After all, Broken Bee is the commander-in-chief of the secret mobile unit. Naturally, there is no need to say much about his strength. He has already defeated the enemy without even using a swastika.

Now there are only Kuchiki Byakuya and his opponent left on the field. That person is called Kinoshita, and he is the highest combat power of the Destruction Organization in Liushun Street.

He has mastered the swastika, and has the strength that is absolutely comparable to the captain's level. Although both of his accomplices have been killed now, he does not have a trace of panic.

He was still fighting with Byakuya Kuchiki in an orderly manner, sometimes dodging to avoid Qianben Sakura's slash, and sometimes making quick shots to cause damage to Byakuya Kuchiki.

Kinoshita's swastika is called Cynical Wolf Fang, and at the front end of his Zanpakutō, two protuberances similar to wolf fangs appeared directly after the swastika.

And those two protrusions also have powerful abilities.

Chapter [-]: Nirvana's Medicine

Kinoshita's Zanpakutō can emit a huge explosion, and the two things that resemble wolf teeth are the formations of the explosion.

Whenever Kinoshita tried to make it explode, it would detonate, never causing serious damage to the opponent.

Fortunately, Kinoshita's current opponent is Byakuya Kuchiki, the captain of the sixth division, and his strength is considered to be at the top of all captains.

Compared to Kinoshita's Cynical Wolf Fang, Qianbon Sakura's ability is even more powerful, because Chibon Sakura's attack cannot be completely defended against.

Attacks that may come from all directions at any time, even if you focus on defense, you will be scratched by Senbon Sakura's sharp blade.

Unless your own defensive ability can prevent Chiben Sakura's blade from causing damage to you, only in this way can you avoid injury.

But how many people have this powerful defensive ability, at least Kinoshita, who is currently fighting against Kuchiki Byakuya, doesn't have this ability.

Although Kinoshita has calmed down, his defense still has loopholes, but with his Zanpakutō's ability, he didn't suffer any injuries.

When the Cynical Wolf Fang explodes, it can clear the surrounding blades to defend against Kuchiki Byakuya's attack.

But this is just a tactic to slow down the army. If you want to defeat Kuchiki Byakuya, it is obviously impossible not to create a more powerful attack.

Since there is only one leader-level pair still fighting, Kirito doesn't need to switch back and forth.

He stood in the distance, staring at these two people all the time, and he wanted to learn some experience from these two people.

Or maybe he could find some ideas from the two of them, because he also wanted his Zanpakutō to be able to solve it.

Although it is only a word difference, the ability of the first interpretation and the swastika is definitely different, and this can be seen from others.

However, this kind of thing cannot be obtained by force, otherwise why would there be so few people with this skill.

"Boom" Under Kirito's gaze, a huge explosion broke out in the battlefield, and the surrounding area was filled with dust.

That is Kinoshita's skill, he can compress all the spiritual pressure, then store it in the cynic wolf, and finally vent it out with the explosion of the cynic.

This method is the best way to stimulate the damage of Angry Wolf Fang. By this method, the power of the explosion can be increased several times.

The explosion was amazing enough, but after passing through Kinoshita, the field was filled with smoke and dust.

People outside had no idea what was going on inside, but it wasn't until the smoke calmed down that people could see what was going on in the field.

Kuchiki Byakuya stood there, his Zanpakutō had been put away, and the one who fell in front of him was Kinoshita who was fighting against him.

Because of the smoke and dust created by Kinoshita, it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

However, during the time when the smoke and dust dissipated, Kinoshita was killed by Kuchiki Byakuya, and there was not even a single sound.

Several combat powers belonging to the extermination organization have already fallen. As for the other remnants of defeated soldiers, they were all eliminated without much effort.

The Seiroi Tei team that conquered the Ryuhun Street can be said to have won a great victory, but the battle within Seorei Tei is still going on.

Captain Yamamoto's fire was still burning, but the situation of Shiba Isshin, who was trapped inside, was not so bad.

After all, Burning the City is not an attacking skill, it is just like a flame cage, restricting the opponent's actions.

Currently still fighting are Miyazaki Zuoichi and Ukitake Shirou, as well as Ishikawa Haru and Nimori.

Said that Ishikawa had already been poisoned by Nimori's poison, but he still suppressed it a little with his powerful Reiatsu.

But that is not a long-term solution. Now, only by defeating Niyu Li at the fastest speed, and then obtaining the antidote from him, can this life be saved.

Nie Mayori is still very authoritative in scientific research, and Ishikawa Ji knows that this poison is absolutely no trivial matter.

"Golden Feather Feather, Fallen Wings!"

This is the most powerful skill Ishikawa can use so far, and it can unleash all the power of his Zanpakutō.

Ishikawa's swastika is to turn the Zanpakutō into a pair of wings, and this move is a move that can attack the enemy with all the wings behind him.

You must know that when a captain-level full-strength attack is still relying on the Zanpakutō, the destructive power can be imagined.

Following Ishikawa's full shout, he quickly flew up into the sky, and then quickly descended again when he reached a high place.

As the height decreased, he began to rotate at a high speed, and the power of this rotation directly formed a tornado that connected the heavens and the earth.

Under the tornado, it was Ishikawa's target, looking at his Nie Mayuri with a strange smile. Because Ishikawa's move was extremely fast, Nie Mayori never thought of dodging.

Because he couldn't dodge, he simply didn't think about it, and just stood there and let Ishikawa Ji fall from the sky.

The wings formed a tornado directly with huge destructive power, and after hitting Nimori, it continued to spread around.

Let the already dilapidated place wither again, and Nirvana Li, who was in the middle of this move, also disappeared here at this moment.

As for Osamu Ishikawa, who started this tornado, he has fallen to the ground and can't get up now. Just when he hit Nimori, he was hit by another type of poison.

Nie Mayuri wasn't here not because he managed to dodge, but because he was completely shattered.

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