On the other hand, simply using Qiuhong to slash, this kind of attack will make the opponent unable to react in time.

Because he couldn't defeat his opponent with one blow, Kirito had to rely on Qiu Hong's ability. After all, Qiu Hong's ability could directly determine the winner.

"Let's shine, Qiuhong!"

Kirito silently explained Qiuhong Shi, because he didn't want to attract the attention of Ikeda Kimura, so he could only do this.

Although Qiuhong's ability is very strong, Qiuhong's trigger mechanism is a bit difficult, because Qiuhong's slaying ability can only be shown by slashing the enemy seven times.

Ikeda Kimura was still preparing to attack, but after seeing Kirito make a few handprints, he went blind.

For someone like him who usually relies on vision to deal with problems, he is naturally a little slow in the face of such a sudden situation.

Kirito just wanted to take advantage of Ikeda Kimura's sluggishness, and when Ikeda Kimura was still getting used to it, Kirito's knife had already chopped over.

With a knife, it slashed directly on the chest of Ikeda Kimura, but Ikeda Kimura still has excellent strength after all.

Just as Kirito's knife touched Ikeda Kimura's skin, Ikeda Kimura reacted.

Although he couldn't completely avoid Kirito's blade, he still minimized Kirito's damage to himself.

Kirito originally wanted to let this knife hit Ikeda Kimura hard, but he only left a not deep stab wound on Ikeda Kimura's chest.

Kirito was a little unhappy. He originally wanted to inflict more serious damage on Ikeda Kimura, but at this point, he could barely accept it.

Just after this knife, Kirito immediately took another knife. Since this fighting method is effective, it must be used.

Another swift and violent knife also caused damage to Ikeda Kimura, but this knife only hurt Ikeda Kimura's arm.

"What kind of ability do you have?" Ikeda Kimura had never experienced such a thing before, so he was naturally surprised.

Kirito ignored him, because he wanted to use this opportunity to create more foundations for himself to win.

The third knife, merciless, Kirito waved his arm again, but this time it only left a very small scar on Ikedan Nakamura's back.

"Hmph, although your ability is a bit interesting, I'm already familiar with it. Even if I can't see it, I can clearly judge your actions."

After Kirito attacked three times, Ikeda Kimura also adapted to the state of blindness, so Kirito was equivalent to losing his advantage again.

However, Kirito had already foreseen the current state, and he also knew that the role of the dark line technique would also end.

So he wants to create a better chance for himself in the final period of the dark technique.

Earth Escape Yellow Spring Marsh!

Kirito made a seal again, turning the land at the foot of Ikeda Kimura directly into a swamp, and then used Shunpo Shinka's footwork to instantly move behind Ikeda Kimura.

At this time, Ikeda Kimura has begun to break away from the restrictions of the dark line, but because his feet have become swamps, his actions are also restricted at this moment.

Kirito's method worked again, and he slashed Ikeda Kimura's back again, leaving another blood-seeing scar.

Although Ikeda Kimura responded quickly, he still did not dodge Kirito's blow, and the Zanpakutō slashed in the air.

"Hmph, the clown jumping beam, continue to use your means?" Ikeda Kimura has been restricted from the dark line.

Because he regained the light, he also found himself in the swamp, jumped, and escaped the restrictions of Huangquan Swamp.

The current Ikeda Kimura is no longer restricted by Kirito, so it means that he can move freely again.

Ikeda Kimura was very angry, because it was very uncomfortable for him to be checked and balanced by the inexplicable ability used by Kirito.

Because of this, his fighting power was damaged, and he was slashed four times by Kirito. This kind of injury was completely impossible for Kirito before.

At this moment, Kirito's mood is no longer so heavy, because his Zanpakutō Qiuhong has already shown his ability.

I thought that Kirito had hit Ikeda Kimura with four knives, so the color of Qiuhong's blade also changed.

From the red at the beginning, it went through orange, yellow, green, and finally became the current blue.

Chapter [-] Advanced Thunder Escape Scroll

Qiuhong's blue blade looks very beautiful, but the reason for this beauty comes from hurting the opponent.

Kirito is quite satisfied with the current record, because he only needs to deal three damages to Ikeda Kimura before he can win.

For this reason, he decided to attack Ikeda Kimura with all his strength, even if he was injured, and put the attack first.

He condensed the domineering arrogance of his whole body, and put most of his power on Qiu Hong's sword.

This can greatly increase Qiuhong's ability, and can also make Kirito's attack more powerful and aggressive.

However, the disadvantage is that Kirito will be easily injured by doing so. You must know that he was rarely injured in previous battles.

The main reason is because Kirito has armed domineering body protection, and he has never encountered a too strong opponent who can break through his armed domineering.

This should be the first time that Kirito has given up his protection, because he knows that even if he defends with all his strength, he may be defeated by Ikeda Kimura.

Even if he used ninjutsu to wound him before, those wounds were not too serious for Ikeda Kimura.

Moreover, Ikeda Kimura was also provoked by this, but the subsequent attacks became more manic and frequent, because he wanted Kirito to pay the price.

"Haha, have you run out of tricks? If that's the case, prepare to die, because you've managed to provoke me."

Ikeda Kimura has been so angry that Kirito is playing tricks, and now he can't wait to behead Kirito under the knife immediately.

While Kirito was fighting, other people's battles were also very fierce. The easiest one was to support Kirito's Captain Broken Bee.

The strength of Captain Broken Bee is still very strong, otherwise he would not be able to serve as the commander-in-chief of the stealth mobile unit.

Because the strongest one here, Ikeda Kimura, has been chosen by Kirito as his opponent. Although Broken Bee also wants to help him, this kind of one-on-one battle is a real man who doesn't want anyone else to intervene.

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