Just when the two sides were arguing, Kirito probably understood the ins and outs of the matter. It turned out that the two sisters, Feizhen and Rukia, went back together after class. They already knew what Kirito was doing, so they didn't care about Tong. People go back early.

They were walking while chatting, and just after walking out of the training ground, this woman bumped over to deliberately find fault.

This woman is called Uehara Mae, and she has long been disliked by Feizhen and Rukia. You must know that Kirito is now not only the object of envy of all male compatriots, but also the object of admiration of all girls.

How about with such a man to support themselves, in this society where strength is respected, are they still not smooth sailing?

Rukia disregarded her sister's stop, and said loudly: "That's how it is, don't think you can bully people just because you are old!"

Uehara Yahui sneered and said, "Hey, we're not bullying people, we just want you new students to know how to behave!"

As soon as she said that, she had already shot, the wooden knife in her hand slashed towards the two girls, and the wooden knife rubbed against the air to make a whining sound.

Although the weapon is made of wood, cutting it down with such strength can definitely hurt someone, and everyone present couldn't help but raise their hearts to their throats.

Originally, the slashing technique in the senior grades was much better, and the number of practice sessions was still too small, so that the two of them were not her opponents at all.

However, after following Kirito for the past two years, they were not in vain, at least they were still embarrassed to hide.

For a long time, Kirito wanted the two girls to be independent, but when he saw this scene, his heart was still very uncomfortable.

"Okay! You two wastes dare to hide, so don't blame me for being a ruthless senior!" Uehara Yahui missed a hit, which made her very embarrassed, and simply launched the attack again.

O King's Lander!The mask of flesh and blood, all things, the thing that flutters high, that bears the name of man!Burning heat and strife, across the sea and rolling back south, move forward!The Thirty-One Red Cannons of Destruction!

Uehara Yahui was probably also mad with anger, and even used such a trick to break the Dao, and also used chant.

At her level, there is absolutely no need to chant to launch such an attack, but once chant is added, the power will be greatly increased.

Under her lock, Feizhen and Rukia have completely become trapped beasts in the cage, and it is almost impossible to escape as lucky as last time.

"Sister, I heard that you like to teach us freshmen how to be human? Why don't you teach me how to be human?" A voice suddenly came out coldly.

Chapter eight hundred and fiftieth chapter ghost road crushing

Uehara Mae had almost exhausted her strength in this move, and the arrow had to be fired. If she didn't use this move, the red artillery might explode.

Before she could see who was talking behind her, Mae Uehara threw the fireball in her hand at the sisters Hijin and Rukia.

The onlookers have also closed their eyes in fright. Although they like to watch the fun, it is still something they don't want to see such two delicate girls being hurt in front of their eyes.

The Thirty-Three Cangfire Pendants of Destruction!

A figure was already standing on the flight path of the red artillery, just in front of Hijin and Rukia.

He stretched out a hand and aimed at the Chi Artillery Cannon to activate its ability, and bursts of lightning-like flames had already bloomed in his hand.

With a bang, the Chi Artillery had not yet reached the intended target, and it exploded ahead of schedule because of obstacles.

The shock wave of the explosion immediately spread around this center, and the shadow of the figure flashed, and even his hair was not blown.

Looking at the arrogant Yahui Uehara just now, she was already sitting on the ground by the aftermath of the explosion of the red artillery, and she was very embarrassed.

But at this time, she has no time to pay attention to that, the person just now blocked the red artillery that she chanted without singing!

Even in their senior year, such people can be said to be unique, and if they sing the same song, they can find a few.

This is also the reason why Uehara Mae is so proud, her strength itself is among the best.

The figure walked over slowly, and the explosion in his hand was still flashing light, and everyone finally saw the slightly distorted face through the light of the explosion.

The power of the explosion is too powerful, and the space has been distorted by the impact, which is why this situation occurs.

Hiuga Kirito!

Just a few days ago, I singled out Kirito Hyuga, who is almost the entire class in the senior year!

Walking slowly to the front of Uehara Masaru, the aftermath of the explosion in Kirito's hand had already scorched her face slightly hot, Kirito said coldly: "This time is just a small lesson, if you dare to have another time, I don't mind letting this fire pendant hit you directly in the face."

Uehara Yahui still has the arrogance before, now her face is not only fear but also fear, she can see from Kirito's eyes, Kirito has really moved to kill!

With a slight trembling of the palm of his hand, the flaming flower on his hand disappeared without a trace. Kirito turned around and walked in the direction of Hijin and Rukia, waiting for him to walk in front of the two of them. , The murder-like expression on his face has also turned into a warm smile.

"Let's go? Be careful next time you walk, so that you won't be bitten by some kind of dog!" Kirito said softly.

Where have the two girls ever seen such a battle, they were already frightened, and at this moment they finally recovered, Rukia cried and threw herself into Kirito's arms.

Feizhen glanced at Rukia with some jealousy, and said disappointedly, "It's our fault that made Brother Kirito worry."

Kirito grabbed her hand and said with a smile, "What are you talking about? I know it's not your fault, someone deliberately found fault!"

All of this was watched by the onlookers, and almost everyone looked at them with jealous eyes.

Especially those girls, who saw that Kirito, the favored son of the sky, was able to treat them both so well, and their hearts were already churning with jealousy. If it wasn't for the scene just now, I'm afraid they would have already rushed into Kirito. embraced.

Jealousy is jealousy, and they no longer dare to use their brains from the two sisters Feizhen and Rukia, these two girls are his bans at all.

Holding the hands of Feizhen and Rukia, Kirito walked towards the dormitory without anyone else. Wherever they went, those people consciously gave way.

Kirito was already a figure in the True Central Academy of Spiritual Arts, and the news spread throughout the school almost immediately.

Uehara's reputation has also become famous, but unfortunately it is not a good reputation.

Since ancient times, geniuses have always been different, and the school knew that if Hijin and Rukia were injured, Kirito would really kill that Uehara Mae.

After hurriedly dealing with the matter of Uehara Mae, the school's focus has once again increased. In addition to Kirito, the protected person has added a Hiizhen and a Rukia.

But obviously, their arrangement is completely useless. After such a thing happened, how could Kirito let such a thing happen again?

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