After a long talk between the two, Ichimaru Gincai returned to the third division, which now belongs to him, with his numerous luggage.

After returning to the team building, the new captain of the seventh division, Bo Cun Zuozhen, followed the process and prepared to take over the big and small events in the team.

Fortunately, the ability of his deputy captain, Tezaemon, is very outstanding, which can help him gradually familiarize himself with the captain's job.

Otherwise, this new position, Po Village Left Front would still have some trouble accepting it.

Toxian of the ninth division was originally the vice-captain of the team, and he would usually handle the big and small matters in the division.

Now that he has become the captain of the ninth division, the things he needs to do are still those, but in general, he also needs to promote a vice-captain.

When he was the vice-captain, he already knew the members of his team very well, so he had already decided on the candidate of the vice-captain.

Hisagi Shubei is a good candidate. He has both strength and wisdom, and is a very good candidate.

So Dong Xian Yao directly submitted an invitation letter for the appointment of the deputy captain to Captain Yamamoto, and Captain Yamamoto approved it directly after reading it.

So Hisagi Shuhei took over as the vice-captain just a few days after Tōsen had just assumed office.

As for the tenth team of Hitsugaya Toshiro, it is very lively now, because Hitsugaya Toshiro was very popular in the team.

Now that he takes over as the captain of the tenth division, it is simply a better thing. He is the same. When he took the third seat before, he was very clear about the big and small matters in the division.

Because the previous captain, Zhibo Yixin, and the still-incumbent vice-captain, Matsumoto Ranku, both of them belong to the hands-off type.

All things in the squad are generally handled by Hitsugaya Toshiro, and now he just changed his title and then handled these things.

The four divisions have all entered a new track, and the days have been very peaceful, and no major incidents have occurred in the Seiringei.

It can be said that Kirito has gained a lot in this period of time, and his spiral pills have made a lot of progress.

After his research and improvement, the current Spiral Pill can already be turned into an off-hand skill, somewhat like a Dao-breaking skill.

But specifically, it is not the same as breaking the Dao, breaking the Dao needs to sing to release, although some low-level breaking the Dao can give up singing, but the spiral pill does not need to sing at all.

This is a move that gathers power in the palm of the hand. Now, with Kirito's power, he can not only throw the spiral pill out, but also continuously control it through the chain of spirits between him.

In this way, the attack range of the spiral pill has been greatly increased, and Kirito is very happy about this.

And he will communicate with Qiuhong from time to time during this period of time, not only that he wants to get along with Qiuhong more harmoniously.

The most important thing is that Kirito wants to learn from Qiuhong how to make his swastika grow, which is still very important.

The current Kirito can turn his Zanpakutō into a hundred streams of light after casting Swastika, scattered around him.

Compared to Kuchiki Byakuya's Qianben Sakura, this number seems a little insignificant. In order to improve his swastika understanding, Kirito began to seek Qiu Hong's help.

Chapter [-]: Go to the present world

Because of Kirito's constant harassment, Qiu Hong, who likes to be quiet, once again cut off contact with Kirito.

Kirito was very disappointed by this, even though he had shown such diligence, he still did not get Qiu Hong's favor.

However, he was only lost for a while. After all, Qiu Hong ignored him for a long time before, but now he just went back again.

But just as Kirito was pondering how to make the swastika more powerful, Seoringei, who had been calm for a long time, finally ushered in trouble.

According to reliable sources, the city closest to the Soul World has been attacked by the Void, and there are still Da Voids in it.

The Grim Reaper stationed in that city has now lost contact with him, and from the analysis of the current situation, he may have been out of luck.

Because ordinary players are absolutely invincible to Daxu, and Daxu can even kill those who are relatively weak in strength.

It is the responsibility of the god of death to protect the peace of this world, so Seoreitei immediately responded to the turmoil in this world.

The captains decided to send a captain-level person to lead the team, and then ten people with five seats or more would accompany them to the world.

To ensure that the team is strong enough to have the capital to deal with Daxu, Kirito immediately took the initiative to apply for exit after learning the news.

Coincidentally, Captain Broken Bee also applied for the position of team leader. Kirito didn't know what Broken Bee wanted to do. Anyway, he was going to meet those big mistakes.

The last time I met Daxu, I was still a very weak existence, but now it is different. The current Kirito is hundreds of times stronger than before.

Therefore, even in the face of Daxu, Kirito definitely has the strength to fight head-on, and this kind of actual combat can also improve his strength faster.

Naturally, Kirito would not miss this great opportunity for training, so he immediately volunteered and applied to play.

After the decision of the captains, Kirito successfully joined the team on this expedition. The leader of the team was Captain Broken Bee, and there were nine other teammates whose strength should not be underestimated.

Because Broken Bee is usually very stable, and she has the strength to not lose to any captain, so it is normal for her to lead the team.

A group of eleven people passed through the gate and directly arrived at the city that was being attacked in this world, which was called Kakuza Town.

"Huh, it's really not fair." As soon as their group walked out of the gate, Kirito sensed the existence of the virtual.

They were very close, but they only had average strength, so the person who liked fighting the most rushed forward.

That person is Madaragi. As the third seat of the eleventh team, he also participated in this mission.

And to say who among this group of people has the strongest desire to fight, of course, it must be the corner of the eye.

The [-]th Division is a battle team, and everyone is a fighting maniac. Once an enemy appears, they will be extremely enthusiastic.

Even people like Kirito who are eager to fight can't compare to them, because one is mentally belligerent, and the other is belligerent in the bones.

"You bastard, eat me with a knife." Madaramo screamed and rushed up, and the volley was slashed from top to bottom.

Because there is a big gap between him and the virtual, the virtual has been cut in half by the corner of the eye before he has time to react.

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