are, the better it will be for them. When they lose both, the navy will naturally be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The ideal is very beautiful, but the reality is very cruel. Under the provocation of people with a heart, the member countries of the new world began to protest!

The navy was nearby, but they sat idly by the pirates. They seriously doubted the government's inaction and demanded the navy to stop and arrest the pirates immediately.

This is of course the handwriting of the revolutionary army, only they can mobilize so many people to participate in the protest.

After some protests, the world government was instantly devastated, and those countries Kirito had helped before, such as Dressrosa and Alabasta, also joined the camp of condemnation.

In desperation, the navy had no choice but to make a gesture. They began to release empty cannons not far from the battlefield, and finally made the voice of protest a little quieter.

And generals with a strong sense of justice, such as Aokiji and Fujitora, were even more disappointed with the World Government.

After a period of time like this, the battle situation became more and more intense, and the murlocs and orcs also joined the battlefield, and the Kaido Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates, who were already at a disadvantage, struggled even more.

A few days later, the two pirate groups were destroyed one after another, and only the stronger ones escaped, while Kaido himself and the Golden Lion himself returned to the deep sea prison again!

The navy looked at the coalition forces that were fully armed and not seriously damaged, but did not dare to attack, and left here with Kaido and the golden lion.

BIGMOM, Shanks and others went back to rest immediately. It was not an easy job to hold back the strongest creatures in the world. If it weren't for the fact that there were more new forces on their side, I'm afraid it would be difficult for the two of them to retreat.

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