After summoning the shadow clone, Kirito did not rush to attack, because he was still using the lotus step to create afterimages, plus the number of shadow clones, and now Qiuhong is surrounded by Kirito figures. .

Kirito's consumption is very high now, because he has used almost all the moves that he can use, and he wants to end the battle with one blow, otherwise he will lose.

Qiuhong's pressure has also increased a lot now, because in her opinion, Kirito's afterimage can confuse her spiritual sense, and now in her perception, it seems that Kirito's body is everywhere.

Kirito is almost ready. What he has to do now is to attack from all directions. His main body is the first to move, and then all the shadow clones follow to attack Qiuhong from all directions.

Kirito's attack was like a group of predatory lions, and many figures rushed towards the seemingly weak Qiuhong.

"It's broken, I can't sense where he came from." Qiu Hong was secretly surprised, then moved quickly and left where she had been standing before.

At such a time, if he stood still, he would be defeated by Kirito, and this was not the time to show his strength.

However, although Qiuhong moved away, Kirito's figure did not leave Qiuhong. In terms of speed, Kirito was still above Qiuhong.

He didn't let Qiuhong get out of his attack range. After keeping up with Qiuhong's actions, Kirito attacked again, and the clone added an afterimage to directly surround Qiuhong.

Although Qiu Hong was very strong and had tried her best to stop her, she was still injured by Kirito. There were many holes in her beautiful clothes, and the spring was looming.

It's like a beautifully packaged doll, but the clothes on her body are broken with holes, and it doesn't look so perfect.

But Qiuhong's graceful body adds another kind of beauty to this imperfection. This kind of seeming and non-existent feeling is still very attractive.

"You, ah, ah." Qiu Hong was very embarrassed by Kirito, and shouted loudly. If she was a person, I am afraid that Kirito would have fainted by now.

Although Kirito heard Qiuhong's angry shouting, he ignored her. He entered into a state of battle, thinking only of winning and not thinking about other things.

Although he is also a normal man, looking at his Zanpakutō, he will not have any crooked thoughts.

"You forced me!" Qiu Hong said through gritted teeth, and then she raised the Zanpakutō in her hand high.

The Zanpakutō in her hand turned into a streamer at a speed visible to the naked eye and disappeared from Kirito's field of vision.

Just when Kirito hadn't figured out what was going on, one of his shadow clones turned into a puff of smoke with a groan.

It was due to Qiuhong's attack, but in Kirito's eyes, Qiuhong had clearly been standing there, without taking a step, and Kirito had no way of knowing how she attacked.

Nine hundred and twentieth eight chapters Qiuhong's swastika solution II

Just as Kirito was in a daze, four of his shadow clones had been shattered by Qiu Hong, and the fifth one had also turned into a cloud of smoke under Kirito's gaze.

It's not that Kirito doesn't want to defend, but Qiuhong's attack method is too strange, and Kirito never saw Qiuhong move even a single finger.

As the shadow clones shattered one by one, Kirito also became nervous, and he couldn't figure out where Qiuhong's attack came from.

He originally had the chance to win, but he felt that the outcome of the battle was now completely in Qiu Hong's hands.

Although he is armed with arrogance and the protection of iron blocks, it is not a long-term plan.

If you use the domineering armament and iron block's defensive state to consume Qiu Hong, maybe you can win.

Because the consumption of armed color domineering is definitely smaller than that of 卍jie, but if Qiuhong can keep insisting, it will not be worth the loss when the time comes.

And like a tortoise's style of play, Kirito is not willing at all, he would rather be defeated than consume with his opponent like that.

What's more, he was not sure whether Qiuhong could break through his defense. Judging from the shadow part that disappeared before, Qiuhong's attack was still very fierce.

"Is it possible, this is the ability of Qiu Hong Swastika?" Kirito thought to himself, this should be the ability of Qiu Hong Swastika, but this ability made Kirito confused.

With a sound of "咻", a hole was drawn in Kirito's left arm. Qiu Hong's attack was already aimed at him. Following this first blow, it was followed by the second and third blows.

Because Kirito's body wouldn't disappear because he was attacked, Qiuhong locked him, and no matter how Kirito moved, he couldn't escape Qiuhong's attack.

"No, if you drag on like this, you will lose." Kirito looked at Qiuhong, he wanted to give it a shot, rather than being defeated by Qiuhong like this, it is better to go up and fight, maybe there is still a chance to win.

After all, Qiuhong is standing there motionless now. Maybe Qiuhong couldn't move at all after using the swastika ability, which is why he created such a terrifying and bizarre attack.

Kirito was about to give it a try, he directly removed the three remaining shadow clones, and then wrapped his body with a domineering look and rushed up at the fastest speed.

He wanted to take advantage of Qiuhong standing there and directly defeat Qiuhong, the lotus stride moved rapidly, and Kirito was already close to Qiuhong in an instant.

But Kirito is indeed a little naive, because when he chopped at Qiuhong, although Qiuhong didn't move, Kirito's attack seemed to be blocked by something invisible.

Although Kirito has many abilities that others can't understand, Qiu Hong's current ability also makes Kirito incomprehensible.

Kirito's knife seemed to be slashing on a hard shield. There was nothing in front of him, but the knife just stopped in mid-air.

Because of Kirito's short stagnation, he was directly attacked by Qiuhong. Qiuhong seized this opportunity and attacked Kirito directly.

Kirito could feel that several invisible attacks were attacking him, and he had no choice but to prepare for defense as quickly as possible.

The armed color is domineering and hard as steel!

This is Kirito's skill after combining the two defense skills of Armor Color Domineering and Iron Block, which can completely protect himself.

However, his protection was limited to the opponent's attack, which was not that strong, but now, Qiu Hong's attack was obviously not weak.

After a few attacks, there was a clanging sound, which was the sound of the blade slashing on the metal.

After the sound, several scars were added to Kirito's body. Kirito was shocked. He didn't expect Qiu Hong's attack to be so powerful. Even though he was already in the strongest defensive form, he was still injured.

Although there was no major injury, there was a trace of blood on Kirito's throat and heart.

If it was to fight with life, Kirito would be a corpse now, Qiu Hong's strength surprised him, he had already lost, but he didn't know how he lost.

"Is this Qiuhong's ability?" Kirito opened his mouth. He wanted to know if this was Qiuhong's ability to decipher, because this ability was really too strong.

"That's right, that's my ability to understand, that's not what you can control now." Qiu Hong said to Kirito calmly, and then she lowered her head to organize her clothes.

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