Because of his current battle scene, that low-level move has no effect at all.

This shows the usefulness of this growth skill, not only will it not be wasted as your strength grows, but it will become stronger with you.

Originally, Kirito couldn't fall asleep, and now he couldn't fall asleep even more. He took the scroll carefully, and the content inside made him very interested.

Unknowingly, Kirito read it for a whole night, but he never fell asleep when he planned to sleep.

However, when the spirit was relaxed, a drowsy drowsiness surged up, Kirito simply cleaned up, and then fell directly on the bed.

Chapter [-]: The Changes of Seo Ling Ting

Kirito slept soundly, but was woken up by someone, and two people came out of the door, it was the sisters Hijin and Rukia.

"Brother Kirito, are you there?" Rukia shouted through the window, then looked in through the crack of the window.

"Come, come." Kirito stood up in a daze, then walked slowly to the door and opened the door.

"What's the matter, it's early in the morning." Kirito said lazily to the two little girls, then he rubbed his hair, turned around and climbed onto the bed again.

"It's early in the morning, it's already noon, you're sleepy." Rukia mocked, she pouted her lips and looked at Kirito, then sat directly on it.

"Oops." Kirito didn't expect Rukia to sit on his back. Although Rukia didn't sink, Kirito couldn't bear it when a big living person suddenly sat up.

"Come down, Rukia." Seeing her sister's behavior, Feizhen expressed a headache, and hurried over to pull Rukia down.

"Who told him not to get up." Rukia stuck out her tongue towards Kirito, and then expressed her posture of sitting on top of Kirito.

"Don't, don't. I can't get up, my little aunt." Kirito had no choice but to get up, although he hadn't woken up much, but Rukia's trouble made him feel a lot.

"What's the matter?" Kirito rubbed his sleepy eyes, then yawned and said to Feizhen.

"For the two of us today, there are mainly two things to tell you, brother Kirito." Feizhen said to Kirito very seriously.

"We heard from Captain Broken Bee that you have mastered the swastika? Is it true?" Feizhen smiled, Kirito mastered the swastika, and she was also very happy.

"Well, it was just yesterday." Kirito knew that these two younger sisters were still very concerned about him. They must have asked Captain Broken Bee, and Captain Broken Bee told them both. Otherwise, with Broken Bee's character, how could he Will take the initiative to speak.

"Brother Kirito is really amazing. He has only been in Seiringei for a few years, and he has already mastered the advanced liberation of 卍卍."

Rukia was also very happy that Kirito learned the swastika, as if she had learned the swastika herself.

"Yes, I heard that the second stage of Zanpakutō's liberation is not so easy, and some people can't even do it in their entire lives."

Feizhen also expressed her feelings about this. She also owns a Zanpakutō, but now it is only the beginning stage, and there is still a long way to go before reaching the swastika stage.

Rukia nodded as well. Like her elder sister Hijin, she also had a Zanpakutō in the state of beginning solution.

"It's not as difficult as I imagined, your brother Kirito took me a day and a half to learn." Kirito was very proud.

Indeed, this kind of speed is still almost non-existent. Mastering the swastika in a day and a half is enough to prove that Kirito's Heavenly Palace is high.

"Cut it, you know how to blow it." Although she knew that Kirito was telling the truth, Rukia couldn't help but want to complain.

"Hey, you little girl are still not convinced?" Kirito began to roll up his arms and sleeves, making a gesture to clean up Rukia.

Rukia hurriedly hid behind Feizhen, then stuck out her little head and kept sticking her tongue out at Kirito, "Come, come, come."

"I'm too lazy to care about you, let's be serious, didn't you say that you have two things to do with me?" Kirito said to Feizhen.

"Well, this matter is very important. Captain Yamamoto and other captains held a meeting this morning to make some changes."

"What's the change? Let's hear it." Kirito is still very interested in this. Since the captain's meeting was held, it means that this matter is very important.

"Captain Yamamoto asked other captains to select four new captains from among the outstanding players to replace the vacancies."

Feizhen's expression was very serious. In her heart, with Kirito's current strength, she might be able to become the new captain.

"Oh? This is really a big deal. Because of Zhibo's rebellion, there were four vacancies in the captain's position."

"Brother Kirito, do you have any ideas?" Feizhen asked tentatively, because he was not sure whether Kirito was interested in the position of captain.

"Oh, I'll forget it, I'll be my team member honestly, it's too troublesome to be the captain."

Indeed, as the captain, not only do you have to manage the affairs of the team, but also pay attention to everyone in the team, which is really troublesome.

Kirito didn't want to make himself so tired, so he didn't want to participate in the captain's job.

"What, that's the captain?" Rukia also wanted Kirito to give it a try, after all, that was the position everyone was looking forward to.

"What's wrong with the captain? I'm not interested." Kirito really didn't have much interest in this matter. If he was involved in that kind of thing, he might as well get some more sleep.

"Brother Kirito, you are so boring." Rukia pouted, then turned around and walked out, she wanted to go to see others.

After all, this kind of matter is of great importance, Seoringei must have been fried by now, and she doesn't want to stay here with Kirito.

Feizhen glanced at Rukia who was leaving, smiled shyly at Kirito, and then said to him: "Brother Kirito, the election will be held in a week, if you change your mind temporarily, you can also break up with him. Captain Bee said."

Feizhen reminded Kirito, and then said goodbye to Kirito, she was going to follow Rukia, lest this rash little girl get into trouble.

Kirito rubbed his face, looked at the ceiling, and said to himself: "This kind of thing, hey, I'm not interested no matter what, I'll just go to sleep."

Although Kirito was very quiet here, Seoringei at the moment was indeed as Rukia thought, and everyone became uneasy because of this news.

The captain-level election is not unattractive, but if you want to become a captain, you must have absolute strength, and how many such people are there.

Because of the relationship of strength, most people discuss the candidates in their eyes, and there are different opinions, and they are constantly discussing.

Seven days have passed, and everyone else is talking about it, but Kirito is concentrating on studying the tornado escape scroll.

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