After Omaeda completed his task, he brought Kirito to the locker room.

"Here, this is your team uniform. After you put it on, you belong to the second team. If someone bullies you in the future, you can report the name of my Captain Broken Bee."

Omaeda originally wanted to say his name, but thought that although Kirito is a newcomer, his ability to cause trouble is really not small, so he won't make trouble for himself.

Kirito pouted, took out the team uniform from Omaeda, and after changing, walked out of the locker room.

Kirito, who put on a dead tyrant outfit, looked extraordinarily handsome. With a black coat and a white waistband, with a standard handsome face, he was able to capture a group of little fans.

Kirito himself also felt that this death tyrant dress felt good, loose and comfortable, and it would not have any effect during battle.

After getting dressed, Omaeda brought Kirito to the main hall of the second division, where the captain, Brobee, was waiting.

Seeing the arrival of Kirito, the always unsmiling broken bee also smiled, but immediately put away the smile.

Kirito smiled when he saw Broken Bee, bowed politely to Broken Bee, and then said, "I have seen Captain Broken Bee."

This is the basic behavior of a newcomer after entering the squad, and Kirito is no exception.

Broken Bee said to Kirito: "Presumably Omaeda has already explained the responsibilities of our second team to you, so I won't say much here."

"Yes, Deputy Captain Omaeda has already explained it to me." Kirito replied.

"Well, since you already know the responsibilities you will perform in the future, I will now officially recruit you into the second team and appoint you as the third seat."

"I accept your appointment." Kirito bent down again. From this moment on, he officially joined the second division.

Chapter [-] Duties of the Supervision Team

Supervision team responsibilities

Now that Kirito has become an official member of the second team, he will naturally assume his responsibilities.

Broken Bee said to Kirito: "I think Omaeda should have told you that our second division consists of five teams."

"Yes, I know that," Kirito replied.

Broken Bee continued: "Generally speaking, the leaders of the five teams are the top five seats of the team, and the third seat is always vacant, so the supervisory team has always been presided over by me."

Broken Bee paused, then said seriously to Kirito, "It stands to reason that if I appoint you as the third seat, then you should be in charge of the supervision team, but I still want to ask your attitude."

"Captain Broken Bee, can I ask what the supervisory team is mainly responsible for?" Kirito said to Broken Bee with a smile, because he still didn't know what the team was responsible for.

"Omaeda?" After listening to Kirito's words, Broken Bee asked Omaeda next to Kirito in a very stern questioning tone.

At this time, Omaeda was still in his own mind wandering, and only recovered after hearing the stern tone of Captain Broken Bee.

"Uh, captain, I forgot, negligence, negligence, hehe." Omaeda scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and looked at Broken Bee with his usual admitting smile.

"Go down." Broken Bee was helpless about Omaeda's appearance, such a worry-free vice-captain gave her a headache.

Omaeda naturally turned around and ran away when he heard Broken Bee's release. He was still in awe of Broken Bee.

"Cough, since Omaeda didn't tell you, let me tell you." Broken Bee looked at Kirito, ready to explain the responsibilities of the supervision team.

"The main responsibility of the supervision team is to look after the supervision tower - the worm's nest." Broken Bee deliberately said the four words of the worm's nest, word by word, in order to make Kirito pay attention.

However, it was the first time that this name appeared in Kirito's ears. He didn't know much about the internal conditions of Seirei Garden. In addition, the name sounded strange, making him feel that it was a place where animals lived.

"Worm's Nest? Are some monsters imprisoned in it?" Kirito couldn't help raising his head and asked.

Broken Bee glared at Kirito and said to him: "The worms are detained in the worm's nest are all the gods of death who were judged to be a threat to the corpse and soul world."

"Oh, so that's how it is." Kirito nodded after hearing Broken Bee's explanation.

"You have to know that none of those people are good at it. As for the management position of the supervision team, it is not so simple to just say it casually."

"Oh, so, what test do you have to pass?" Broken Bee's words aroused Kirito's interest, and Kirito said with a smile.

Looking at Kirito's smiling expression, Broken Bee said to Kirito with a smile: "If you want to lead the supervision team, you must suppress all the prisoners of the Worm Nest with your bare hands."

All the prisoners, it sounds a little difficult to complete, but at the moment Kirito is still relatively calm.

Kirito looked at Broken Bee, and after thinking about it, he asked, "I don't know, which prisoners are imprisoned in the current worm nest?"

As the saying goes, know yourself and know your enemy and win a hundred battles. Since Kirito is now the third seat of the second division team, he will naturally take over the supervision team.

This kind of thing, although the broken bee did not give a clear order, but Kirito knew that the meaning of the broken bee was to let himself take on this responsibility.

Kirito is not the kind of timid person, the more challenging things are, the more interest Kirito can be aroused.

Bumblebee heard what Kirito said, and knew that Kirito was going to take on this task. She thought in her heart: "It didn't disappoint me. The person I picked must have this kind of backbone."

However, there are not a few people who are specifically detained in the Worm Nest, so Broken Bee has not been able to remember them one by one.

At this time, facing Kirito's question, she couldn't answer the question for a while, so she immediately sent her subordinates to the archives to retrieve information.

Those who went came back soon, holding a stack of documents in their hands, all of which were held in those worm nests.

Their details are recorded above, including physical characteristics, as well as their known abilities, and the reasons why they were held.

In the face of this thick pile of information, Kirito did not read all of them carefully, he just looked at the abilities of the prisoners.

After all, although this worm's nest is a place where sinners are imprisoned, the people here are not that powerful.

Because those who are really guilty of heinous crimes are imprisoned in the underground prison of the first team.

Kirito can still deduce this, because he has heard of the underground prison, but not the nest of worms.

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