He also understands that the control of armed sex and domineering is not a one-day job, so he will not waste a little bit of training time, and he is not interested in listening to those unnutritious courses.

Chapter eight hundred and forty seventh give you a lesson

I don't know how long it took, the boring course was finally over, and Kirito was finally able to get rid of it.

With Feizhen and Rukia, the three of them packed up and prepared to go back to their residence, but were blocked by a few people.

"Are you the freshman named Kirito Hinata?" the leader asked arrogantly, his tone full of frivolity.

Kirito nodded and said, "That's right, I am. Do you have anything to do with me? Or, do I know you?"

The man said arrogantly: "It doesn't matter if you know me or not, as long as I know you, I heard that you are very arrogant! I don't know what skills you have?"

This time, of course, Kirito can determine the identity of this person. He is definitely here to find fault. How to say Kirito has also been in the gang. If he can't even see this, it is really outrageous.

"It seems that your Excellency has a lot of opinions on me? I don't know where I offended you, can you tell me?" Kirito said apologetically.

The trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is a trick that Kirito likes to use. If they can come up with a reasonable reason, Kirito will naturally apologize, and he has no need to cause trouble for the newcomer.

But if the other party is really in trouble for no reason, then he can't be polite. After all, he is also the boss of the Xu Diao District, and he can't weaken the name of the Xu Diao District.

It turned out that these people are senior students, and their strength is outstanding, but now that Kirito is in the limelight, it is strange that they can bear it.

"You didn't offend us, it's just that on behalf of the old students, we will teach you new students a lesson. New students should look like new students, don't be too arrogant!" The man in the lead said viciously.

Kirito kept smiling and listening until he finished speaking, and then he said softly, "Are you finished? Could you please let me go?"

The face of the other party changed greatly. They didn't expect that Kirito would completely ignore their words. This was just a slap in the face.

Although they also knew that Kirito took an axe from Sidanfang, they thought it was the face of the person behind Kirito from Sidanfang, so they deliberately released water.

This is the Spiritual Arts Academy, no matter how strong the background is, the school may have to give in because of their face, but these students don't use it at all. Even if Kirito suffers, he must not have the face to go to the school to complain.

Of course, this is just their wishful thinking. In fact, Kirito did it entirely by relying on his own talent.

"It seems that you need a few of us to help you keep your memory long? Otherwise, you won't know how to respect the seniors!" The other party said in a bad tone.

Shrugging indifferently, Kirito raised his hand and said, "Then I need to ask a few people to give some pointers!"

The plain and indifferent sentence almost made a few of them explode with anger. They have seen arrogant newcomers, but they have never seen such arrogant newcomers.

One of the Binding Roads!

The first person did not hesitate to use the ghost way, tying Kirito's hands and feet, and the two people behind rushed up with unexploited weapons.

This is still an academy after all, and they cherish the opportunity to enter here, so they just want to teach Kirito a lesson.

In their opinion, Kirito, who had just entered school, must not have been exposed to ghosts, and as long as he was restrained, he would be slaughtered by others.

Kirito tried to break free, but he felt very tight, and he immediately became interested.

In a second, Kirito covered his hands and feet with a domineering armament color, and the dark luster looked very strange.

He secretly used the power of Bajiquan, and Kirito really broke free of the power that bound his hands and feet.

The other party was stunned. They all thought that the so-called strength of Kirito was the result of the release of water from the Sidanfang, but they never imagined that a guy who had never been in contact with ghosts could be able to do it in such a short time. break free.

To be honest, they have already begun to regret their recklessness, but the current situation is simply difficult to ride a tiger, if they admit it like this, they will become a laughing stock.

Cruelly gritted their teeth, they continued to charge with their weapons, preparing to use the learned white beating to teach Kirito a lesson.

Even if it can't restrain you, at least it can defeat you, right?Breaking free can only mean that the talent is good, but it does not mean that the strength will be strong.

It's a pity that Kirito doesn't rely on talent alone. Their slack posture is full of loopholes in Kirito's view. Of course, these are seen through the double hooked jade writing wheel eye.

Kirito turned sideways, dodged the weapon on the left, and then quickly bullied forward, hitting another person's chest with an elbow.

The man immediately bent down in pain, and the weapons of the other two immediately hit his back.

The target was clearly Kirito, but they hit their companions, and the two immediately froze in place.

They were stunned there, but Kirito did not give up the opportunity. He used Bajiquan again, knocking the two people to the ground.

For a time, the three fell to the ground, rolling and moaning in pain, and the arrogance just now was no longer there.

"Thank you for the teaching of the three seniors. I will never dare again. I wonder if I can leave?" Kirito still asked with a smile.

How could the three of them be able to talk, Kirito's smile was no different from the devil's smile at this moment, and their eyes were dodging Kirito's eyes in a panic.

Kirito shrugged and said to Feizhen and Rukia: "Senior seniors are so polite, they came out for no reason and gave me a beating, telling me that if I didn't study hard, I would be bullied by freshmen. It’s really a lesson by words and deeds, we should all thank them well!”

This sentence was extremely sarcastic, but the three of them didn't dare to say anything, but their faces were red as if they were about to drip blood, and they were very ashamed.

After all, they were also excellent students in the senior year, but they were so miserably abused at the hands of a freshman.

Kirito and the others had just left, and the three of them immediately stood up, supporting each other. After looking at each other, the leader said bitterly, "We must avenge this revenge! None of you are allowed to speak out about this matter. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone!"

In fact, even if he didn't say it, the two of them wouldn't say it. After all, this is not a glorious thing, how can people know about the shameful thing?

But what is certain is that the two of them have also hated Kirito, the kid who made them lose face. As for this matter, they found it first, they have already ignored it automatically.

Chapter Eight hundred and forty-eight, if you can't fight one-on-one!

The next few days were very calm, and the three of them never bothered with Kirito again, but Kirito showed his talent.

While others were still chanting those tongue-in-cheek incantations, Kirito had already bypassed this step with his extraordinary talent.

That's right, it's ghostly silent hair!

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