After hearing the captain's words, everyone nodded, indicating that they knew the reason for this gathering.

"That's good, just now, the Zhuwamen in the south was attacked by the forces from Liuhun Street, but it has been repelled, but I have a hunch that this is by no means an ordinary attack."

Just after the commander-in-chief finished speaking, Jingle Chunshui, the captain of the eighth division, stood up, raised the brim of his hat, and said, "Captain, I have sent someone to find out, and the advance unit has sent back news. "

Hearing Jingle Chunshui's report, the commander-in-chief looked up at him and said, "Really, then report the known news."

"Yes, according to the known information, it is an organization called Mieting that attacked Selingtei. They have been secretly organizing before, and only recently has news leaked out."

After Jingle Chunshui's report, the captain of the thirteenth division, Ukitake Shirou, also stood up and said, "I have heard of this organization, but I always thought they were just a small force in Liuhun Street."

"But judging from their actions this time, I'm afraid they are no ordinary small forces." Said the captain of the fifth division, Aizen Sousuke.

The tenth division captain Zhibo Yixin also spoke up: "Judging from the name, this organization should have been premeditated, in order to oppose Seo Lingting."

"I agree with Captain Will Wave, I don't know what the commander-in-chief will have next?" said the fourth division captain, Uno Hana Lie.

After listening to everyone's speech, the commander-in-chief spoke again: "Broken Bee, I order you to take someone to Liuhun Street to convey more specific information."

"Yes, Captain Chief." Brobee responded immediately after hearing the order.

"Shiba Yixin, take your tenth division to patrol the Seiringei carefully, in case the enemy will do anything next." The commander-in-chief issued the order again.

"Yes, the commander-in-chief."

"The rest of the people, don't take it lightly, and prepare for the enemy's means at any time, is it clear?"

"Yes, Captain." Everyone responded in unison.

"Okay, the meeting is here first, disbanded, and each does his own work." After the commander issued the order again, he turned around and walked towards the house.

All the captains also dispersed, and before leaving, the captain of the eleventh team Kenpachi Zakigi kept talking: "Isn't it just a group of gangsters, it's just a farce, just let me lead someone to cut them down and it's over, why? To be so troublesome."

"Captain Zaraki, you don't have to be so excited, it's better to figure out the reason first." Zhibo said to Kenpachi Zaragi with a smile.

However, Zaraki Kenpachi didn't seem to be focused on Will Wave, and went straight back to the [-]th Division.

Zhibo Yixin also returned to the tenth division team building, and started a strict patrol with his death gods.

Chapter [-] Inquiring about the news

The captain of the second division, Broken Bee, immediately returned to the team building after receiving the order, and immediately summoned the members of the first division to prepare to investigate.

However, just when the whole team was about to act, Broken Bee suddenly thought of Kirito, so he took him with him.

One reason is that Brobee doesn't want to take Omaeda on a mission, and another reason is that Kirito hasn't returned to Ryuhun Street since he entered the True Spirit Academy.

This time, it is not only to complete the task, but also to let Kirito follow, not only to see Liuhun Street, but also to make him more senior.

In this way, Kirito, who was originally only responsible for guarding the supervision tower, was taken directly out of the Seiringei and came to the street of Ryuhun.

Because it was to inquire about news, after arriving at Liuhun Street, everyone in the first team divided into groups of several people to inquire about news in different places.

Kirito, the "newcomer", also followed one of the groups and came to the most desolate Eighty District, Zeraki, to investigate in this place.

Kirito originally came from Xuhang in the [-]th district, where he felt that the dog was confused, but the scene in the [-]th district surprised him even more.

This is an unsupervised area, so everyone who wants to live here is a ruthless character.

Kirito was just walking on the street, and those who lived here looked at him not very friendly, and even a little hostile.

But this is all because Kirito restrained his spiritual pressure, otherwise these ordinary people should be under enormous pressure now.

Kirito didn't care too much about other people's eyes, because the purpose of his trip had nothing to do with these ordinary people.

But after thinking about it, maybe these people can provide him with some useful information, so Kirito decided to ask someone.

After turning around for a while, Kirito saw an old man at the end of a street. The old man was holding a jug in his hand and drinking wine.

"Just him, he might know something." Kirito thought to himself, because there is an old man in such a messy place, maybe this old man is not simple.

Because the old man not only had alcohol to drink, but also dressed neatly, one could tell that he had a background.

Thinking of this, Kirito stepped forward and asked, "Sir, can I ask you something?"

The old man did not answer Kirito, but just went deep into Kirito with a seemingly dry, but very strong arm.

Kirito knew what this meant, so he took out a coin belonging to the Soul Society in his arms and put it in the hands of the old man.

This is to spend money to buy news. This old man should be a know-it-all here, and it is this way to make money.

As long as you want to inquire about things, no matter what, whether you know it or not, you have to pay first before I can talk to you. This is their style.

The old man smiled and glanced at Kirito, took the money in his hand, and said, "Young people know the rules very well, tell me, what do you want to ask?"

"I don't know if you know, what about a force called Destroyer Court?" Kirito is very direct, because he is not wearing a death tyrant costume now.

The old man narrowed his eyes, looked at Kirito, and extended his hand again, but this time he said: "Well, if you ask this, you will have to pay extra."

Hearing the old man's words, Kirito also smiled, "This old man, take advantage of this opportunity." But there is no way, who made Kirito want to inquire.

So after handing over some money to the old man again, the old man took it back with a smile, and then took a sip of wine.

"Destroy the court, I do know some things, but it's hard to say if what I know is true. You have to judge for yourself."

"I know this, you can say what you want." Kirito said to the old man.

The old man looked at Kirito and said, "What I know is that this force has only recently risen. Under the banner of resisting the rule of Seireitei, they have gathered a lot of people from Ryuhun Street to conquer Seireitei."

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